Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1259

The Starship Fleet that went to the Cangyuan Realm from the Linglang Realm was destroyed by the joint efforts of the Lingjun Realm and the Lingyu Realm on the way back!

When Shang Xia first heard the news, he thought it was just a joke.

However, following the messages from other sixth-order sects in Lingfeng Realm, they flew to several deputy mountain chiefs of Tongyou College one after another, and then gathered in his hands.

It didn\'t take long for all the forces in Lingfeng Realm who had contacts with Xingyuan Dojo to know the news, and the whole Lingfeng Realm became lively.

It wasn\'t until this time that Shang Xia finally realized that the matter might be true.

But if this is the case, then the situation that was thought to be under the control of Xingyuan Dojo just now may soon usher in chaos!

Even if Shang Xia didn\'t need to think about it at this time, he knew that several real people from the Lingfeng world had gathered in the sky above Jiaozhou\'s sky again.

Sure enough, a few moments later, news came from several deputy mountain chiefs that several real people from the Lingfeng world were inviting Shang Xia to Jiaozhou for a meeting.

In the sky above Jiaozhou\'s sky, except Kou Chongxue and Yin Jingxu who have not yet returned from the Lingtu Realm, even Lu Wuzi has returned from the secret realm of Lair No. 1, and the remaining eight real people from the Lingfeng Realm have all gathered here.

"Has it been confirmed?"

After seeing all the real people present, Li Jidao couldn\'t wait to ask.

Liu Jingsheng smiled wryly, "Anyway, the news has gone crazy in the Xingyuan Dojo."

Yang Taihe said: "Do you have any news from other worlds?"

Zhang Xuansheng said in a deep voice: "Even if there is, it is impossible to send the news back in a short time. Instead of waiting for news from other worlds, it is better to wait for Kou and Yin to return from the Lingtu Realm."

Yang Taihe groaned for a while, looked at Shang Xia and said, "Can I invite Xiao Shang to go to the Xingyuan Dojo and find out why the Lingjun Realm and the Lingyu Realm jointly destroyed the Linglang Realm?"

Shang Xia frowned slightly, but did not directly refuse, but turned to look at Huang Jinghan and said, "Can senior Huang go to the secret realm of the No. 2 lair to take care of Gu Yi Er?"

Without waiting for Huang Jinghan to agree, Liu Jingsheng spoke first, "How is the situation in the secret realm of the No. 2 lair?"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "The five-element void teleportation formation has been properly arranged, and now the defensive formation around the lair has been formed, and there is still a second-rank original avatar left there, which is enough for a fox to pretend to be a tiger."

Liu Jingsheng was about to say something, but Huang Jinghan had already said, "Okay, I\'ll go!"

Liu Jingsheng opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Shang Xia smiled when he saw this, glanced at the real people present, and said: "In this case, the Lingfeng world will be handed over to you!"

After all, Shang Xia had already left first.

The matter of Lingjun and Lingyu teaming up to destroy the Linglang world is of great importance, and Shang Xia himself understands that such a thing cannot be shirked.

If Lingjun and Lingyu could join forces to destroy the Linglang Realm, then it would be easy for them to join forces to destroy the various plane worlds under the jurisdiction of the Xingyuan Dojo.

Shang Xia had to figure out what happened, but he wanted to figure out more, what was the reason for Lingjun and Lingyu to join forces to destroy the Linglang Realm?

You know, according to his previous communication with Gaopin Daoist of Xingyuan Daoist, Xingyuan Taoist Temple has absolute confidence that it can suppress the turmoil caused by the five great spirit worlds in all circles under the jurisdiction of Xingyuan Daoist Temple.

In fact, Tong Yutang led the Xingyuan Guard to prevent the joint invasion of Lingjun, Lingyu, and Linglang outside the Cangyuan Realm.

The power of the three worlds will be defeated by Xingyuanwei\'s combined attack, not to mention that now there are only two worlds left, Lingjun and Lingyu?

One must know that once Xingyuanwei\'s large-scale combined attack formation under the auspices of Lord Wei takes shape, it will have a combat power comparable to that of a seventh-level heavenly warrior.

How can Lingjun and the domain resist?

When Shang Xia came to Xingyuan Dojo through the void transmission channel, he found that the entire Xingyuan City was also in a state of panic.

Shang Xia soon discovered that there was no Xingyuan Guard in Xingyuan City, and the teleportation hall above Xingyi Square was also frequently releasing void fluctuations from the opening of the teleportation channel. In the Xingyuan Dojo and the worlds of various planes, there are occasional manifestations of the aura of the sixth heaven when the void passage is opened.

Apparently, being alarmed

The sixth-order real person is not just Shang Xia alone.

