Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1252

As Shang Xia swallowed and refined more and more of the Water of Three Lights, it became more and more clear that each drop of Water of Three Lights would decrease his cultivation level by one month.

After Shang Xia obtained the third and last batch of five drops of Sanguang Water from the academy, he swallowed and refined them one by one until the last drop of Sanguang Water only improved him by the equivalent of one level. The cultivation of the month.

So far, Shang Xia has swallowed a total of twelve drops of the water of the three lights, and his own cultivation is equivalent to six and a half years of hard work.

For a real person of the fourth-rank Dao Hejing realm, especially for a person with a strong source of energy like Shang Xia, although six and a half years of hard work is far from allowing him to break through to the fifth-rank return to the real realm, at least it is still possible. It can make his cultivation take a big step forward in the Daohe realm.

The people from Qingling Palace and Chen Dynasty came here for the third time. After taking away five pieces of martial talismans each, they left enough talisman papers and various spiritual materials and spiritual objects to take the talisman again in half a year. , then said goodbye and left.

Although Shang Xia also wanted to exchange one or two brand-new sixth-order martial talisman inheritances from the other party these few times, the two changed the topic every time, obviously unwilling to disclose their own inheritance to the outside world. Even if Wan Yunhui found the relevant production method of the Bingxu Magic Talisman for him back then, it was because of the situation that Wan Yunhui was facing at that time.

Afterwards, Shang Xia began to ponder over the mutation array talisman on the star robe in addition to his daily practice.

With Shang Xia\'s current talisman attainments, it is only a matter of time if he wants to deduce the remaining six mutation talismans through the mutation talisman he has mastered.

The real difficulty lies in how to fuse and nest the derived seven variant array talismans, and finally integrate them into a complete martial talisman.

In view of this point, Shang Xia might not be able to complete it in a short period of time even if he has the star robe of the Guardian Lord.

Shang Xia has actually encountered a bottleneck to a certain extent in the study of the mutation formation talisman.

This is the essential difference between the integration of "Wan Yun Fei Xia Talisman" and the variation array Talisman.

Even though the former is more difficult to make, its essence is still a sixth-order martial talisman after all, and once the latter is integrated, it may complete a qualitative change in nature and become a complete seventh-order martial talisman!

However, despite encountering a bottleneck, Shang Xia is not without other directions to move forward on the way of the talisman. The most direct way right now is to "dismantle" the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman"!

Shang Xia actually had the idea of ​​reverse dismantling the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" long after he had thoroughly understood the martial talisman inside and out.

Based on all the abilities Shang Xia displayed in the process of making the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", he thought to himself that if this talisman was dismantled, he could get at least three sixth-order martial talismans with different effects, and three A martial talisman whose rank must be above the fifth rank.

It\'s just that before dismantling it in reverse, Shang Xia felt that he had better use up the "Wan Yun Fei Xia Talisman" first, and experience the power and effect of this Talisman from beginning to end.

Shang Xia flipped his wrist, and a "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" appeared in his hand.

This is the only "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" made by Shang Xia with ordinary sixth-order rune paper besides the special rune paper provided by Wan Yunhui. Only in the state of request was it lucky to make it successfully.

After that, Shang Xia produced "Wan Yun Fei Xia"

Even if the success rate of the talisman "has been significantly improved, when he tried to make this talisman with sixth-grade talisman paper other than Wan Yunhui\'s special talisman paper, he ended in failure without exception.

But even if it is the only "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" successfully made from ordinary talisman paper in his hand, Shang Xia can now clearly perceive that the power of this talisman is significantly different from the martial talisman made from special talisman paper .

After a lapse of half a year, Shang Xia came out of the secret place of the lair again, and his real body came directly to the turbulent void far away, and then activated this talisman without hesitation.

In the dense mist and glow that appeared around him in an instant, the turbulent flow of void that existed everywhere was directly pushed away, forming a realm void with a radius of more than a hundred feet around Shang Xia\'s body, and in this void, all All void fluctuations have been smoothed out.

On the periphery of this dense fog and glow, the turbulent flow of the void still tried to attack this area, but it was washed away by the surging fog and glow.

But at this moment, Shang Xia, who was originally guarded by the dense fog and rays of light, took a step forward, but still left a figure in place, and his real body had already entered the turbulent void surrounding the dense fog and rays of light .

Then Shang Xia began to test the limit of this martial talisman through various methods, the source qi of Liuhe was crushed, the perception of divine will was extended, and the qi of source light was washed away...

Not only that, but Shang Xia also tested the limit of the mustard sky, the upper limit of carrying heavy objects, the speed of flying in the turbulence of the void, etc., by turning the sacred stone stick into a sky-supporting jade pillar, until the weapon was completely destroyed. The power of the talisman is exhausted.

After returning to the secret realm of the lair from the turbulence of the void, Shang Xia planned to continue to study the dismantling of the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", but suddenly saw Hai Yuanyuan walking towards him, but his expression seemed a little awkward.

"What happened?"

Shang Xia felt that there was something wrong with the girl\'s mood, so she took the initiative to ask.

