Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1266

Two of the three fourth-rank real people from the Lingcha world came here in one breath, and the remaining one, like the Chongguan real person from the Linglang world, is a fourth-rank real person of Dongtian, who can only stay in the world of his own plane and sit in charge of the spirit. Tea world.

Under the leadership of real person Huayu, Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue soon joined the real people in the spiritual tea world.

Even though there is a sky barrier in the Linglang Realm as a barrier, the sixth-level masters in the Lingtu Realm still go out to fight their opponents in turn. Even Kou Chongxue and Yin Jingxu have gone out to resist Lingyu, Lingjun and their alliance more than once The master\'s attack was not just about going out to meet Shang Xia and Hua Yu.

Because of the urgency of the matter, the two sides did not exchange too many pleasantries after the meeting, and Qu Guanren directly proposed his plan.

Under the current situation, it is impossible to make a too elaborate plan. Generally, the two fourth-rank real people in the spirit tea world are the guides to attract most of the vitality, and Shang Xia is his own trump card, opening the channel unexpectedly. After assisting the two sixth-order real people from the Linglang Realm to break through, they quickly returned to the Linglang Realm\'s sky barrier to meet up.

After a little discussion between the two sides, the two fourth-rank real people from the Lingtu Realm bowed their hands towards Shang Xia, and rushed out of the sky barrier first.

Immediately after, the Lingtu Realm, Linglang Realm, and Kou Chongxue and other second-rank and third-rank real people also rushed out to create chaos.

And Shang Xia took the opportunity to give Kou Chongxue a piece of "Abyssal Prison Tracing Talisman" and a piece of "Ice Ruin Talisman". These two sixth-order martial talismans, one has the ability of defense, and the other has the ability of powerful control. Yes, it has a pretty good effect on the sixth-order real people whose cultivation base is below high-grade.

And after Kou Chongxue and others left, Shang Xia restrained his aura, and used the fifth-order concealment talisman to cover up his figure as much as possible, and even used an illusion talisman to suppress his already restrained aura. The cultivation base was once again suppressed in the second rank, and then he left the sky barrier again.

The moment Shang Xia stepped out of the sky barrier of Linglang Realm, the turbulent spatial turbulence rushed towards him like a tsunami.

Shang Xia pretended to be panic-stricken, driving the staggering Escape Light to force his way through the gaps in the turbulent flow of space, followed behind several other real people from the Lingtu Realm, and approached the center of the melee .

It was at this time that the sky was filled with starlight suddenly, and when one looked up, one could see brilliant stars dotted in the depths of the dark void, as if they were about to fall from the void.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the vast stars surged from the depths of the void. That kind of situation was no stranger to Shang Xia, who had experienced the dungeon of the Star Observation Platform in the Xingyuan Dojo. It was the kind of power that was close to the seventh level, and This kind of power is more vast and more cohesive.

"Someone used the power of the seventh level!"

Shang Xia\'s heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained calm for a while.

He knew very well that this kind of pseudo-seventh-level power could not be done by a real seventh-level master, but should be achieved through external force or formation.

And the first thing Shang Xia thought of was Xingyuanwei!

Judging from Shang Xia\'s personal experience before and the news from other people, the complete Xingyuanwei has obviously suffered heavy losses. Even Tian Moran, one of the sixth-level masters, died in Shang Xia\'s hands before.

But this does not mean that Hoshihara Mamoru

The man in the robe is already dead, and judging from the power of the starlight falling in front of him, Xingyuanwei obviously still has some elite fighters left, and judging from the fake seventh-order star power that the opponent can use, these remaining The Xingyuan guards in robes had obviously gathered together and reorganized a joint attack formation.

"Seven Stars and Seven Tribulations Formation, Tong Yutang, I never expected you to form this formation after all!"

The raging void turbulence could not distort the tone of the speaker, and Shang Xia and other sixth-level real people who were following others towards the center of the melee could hear it very clearly.

"Seven Stars and Seven Tribulations Formation, what is the Seven Stars and Seven Tribulations Formation?"

Shang Xia was somewhat puzzled, but apparently no one would explain it to him now.

At this moment, immeasurable starlight suddenly bloomed in the void outside the sky of Linglang Realm. The turbulent void and turbulent currents could not stop the penetration of the starlight. The chaotic battlefield was silent, and then the originally chaotic void It also became clear in an instant.

Shang Xia took the opportunity to look around, and soon found that in the void about ten thousand miles away from here, seven sixth-order real people headed by Tong Yutang gathered together and occupied their respective positions. Faintly formed a complete joint attack formation, and at the same time inherited the immeasurable starlight falling from the sky.

Among the seven sixth-level real people, only Shang Xia himself recognized most of them, except for Tong Yutang, the guardian of Xingyuan who occupied the main position at a glance, and Shang Xia who came to Linglang Realm with Shang Xia before. He Yingrui, Liu Jiuzhen, and Xing Xingtian who served as camp owners.