At this time, although Xingyuan City did not have Xingyuanwei as the seat of command, the undisguised and powerful energy fluctuations coming from the city kept the restless emotions in the whole city from going over the top.

Shang Xia once personally experienced the battle where Zhuge Xiang was besieged and killed in the void, and he had truly felt the power of a real person in the fifth-rank return to the true realm. He even put on the guardian star robe himself, and felt that his combat power reached the fifth-rank Degree.

However, at this moment, the oppressive aura coming from the Star Lord\'s Mansion in the city clearly perceives Shang Xia, who is an existence far above the five-rank Guizhen Realm!

Could it be that there are really sixth-rank real people sitting in the Star Lord\'s Mansion?

The moment Shang Xia stepped into the Xingyuan Dojo from the void passage, he was already locked by the Qi machine that came from the direction of the Star Lord\'s Mansion in the city. He could clearly perceive that if he did anything wrong at this time, I am afraid that he will be hit mercilessly by the other party immediately.

There is no doubt that the other party is deterring all parties from entering the sixth heavenly existence of Xingyuan Dojo at this time!

"At least if Lingjun and Lingyu hadn\'t suddenly turned against Linglang Realm, then the existence of this suspected sixth-rank real person in the Star Lord\'s Mansion might not have been known!"

Shang Xia stayed around Xingyi Square and thought secretly: "Could it be that the sudden attack on Linglang Realm by Lingjun and Lingyu Realms is also a kind of temptation to Xingyuan Dojo? It\'s just that this kind of temptation is too much, right?"

At this time, Shang Xia noticed that warriors from all walks of life in Xingyi Square were gradually gathering towards one of the teleportation stone halls.

Not only that, but with Shang Xia\'s spiritual perception, he could easily perceive many sixth-order real people from all walks of life who had restrained their aura, and they were also heading towards that stone palace at this time.

That stone palace has a void passage leading to the Linglang Realm!

Shang Xia soon realized what had happened.

Of course, it is impossible for so many people to go to the Linglang Realm to watch the battle, especially so many middle and high-level warriors are also rushing towards the Linglang Realm, then there is only one possibility, all walks of life are going to the Linglang Realm spontaneously rescue!

It is impossible for the Lingjun and Lingyu realms to destroy the Starship Fleet of the Linglang Realm for no reason. They will definitely take advantage of the most elite fighters in the Linglang Realm accompanying the destruction of the Starship Fleet to destroy the Starship Fleet of the Linglang Realm. Launch a conquest war on the mainland!

At this time, Tongyou Academy\'s contact point in Xingyuan Dojo finally sent Shang Xia the latest news that Kou Chongxue and Yin Jingxu had gone to Linglang Realm with the sixth-level masters of Lingtu Realm!

As for the news of the update, there is no longer any news. Kou Chongxue and Yin Jingxu, together with the digital sixth-order real people in the spiritual tea world, jointly opened up a void channel to travel. They did not transit through the void channel of the Xingyuan Dojo.

The void passage connecting all walks of life to the Xingyuan Dojo is very difficult for sixth-order real people, and the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is for the sixth-order real person to pass through the void passage.

Just like when Shang Xia went from the void passage of Sanhe Island to Xingyuan Dojo, he had to interrupt everyone\'s communication in advance. Only after he passed through the void passage alone, others could continue to use it, otherwise the void passage would be destroyed. There is always the danger of collapse.

At this time, Shang Xia couldn\'t help but frowned as he looked at the crowds flocking to the void passage in the Linglang Realm in Xingyi Square. There was only one void passage to the Linglang Realm, unless he exposed his aura and forcibly jumped in line at this time, Otherwise, I\'m afraid it won\'t be a long wait for his turn to use it, not to mention that some of these people still have the existence of the sixth heaven who deliberately hides their aura.

Just when Shang Xia was thinking about what he should do next, a familiar air mechanism suddenly appeared from the direction of the Star Lord\'s Mansion, and came straight to where Shang Xia was.

Shang Xia couldn\'t help but stop outside the Xingyi Square, and after a little thought, he was able to wait for the other party to come.

"Really Shang, we meet again!"

The figure of Daoist Dou Jie crossed the city without attracting anyone\'s attention along the way.

Shang Xia laughed and said, "So it\'s Dou Zhenren. I don\'t know what advice does Dou Zhenren have?"

Daoist Doujie first smiled, then turned his face straight, and asked, "Is Shangrenren planning to go to Linglang Realm?"

Shang Xia did not deny it, and said bluntly: "How can Shang not be curious about such a big event?"

Daoist Doujie glanced at the crowded appearance outside the stone hall where the void passage to Linglang Realm is located, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that Dou is also planning to go there.

