Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1272

"What\'s wrong?"

Shang Xia was a little surprised and asked the real people in the Lingtu Realm not far away.

While responding to Shang Xia\'s question, Qu Guan Daoist didn\'t forget to absorb the source of heaven and earth from the sea of ​​origin of the state that was directly broken, and said: "The sixth-rank Daoist of Xingyuan Daoist just didn\'t find anyone who intercepted the torrent of the source. "

Shang Xia let out a "huh", pretending to be surprised and said: "That\'s the power of the seventh level... But because of this, are everyone so unscrupulous?"

Although Shang Xia asked such a question, seeing that real people from all walks of life swarmed up to carve up the sea of ​​origin of the land of the six states, and everyone in Xingyuan Daoist were indifferent to this, the result was already obvious.

Qu Guanren seems to have discovered some rare treasures in the process of absorbing the origin of the world, and then had conflicts with other coveted people. Then he replied: "Of course it\'s more than that, and the more critical point is that just before you got out of the sky barrier, the fifth-rank real people in Lingjun and Lingyu seemed to have broken Zhuo Gudao\'s real person." The fact that the true body of this deity could not get out of the Xingyuan Dojo, and then all real people from all walks of life who became jealous came up, and even began to destroy the land of the six states to absorb the origin of heaven and earth."

"Isn\'t that killing the chicken to get the egg?"

Shang Xia answered subconsciously, and then remembered that the real people in the Lingtu world were also using this method, so he quickly changed the subject and said: "How did Lingjun and Lingyu determine that the other party\'s sixth-rank real person can\'t show up?" ? The Xingyuan Dojo didn’t take any measures after that, and let the situation develop like this?”

This time, Master Zuo Li responded: "The sixth-rank Daoist in Xingyuan Dojo cannot show up, perhaps because he is in the critical period of advancing to Dzogchen, but it is more likely because Zhuo Gudao entrusted the original true spirit in In the core of the origin of the dojo, it has become a situation similar to that of Dongtian Daoist."

Shang Xia was stunned when he heard the words, and said: "Aren\'t the original true spirits of the sixth-order Daoist in Xingyuan Daoist all entrusted in the origin of the Daoist?"

Zuo Lizhen said with a smile: "So it is the \'core of this hospital\'!"

Shang Xia said "oh", then his heart suddenly moved again, and said: "No, since Zhuo Gudao can entrust the original true spirit in the original core of the ashram, can\'t others?"

The real people Qu Guan and Zuo Li looked at each other with a smile, and it seemed that each could see the other\'s keen admiration for Shang Xia.

Only listening to Qu Guan\'s explanation: "This may be the real reason for Zhuge Xiang\'s death! And among the masters who participated in the siege of Zhuge Xiang at the beginning, except Tong Yutang, who secretly advanced to the fourth-grade Taoist realm and was unknown, In addition, the others are all from the three worlds of Lingyu, Linglang, and Lingjun. As for the masters of the Star Lord\'s Mansion, none of them have ever made a move, and the black hand behind Tong Yutang is obviously from the Star Lord\'s Mansion. Since there are at least three masters who are above the fifth-rank Guizhen Realm, it seems that it is not too difficult to besiege and kill Zhuge Xiang by surprise, why do you ask for it to be done by outsiders?"

Shang Xia pondered and said: "You mean that the masters in the Star Lord\'s Mansion may not be able to take action against Zhuge Xiang due to some kind of restraint, or maybe Xingyuan Weizhu, and this is why Tong Yutang, who is not bound by the Star Lord\'s Mansion, is pretended to be secretly

He contacted the masters of the Three Realms to besiege and kill Zhuge Xiang, and even revealed the secret of the Xingyuanwei\'s joint attack to the masters who participated in the siege? And the reason why the masters in the Star Lord\'s Mansion did this is that this sixth-rank real person wants to entrust the original true spirit in the original core? "

When Zhuge Xiang was besieged and killed that day, the origins of the participants and the joint attack formations used during the siege were obvious to all, and it was not a secret for experts of Shang Xia\'s level.

Real Zuo Li knew what Shang Xia wanted to ask, and he answered directly: "Put the original true spirit in the original core of the dojo, maybe it is the reason why this sixth-rank real person has improved his cultivation base! According to Lingjun, Lingyu The fifth-rank real people of the two realms estimated that Zhuo Gudao’s previous cultivation base should also be trapped in the fifth-rank return to the true realm, and based on the time he had served as Xingyuan’s guardian, his lifespan should have reached its limit, but Now he takes advantage of the opportunity of entrusting the brand of the original true spirit on the original core of the dojo to advance to the sixth rank, and even prolongs his lifespan a little. It\'s because he can no longer walk out of Xingyuan Dojo."

Everything is caused by fear of death!

The original doubts in Shang Xia\'s heart were answered after Gaopin Daoist of Lingyu and Lingjun deduced the state of the sixth-rank Daoist Zhuo Gudao.

At this time, Shang Xia, Kou Chongxue, and Yin Jingxu also began to imitate other real people and began to directly break through the core areas of the six states to absorb the origin of the world.

