Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1264

With the only magic weapon in his hand damaged, Hua Yu finally blocked a secret attack on Shang Xia in mid-air.

But the method of the sneak attacker was obviously very extraordinary. Although his attack was blocked, his figure was still hidden in the void and not exposed.

But at this moment, a soft drink came from the void, and a beam of starlight suddenly illuminated the originally dark void, and also revealed the figure of a sixth-level real person hidden in the void.

But the sixth-level real person immediately struck back when he realized that his figure was exposed. I saw that this person waved a fan-like weapon in his hand, and the falling star beams were fanned away like dust. .

At the same time, Yin Jingxu, the master of the Tianxing Pavilion, was also blown away!

However, Immortal Huayu, who was on the other side of the void, felt that this was an opportunity, and even ignored the fact that the silver bowl in his hand had just been injured, and threw it directly at the sixth-order real man whose figure was exposed.

Woo - hum -

The silver bowl smashed through the void at an extremely fast speed, and the sound wave from the mouth of the silver bowl could directly impact the warrior\'s spiritual perception.

The sixth-level real person who was forced to reveal his figure was a little surprised by Yin Jingxu\'s starlight, but at this time he was a little flustered when facing the offensive of real Huayu.

In addition, the strange howl made by the silver bowl directly disturbed the spirit and will of the opponent, making it impossible for him to counterattack in time with the magic fan in his hand.

In desperation, this person could only wave the cattail leaf fan in his hand and slap the silver bowl thrown in front of him.

The cattail leaf fan can emit strange black lines that split the void when it is fanned, but its body is not necessarily stronger than other magic weapons, and its body is actually very fragile.

The main function of Huayu\'s silver bowl is obviously not just for throwing, but at least the body is much stronger than the cattail fan, and it is also suitable for directly smashing it down in the current situation.


Huayu\'s silver bowl didn\'t really hit the opponent, but fell through after being shifted, and the opponent\'s cattail leaf fan was not broken, but at the moment when the two magic weapons hit each other, The opponent\'s figure was inevitably repelled by the huge force thrown by real Huayu.

And this just gave Shang Xia, who had been waiting for an opportunity, a chance to take advantage of it!

Although Shang Xia\'s opponent is Yu Liantai, a top fourth-rank real person who has been famous for hundreds of years in the Lingyu world, the situation shown by the two during the confrontation turned out to be in a one-sided state. Yu Liantai.

It\'s just that Yu Liantai is worthy of being an old and strong top-ranked real person of the fourth rank. Although he was completely at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Shang Xia, he was able to rely on his tenacious defense to keep him hidden in a short period of time. Lost.

Under such circumstances, if Shang Xia wanted to reverse the situation, he could only find another way.

Because Shang Xia knew very well that the sixth-level real people on his side might have certain advantages in personal combat power, but the number of sixth-level real people in the Lingyu world was far above them after all.

If you can\'t gain a decisive advantage in a short period of time, then the longer the time, the more and more sixth-order real people in Lingyu Realm will fight!

Originally, after Yu Liantai was completely suppressed, he prepared to use the rest of his energy to deal with the Foil Tower who jumped out first.

However, whether it is Huajianlou or Kou Chongxue, the sword power of the two has reached a height that is difficult for ordinary people to reach. During the process of the two of them fighting, traces appeared everywhere in the void, and it was impossible to accurately capture the whereabouts of the two of them. .

What\'s more, with the cunning and personal strength of Huajianlou, most of Shang Xia\'s energy was dragged by Yu Liantai, and even if he still had spare energy, he was not very sure that he could hurt this person.

Fortunately, there are enough sixth-rank real people in Lingyu Realm. Even after Hua Jianlou was intercepted by Kou Chongxue, the other party quickly sent a third-rank real person again, and a third-rank real person with special concealment methods to carry out a sneak attack.

At this time, besides the real person Huayu, Yin Jingxu also showed that the real person in the Lingfeng world shared the same hatred and the same external spirit, even if he knew that he was invincible, even if he didn\'t know that there was still a real person Huayu as a helper , but at the critical moment, he shot without hesitation.

And the tacit understanding between Yin Jingxu and Hua Yu\'s real person unconsciously made a third-rank real person whose cultivation base was originally higher than theirs flustered, and at the same time, it also made Shang Xia find the right opportunity at once.

Shang Xia, who had been preparing for a long time, directly freed up a hand, and pinched out a complicated seal formula under the extreme situation, and what he used was one of the two sixth-order martial arts he had mastered in Liuhejing: " Double seal"!

Although the upper limit of this seal formula is only up to the sixth rank and third rank, once this seal is used, it will obviously weaken the opponent\'s personal combat power, and when this seal is used, it is extremely secretive, and it is difficult for people to detect it in advance.

The third-rank real person suddenly felt a emptiness in his body when Shang Xia typed out the Yin Jue. The source of his dantian seemed to have shrunk by 30 to 40 percent in an instant, and he was resisting Yin Jingxu and Hua Yu. The means of the real people\'s joint siege were all exhausted.