In addition to these five familiar real people, there are two other real people who look unfamiliar, but Shang Xia can roughly guess that the identities of the two should be the ones who once prevented the sailing fleet of the Lingtu Realm from converging with the Lingfeng Realm The other two high-grade real people from the Star Lord\'s Mansion, and one of them was the fourth guard master of Xingyuanwei, the veteran guard master of the fifth rank returning to the true realm.

As for the other Shang Xia, although he didn\'t know him, at least his cultivation level should not be lower than that of the elder Weizhu, which means that this person should also be a master of the fifth-rank Guizhen Realm.

At this time, these seven sixth-rank real people are self-contained, two fifth-rank, two fourth-rank, one third-rank, one second-rank, and one first-rank. Surprisingly, there is no ordinary Xingyuanwei around, and they are in the middle of the melee. The most central part of the resulting chaotic void.

And around the seven sixth-order real people in Xingyuan Dojo, Shang Xia found at least twelve sixth-level weather machines, and the cultivation base of each of them may not be below the sixth-level second-rank, and although they are located in different directions, However, they are vaguely located in the three figures closest to the seven real people in Xingyuan Dojo, and their majestic and incomparable aura all show that these are also three masters of the fifth-rank returning to the true realm!

In addition to these three fifth-rank real people, there are at least three slightly weaker auras. I am afraid that each of them has a cultivation base of fourth-rank Taoism. Mostly in the second and third grades.

There are obviously more than this level of real people of the sixth rank under the high rank of the two worlds, and I am afraid that some of them have been damaged in the previous big melee.

Moreover, these sixth-level real people are probably the sixth-level real people from the Lingyu and Lingjun realms, as well as the Cang Realm subordinate to these two realms, but these people may not be all.

At this brief moment of confrontation, let Shang Xia and the others observe

In addition to the main battlefield of the seven real people in Xingyuan Dojo and the real people of Lingjun and Lingyu, there is still a battle group, and the people who want to join the Lingtu world seem to be struggling in the battle group at this time. The situation is obviously quite bad.

This is probably the background that Lingjun and Lingyu, as the two top spiritual worlds, can really possess.

The Lingyu Realm launched two attacks on the Lingfeng Realm before but was repelled twice. Now it seems that the force they used at the time was probably less than eleven.

However, when Shang Xia and others took the opportunity to have a clear view of the situation in the outer space, the sixth-level masters of Xingyuan Dojo and Lingjun and Lingyu, who were confronting each other in the main battlefield, also saw that they were marching towards the main battlefield. The sixth-order real person of Lingtu and Lingfeng.

At this time, it is no longer realistic for Lingtu and Lingfeng real people to use the turbulent flow of the void to quietly approach the battlefield for rescue. As the leader, Zuo Li, the fourth-rank real person of Lingtu world, has already entered another battle group , and Qu Guanren no longer concealed his figure when he saw this, he let go of the restraint on his aura, and crashed into another battlefield first.

Several other second-rank and third-rank real people, including Kou Chongxue, also successively searched for their opponents to fight, further tearing apart the encirclement that had gradually formed.

Shang Xia also followed suit at this time, but the strength of his shots was always suppressed to the level of ordinary second-rank real people. At the same time, he did not forget to observe the situation of the surrounding battle, looking for the best time to break the situation.

In this battle group second only to the main battlefield, the most eye-catching battle was undoubtedly the only fourth-grade Dong Tianzheng in the Linglang Realm.

Under the blessing of the original will of the heaven and earth in the Linglang Realm, this person almost carried a fifth-rank Daoist with his own strength.

Apart from the battle between the two, there were still several battle groups between fourth-rank real people. Among them, Shang Xia discovered Yu Liantai and Hua Jianlou who had previously blocked and even tried to attack him.

As for the two sixth-level real people who were trying to meet the real people in the spiritual tea world, Shang Xia only found one of them, and the other had disappeared at all, and it was very likely that he had already died.

However, among the sixth-level masters who were fighting, there were still a few sixth-level real people from the Linglang Realm, including a few Dongtian real people. After joining, the situation improved quickly.

At this time, Shang Xia suddenly made a move.

With the sacred stone stick transformed from the jade pillar supporting the sky in hand, as soon as Shang Xia came up, he used the most powerful fourth style in the Liuhe stick method: "Fixing the sky"!

The origin of Liuhe Yuanqi cooperates with Shang Xia\'s origin domain, and expands outwards with the force of the stick, and the void that is affected along the way is completely imprisoned. For a sixth-level real person whose cultivation base is below the fourth rank, at this moment, no matter whether it is body shape or behavior, It was still thinking and emotion, as if there was a short pause.

Although this kind of pause is only a blink of an eye, for a high-quality real person, what Shang Xia can do is enough!

The sixth-order Daoist who was trying to meet in the Lingtu Realm was taken out of the battle group first by him, and Shang Xia didn\'t even forget to repel several foreign warriors who besieged the Daoist Dongtian in the Lingtu Realm.

Immediately afterwards, the void that was originally imprisoned was easily broken under the intervention of several high-grade real people, but at this time the situation on the field had already changed drastically.