Wouldn\'t it be better to go to the Linglang world together? "

Daoist Doujie made a gesture of invitation while talking, and then the two of them were not heading towards Xingyi Square, but towards the entrance of Xingyuan Dojo.

Shang Xia raised his eyebrows. Obviously, apart from the void passage on the Xingyi Square, the Xingyuan Dojo obviously also has a method to travel through the void to reach all walks of life.

However, Shang Xia didn\'t inquire directly, but instead asked: "Why, is it true that Dou Zhenren is the only one going to the Star Lord\'s Mansion?"

Reverend Doujie laughed dumbly and said: "Reverend Shang does not know that the two elder brothers from the Star Lord\'s Mansion who went to the Linglang Realm had already rushed to the Linglang Realm after receiving the news. Originally, I didn\'t plan to go, but seeing Daoist Shang coming to Xingyuan Dojo, I decided to go there on a whim."

Daoist Chang Kun was injured by Shang Xia before, so it is obviously impossible to go to Linglang Realm again.

Of course, Shang Xia would not feel any guilt because of this, but the words of Daoist Dou Jie also gave Shang Xia some guesses about the power inside the Star Lord\'s Mansion.

Under the joint siege of Lingjun and Lingyu, Linglang Realm is very likely to face annihilation. If Xingyuan Taoist Temple wants to maintain the situation of all parties under its jurisdiction, it will definitely not allow the situation to deteriorate, and must do its best to prevent it.

But in fact, after the incident, apart from Xing Yuanwei whose whereabouts were unknown, only the two high-grade real people from the Star Lord\'s Mansion who had stopped the Lingtu Realm rushed over, and now Daoist Doujie and the other person who was recovering from injuries in the Star Lord\'s Mansion Chang Kun, the two fourth-ranks, seemed to have no one else going to the Star Lord\'s Mansion.

So does it mean that the Star Lord\'s Mansion\'s high-grade combat power is actually only these four?

Of course, it was impossible for Shang Xia to forget to count the real person who was at the Star Lord\'s Mansion releasing his energy and suppressing Xingyuan City, which had lost Xingyuanwei\'s seat, with his own strength.

While talking, the two had already left the gate of Xingyuan Dojo and came to the floating platform in the void outside the gate.

Shang Xia seemed to have suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, that senior from the Star Lord\'s Mansion..."

Master Doujie obviously understood what Shang Xia wanted to ask, and said with a light smile, "Oh, that\'s the third guardian Zhuo Gudao since the founding of Xingyuanwei. He is a senior rank-6 real person!"

When Shang Xia heard the words, a look of horror appeared on his face, and he said: "Five hundred years old? A real person of the sixth rank? Isn\'t that the first and second guardian master of Xingyuanwei..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Master Dou Jie couldn\'t help laughing, and said, "Dou knew that Master Shang would ask such a question."

After all, without waiting for Shang Xia to ask the reason, he sighed softly and said: "However, I disappointed Master Shang. Although the first and second old guard masters of Xingyuan Guard were amazing and talented, their cultivation The realm is always invincible to the passage of time, and the two elders have both stopped at the fifth-rank return to the true realm, and they have passed away for many years."

Shang Xia was stunned, but also felt that what Daoist Doujie said was reasonable, even if he had crossed the threshold of Gaopin now, it would be difficult for him to live five hundred years first.

But Shang Xia still couldn\'t help but asked again: "Then dare to ask Xingyuanwei has been passed down so far, has experienced a total of his own guardians?"

Daoist Doujie took out a starship model that looked only about a foot long from his cuff, and said casually: "Old Master Zhuo is the third term, Old Master Wei is the fourth term, Zhuge Xiang is the first Five terms, and now Tong Yutang is the sixth term."

After all, Daoist Dou Jie threw away the model of the star boat that was about ten feet long, and the star boat was poured with the vitality of his virtual realm, and it immediately turned into a shuttle-shaped boat about ten feet long and only a few feet wide.

Daoist Dou Jie made a "please" gesture, and said: "This is a \'Escape God Shuttle Boat\' treasured by the Star Lord\'s Mansion. It is said that it was once used by the Star Lord. Ask Doumou to ask for it from Zhuo Laowei. This boat travels through the void very fast, although it is not as direct as the void passage, but at least it is much more comfortable than you and I queuing on the Xingyi Square."

Shang Xia was not polite when he saw this, and directly stepped on this starship that looked unique.

After Daoist Dou Jie also set foot on the boat, he was standing at the stern holding a rudder that looked crystal clear, and the whole was like the rudder known by Yuan Jing. As his own source energy poured into it, Shang Xia instantly It felt that everything around them began to pull back a long afterimage, and then everything in the starry sky began to change, and the two of them had already escaped into the void.