Yin Jingxu and Master Huayu are not newbies either. Although they don\'t know why the third-rank real person in front of them suddenly became weak, it doesn\'t prevent them from taking the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Yin Jingxu used her own source of energy as a medium to attract the starlight from the void, and fixed the magical cattail leaf fan in the hands of this third-rank real person in mid-air for a moment, while the real person Hua Yu threw the silver bowl again, and directly smashed through it. After entering the original domain of the third-rank real person, he slammed into this person\'s body.


The third-rank real person immediately sprinkled blood in the sky, and was directly injured and almost lost his combat power under the shock of his internal organs.

But this person is also vigilant, and at a critical moment, he directly uses the force of the collision to fly back into the depths of the void.

Yin Jingxu and Master Hua Yu wanted to chase and kill them, but they were suddenly blocked by the blossoming sword energy blooming in the void in front of them.

"Hmph, your opponent is me!"

A seemingly extremely simple and ancient sword aura flew across the sky, directly cutting down the clumps of flowering sword aura like weeds.

"Fighting against Kou, Hua Zhenren dared to be distracted?"

In order to cover the escape of the third-rank real person who was hit hard in the same world, Huajianlou had to give up the initiative that Fanhuajianshi had gained by suppressing Kou Chongxue\'s swordshi.

Kou Chongxue\'s sword aura doesn\'t look as dazzling as Huajianlou, and even looks a little clumsy, but in fact, his sword posture is not only "great skill but not handy", but also has the charm of "great wisdom and foolishness".

Those seemingly ordinary sword moves, like those of beginners in swordsmanship, often show the kendo attainments behind them in a very simple and easy way. A look of amazement all over his face.

Therefore, when Kou Chongxue suddenly launched a counterattack, the seemingly slow and clumsy sword force often made it impossible for the opponent to find any flaws in the void, like thick and towering mountains, gradually forming a series of majestic lines. The mountains are so overwhelming that you can\'t even breathe.

Even so, Immortal Huayu and Yin Jingxu still lost the chance to hunt down the third-rank immortal in Lingyu Realm.

But without waiting for the two to join forces again to take another chance, although Kou Chongxue temporarily took the opportunity to Hua Jianlou, he still tried his best to divert the battlefield in the first place to avoid being the target of siege.

However, Hua Yu and Yin Jingxu didn\'t know what to do next.

At this time, Kou Chongxue\'s voice rang in Yin Jingxu\'s ear: "Take Hua Yu to meet up with your colleagues in the Lingtu Realm!"

Yin Jingxu was startled when she heard the words, and then nodded to the real person Hua Yu who was not far away. The two directly passed through the void in the center of the battle group where the two pairs were catching each other. It disappeared all of a sudden, as if crashing into a hidden void.

At the same time, Shang Xia, who had firmly gained the upper hand in the confrontation with Yu Liantai, suddenly increased his suppression of Liantai, causing him to lose sight of the other for a while.

And Shang Xia, who completely let go of his hands and feet, directly threw out a "Bingxu Talisman" while repeatedly suppressing his opponent with the Liuhe stick method.

A land of ice and ice descended in an instant, and Yu Liantai, who had been suppressed by Shang Xia\'s original domain, could no longer resist the opponent\'s all-round suppression. Seeing that his own original domain could no longer be maintained, he was about to collapse.

At a critical moment, Julien Tai smashed the nearly solidified void in front of him with a fist, then directly gathered the cloak behind him, and shrank his head into the cloak. When this person reappeared, he had already appeared in the void thousands of miles away In addition, a cloak that was gradually eroded and annihilated in the original field of Shangxia was left in place.

Yu Liantai, who was thousands of miles away, looked pale. Obviously, even if he escaped with the help of the screen, he himself had paid a high price, and the look of headache on his face showed that the cloak might also be of great value.

However, Shang Xia missed the shot and was escaped by his opponent. Although he was slightly disappointed, he was not surprised. is truly surprising.

When Yu Liantai escaped, Huajianlou, who was still fighting swords with Kou Chongxue, trying to snatch back the lost opportunity, turned around and left without saying a word.

Kou Chongxue originally tried to entangle the other party so that Shang Xia, who had freed up his hand, would have time to intervene in the battle, thus further damaging the overall strength of Lingyujie.

But it is obvious that the real strength of the two is actually between brothers, even if there is a slight difference, the difference is not too far, at least if any one of the two sides wants to leave during the confrontation, they can easily do it. retreat.

And Kou Chongxue saw that he couldn\'t stop the other party from leaving, so he didn\'t worry anymore, but immediately turned around to meet Shang Xia, and then said in a deep voice: "Let\'s go, the other party has a fifth-rank real person present, and there are more than one!"

Although Shang Xia was calm on the surface, he was startled in his heart, and immediately threw himself and Kou Chongxue into the void that Yin Jingxu had entered before.

But right behind the two, the fragmented void that had been torn apart by the war seemed to have fallen into a stillness at this moment, as if this piece of heaven, earth, and void suddenly had a master at this moment.

Kou Chongxue\'s hair stood on end in an instant: "It\'s a fifth-rank real person!"