Hai Yuanyuan said resentfully: "It\'s the Five Elements Void Teleportation Array. The one in Tongyou City has basically been completed, but because it\'s a two-way teleportation array, the array is mainly here to preside over the final formation of the teleportation array. You go get her here."

"Oh, this matter is important, why didn\'t you say it earlier?"

Shang Xia left a sentence, and hurriedly walked towards the location of the mark located in the void of the nest secret realm, and also the location of the teleportation array that was only used to deliver messages and small items.

Only Hai Yuanyuan was left alone, watching Shang Xia\'s leaving back, stomping her feet fiercely, and finally chased after her.

If this girl wants to complete the foundation of the five-element natal energy, she can only use the power of the five-element void that is stimulated when the five-element void teleportation array penetrates. Naturally, she can only seek the help of Chu Jia, the great formation master.

In fact, the teleportation array in the nest secret realm has also established an overall framework, but this ultra-long-distance void teleportation array across the starry sky, currently only Chu Jia can fully grasp it.

Therefore, even if the other formation masters have Chu Jia\'s guidance in advance, and even distribute the formation diagrams, they can only complete the general framework structure like cats and tigers.

In order to finally complete the two-way communication of the Five Elements Void Teleportation Formation, Chu Jia still needs to go out in person.

However, after Shang Xia led Chu Jia from Youzhou to the secret place of the lair, she first brought Shang Xia a crucial piece of news.

"The high-level leaders of the Lingtu Realm seem to have agreed with several real people in the Realm

, including the head of the mountain, reached an agreement on the conquest of the Cang Realm. What is left now is to confirm which Cang Realm will become the target of the cooperation between the two realms. "

Chu Jia looked at Shang Xia, and said: "The head of the mountain should come back to ask for your opinion in a few days. After all, you are the only high-quality real person in the Lingfeng world, and you are also the biggest partner in the cooperation between the Lingfeng world and the Lingtu world. Where the signboard is."

Shang Xia laughed and said, "We don\'t know too much about the six Cang Realms that are connected to Xingyuan Taoist Temple. What advice can I offer? By the way, have they confirmed the approximate time? "

Chu Jia shook his head, and said: "I don\'t know about that, but I got the news that the joint launch of the Lingtu Realm and this Realm should be after the launch of the three realms of Lingjun, Lingyu and Linglang."

Shang Xia nodded and said, "It\'s understandable, but what\'s the latest news about the joint operations of these three major spirit worlds?"

▽ 〖Umbrella

Chu Jia thought for a while, and said: "I have heard several deputy mountain chiefs talk about the Cangyuan Realm, the target of the three major spiritual worlds. I don\'t know where they got the news from."

"Cangyuan Realm?"

Shang Xia thought for a while, then said "Hmm", and said, "Could it be because this Cang Realm is the closest one to the Spiritual Realm?"

Chu Jia was still waiting to confirm more news with Shang Xia, but not far away, Hai Yuanyuan walked over shyly, and then saluted Chu Jia and called him "teacher".

Chu Jia covered her mouth and looked at Shang Xia with a chuckle, and then asked actively: "I heard that you are going to advance to the Five Elements Realm, and you are also walking the path of Five Elements and Yuan Gang, but now you are ready ?”

Seeing that Chu Jia brought it up, Hai Yuanyuan finally relaxed a lot, and replied: "With the care of several elders, and the disciple has accumulated some meritorious service in recent years, now the advanced potion and the essence of the Five Elements Yuangang have been prepared. It’s complete, just wait for the teacher’s help.”

Chu Jia nodded when he heard the words, and said: "That\'s right! But you still need to wait for at least two months. After I complete the teleportation array here, I will use the stargazer of the academy and the teleportation from Tongyou City." After completing the two-way positioning of the array, it will be able to communicate in two directions."

The boy nodded, then looked at the two of them, and said, "Then... I\'m going to practice!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to respond, they turned around and left quickly.

Looking at the girl\'s disappearing back, Chu Jia chuckled again.

Shang Xia shook his head helplessly, and said: "Okay, I will leave everything here to you. After the completion of the teleportation formation, you will also need to take the helm of the protection formation of this secret realm."

Chu Jia probably understood what Shang Xia was thinking, and asked with a smile, "You want to leave here in such a hurry?"

Shang Xia said helplessly: "That will not work until you have completed the two-way formation exchange."

Chu Jia nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Do you have any water of the Three Lights left here?"

Shang Xia was startled, and said, "Why, do you want to use it?"

Chu Jia said: "Don\'t you know? After Yuan Qiuyuan prepared the Water of Three Lights, the head of the mountain once used it to refine the spirituality of Youxue Sword. It is said that the effect is excellent."

Shang Xia raised his eyebrows and asked, "How many times did the head of the mountain wash and practice with the water of the Three Lights?"

Chu Jia said as it should: "Three times, Yuan Qiuyuan successfully deployed three times in total, and every time the head of the mountain had to leave a drop."

Shang Xia: "Hey, this old fellow!"