Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1270

Just as the sixth-level masters in Xingyuan Dojo were suspicious, the sixth-level masters in Lingjun and Lingyu made other moves.

I saw that the auras of those sixth-order real people from the Cang-level world who were originally expelled appeared in the star screen again, and it was the masters of these two worlds who helped them.

As for the real people of Lingjun and Lingyu, the reason for doing this is very simple. Since the masters or forces hidden in the dark have been intercepting the original torrent of Xingyuan Dojo, then let the other party intercept it, and what they did It\'s just that real people from other walks of life are eligible to participate, not to mention taking the opportunity to win over a wave of people\'s hearts, why not do it?

And Shang Xia also saw the opportunity quickly. The first moment he noticed that there was a new sixth-level real person entering the arena, he began to increase the interception of the original torrent little by little.

However, he soon discovered that this act of bringing the sixth-order real people who had been excluded before back closer to the interior of the star screen was not only done by the Lingjun and Lingyu realms, but also by the Linglang realm and the Lingtu realm.

In less than half an hour, not only all the sixth-order real people who were excluded and removed had returned to the interior of the star screen, but also the auras of a few unfamiliar sixth-order real people, who seemed to have been far away before. Caught in the melee, this time is long overdue.

It\'s just that the three real people in the Lingfeng world feel a little embarrassed that none of the sixth-order real people from other worlds approached the three of them for help.

However, Shang Xia was also so happy. As for Kou Chongxue and Yin Jingxu, they could only continue to put all their energy on absorbing the sea of ​​origin.

At this time, Shang Xia\'s interception of the source torrent has not only recovered to half of the previous level, but even with the entry of more sixth-order real people, he simply drives the Sifangbei to increase the interception to the maximum, making Xingyuan Dojo absorb The original torrent quickly exceeded 60%, and even gradually approached 70%!

But at this time, the seven real people who have always maintained the Seven Stars and Seven Tribulations Formation in Xingyuan Dojo are almost going crazy, and a certain martial arts master hidden in the dark, or a certain force, is not only intensifying the plunder of their original torrent , It\'s even insane at all!

However, due to the participation of more and more sixth-order real people in the sky over the six states, the disturbance of divine sense perception has become stronger than before.

There was still chaos before, making them even more helpless against the murderers who plundered the original torrent.

However, what makes them feel even more anxious is the possible consequences of this...

A deep and far-reaching air mechanism with some ancient aura suddenly traveled from the depths of the starry sky, and in an instant, almost all the sixth-level real people in the void felt a shady force originating from the will of the soul. meaning.

"Which fellow made such a joke with this old man?"

There is clearly no sound wave fluctuation in the void, but every sixth-level real person can clearly hear the words spoken by that air machine.

For a moment, Shang Xia even had the urge to expose himself, but as soon as this idea came to his mind, he was immediately suppressed by his own divine will.

That voice just now had a sense of bewitching the will of the warrior\'s soul.

While Shang Xia was secretly startled, he couldn\'t help guessing that the speaker might be the sixth-rank real person Zhuo Gudao who was hiding in the Xingyuan Dojo\'s Star Lord\'s Mansion.

If this is the case, then wouldn\'t it mean that the person spoke in the Star Lord\'s Mansion of Xingyuan Dojo just now, and the voice not only came across the starry sky, but at the same time, it can still retain such a powerful bewitching meaning?

Is this the powerful method of the sixth-rank Daoist?

In fact, it wasn\'t just Shang Xia himself at this time, except for the seven real people in Xingyuan Dojo, almost all the sixth-level warriors in the void were already in shock at this time.

And it wasn\'t until this time that Shang Xia suddenly realized that the strength he had driven the Sifangbei to intercept the original torrent had unknowingly dropped from nearly 70% to nearly 40%.

On the surface, Shang Xia still had the same horrified expression as the others, but inside, he had activated the power of the Sifangbei once again, so that its interception of the original torrent had returned to 70%!


The voice that seemed to be the sixth-rank real person Zhuo Gudao came again, and seemed to have been completely irritated by Shang Xia\'s almost provocative behavior.

In the original void, a strange void wave suddenly came from the direction where the original torrents converged. Along the opposite direction of the original torrents, it swept towards the sky above the six states, and its target seemed to be heading towards Everyone outside Xingyuan Dojo!

and almost at

The moment that strange void wave descended, the Seven Stars and Seven Tribulations Formation removed the star curtain that originally covered the entire six states at the same time, exposing everyone to the sweeping of that strange void wave.

All the sixth-level fighters in Lingjun and Lingyu made the same response at almost the same time. They gave up the intake of the original sea of ​​the six states, and retreated neatly in the void, trying to escape as much as possible. The scope affected by that weird void fluctuation.

The two fourth-rank real people in the Lingtu Realm greeted Shang Xia\'s direction, and then several sixth-rank real people fell under the sky barrier of the Linglang Realm at the same time.

In fact, there is no need for real people from the Lingtu Realm to remind us. As early as when the masters of Lingjun and Lingyu retreated, Shang Xia immediately removed the interception of the source torrent by the Sifangbei, but he did not pull Kou Chongxue. , Yin Jingxu retreated under the sky barrier, but made a greedy gesture, and continued to absorb as much as possible the origin of the world from the sea of ​​origin, until that weird void wave was about to come, Then in a panic, Kou and Yin were pulled into the sky barrier in a panic!

And the moment the three of them appeared in the high sky of the Linglang Realm, the sky barrier above their heads was like a window paper being beaten by a strong wind, as if it might be torn and shattered at any time.

What\'s even more weird is that the weird void fluctuation obviously didn\'t destroy the sky barrier, but it was able to pass through the sky barrier and continue to pass towards the interior of the Linglang Realm, although it has been weakened by the sky barrier in the process .

Kou Chongxue made the quickest move, and the Youxue sword slashed directly behind him, tearing the space easily, but the weird void fluctuations continued to spread in the predetermined direction as if they were not affected by anything.

Yin Jingxu originally wanted to make a move to try to eliminate the void fluctuations chasing after him, but Kou Chongxue resolutely gave up after his attack was fruitless.

But at this moment, Shang Xia volleyed down the sacred stone stick directly. The stone stick obviously only hit the void, but it made a deep and distant roaring sound.

Everything within the scope of Shang Xia\'s original domain, including the void, was frozen and imprisoned, except for the weird void fluctuations that were still spreading, but the speed seemed to slow down ten times!

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