But at this time, Shang Xia seemed to have noticed something suddenly, and said puzzledly: "No, since the previous person or those who intercepted the source torrent of Xingyuan Daoist Field were not forced out, why don\'t we see them intercept the source torrent again now? "

Although Xingyuan Daoist Temple has been peeped through the reality, the sixth-order real people from all walks of life have poured into the land of the six states to absorb the origin of the heaven and the earth, making it impossible for the Xingyuan Daoist Temple to absorb the origin of the entire six states as before, and even dare not They directly turned against real people from all walks of life, but the deterrent power of the Xingyuan Dojo still exists. Even if the sixth-rank real person no longer makes a move, relying on the deterrence of the Seven Stars and Seven Tribulations combined attack formation, they are enough to make them become one of the leaders of all walks of life. The most powerful party.

Therefore, although the star curtain dropped by the Seven Stars and Seven Tribulations combined attack formation could no longer cover the entire six states, it firmly occupied the two states at the corners.

And what\'s different from before is that the star screens in these two states are firmly controlled by the Xingyuan Dojo, and no other parties from all walks of life dare to break the star screens to absorb the source of the state\'s Zhongyuanhai.

Therefore, although the original torrent absorbed by Xingyuan Dojo is not as good as before, it can still maintain nearly 50% of the previous level.

Daoist Qu Guan said casually at this time: "Perhaps that person or those people are also afraid of the Xingyuan Dojo, after all, the sixth-rank real person who stayed behind in the Star Lord\'s Mansion used the real power of the seventh rank, or because of that The source torrent intercepted by people or those people is enough, so we won’t be in trouble with Xingyuan Dojo anymore, right?”

Shang Xia thought for a while, nodded and agreed: "It makes sense!"

After all, Shang Xia seemed to let go of the scruples in his heart, and directly opened his own original domain, directly smashed down the void with a stone stick, and directly pierced through the void where the original sea of ​​a certain state was located. null

In the meantime, he began to directly absorb the source of the source sea like Qu Guan and Zuo Li did.

And maybe because Shang Xia was too excited, or because he was protecting the two low-grade real people in his own world, Shang Xia\'s original domain directly enveloped Kou Chongxue and Yin Jingxu after it opened.

On the surface, Shang Xia seemed to be concentrating on absorbing Yuan Hai directly, but in fact his attention was always on the direction of Xingyuan Dojo.

After a while, after realizing that the people in the Xingyuan Dojo didn\'t seem to have other ambush arrangements, Shang Xia drove the Sifangbei again without hesitation, and directly stole 60% of the original torrent induced by the Xingyuan Dojo out of thin air.

At this time, the amount of "60%" of the source torrent is only equivalent to 35% of the previous amount.

It wasn\'t that Shang Xia was lenient, or that he didn\'t want to completely fall out with Xingyuan Dojo, but that after the Seven Stars and Seven Tribulations combined attack formation narrowed the scope of the star curtain, he further strengthened his control over the original torrent, so that he used the help of the Quartet Monuments are not able to intercept more.

However, even so, the sudden disappearance of 60% of the source torrent is enough to make the seven real people on the Xingyuan Dojo side shocked and angry!

Originally, they thought that the mysterious person or force who secretly stole the original torrent had already been frightened away by the seventh-order power induced by the Taoist Zhuo Gudao before crossing the starry sky. They didn\'t expect the other party to be so bold that he came back again!

The turmoil of the seven real people in the Xingyuan Dojo quickly attracted the attention of experts from all walks of life again. The masters with keen senses soon realized that 60% of the original torrent absorbed by the Xingyuan Dojo had been intercepted out of thin air again, and they all secretly gloated. At the same time, I couldn\'t help but wonder in my heart what kind of existence method is so weird, and it is so hard to get through with Xingyuan Dojo?

But the strange thing is that after a period of chaos and turmoil, the seven real people in Xingyuan Dojo actually returned to a calm state again, but they began to continuously increase their control over the original torrent with the help of a joint attack.

Because at this time they have also discovered that they can actually wrestle with the power that secretly intercepts the original torrent, but the opponent\'s methods are indeed ingenious, they have no way of discovering the source of the power, let alone completely cut off the opponent\'s passage to intercept the original torrent .

After the unremitting efforts of the seven real people in the Xingyuan Dojo with the help of a joint attack, they finally suppressed the amount of the opponent\'s interception of the source torrent to 50%, but this is already their limit.

But Shang Xia was thinking about it at this time: what the Seven Stars and Seven Tribulations combined attack formation can rely on is the power of the pseudo-seventh rank, but in this situation, Shang Xia can use the Four Square Stele to wrestle with the opponent. Evenly divided among them, does this mean that the Sifangbei at this time is essentially equivalent to some kind of pseudo-seventh-order thing?

Of course, the main body of the Square Stele has not yet been repaired. Although the cracks on the surface have been healed, the internal cracks still exist. After the main body is completely repaired, its quality will inevitably be further sublimated.

Shang Xia has vaguely realized that perhaps after he advances to the seventh heaven in the future, more secrets about the Sifangbei will be revealed to him.

And at this time, after suppressing the stolen source torrent to 50%, the seven real people in Xingyuan Dojo chose to lie down completely!