Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1239

Gong Zhuo and Shen Zhongshan, the real people, saw the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", their expressions of excitement were beyond words.

Shang Xia even heard some implication from the brief conversation between the teacher, uncle and nephew.

However, as the maker of this talisman, Shang Xia always maintained a detached demeanor, looking at the excited teacher, uncle and nephew with a smile on his face.

After a long time, the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" that had been tossed and turned several times in the hands of the master, uncle and nephew returned to the hands of Master Gong Zhuo, and then he solemnly placed it in a high-grade In the spirit sealing box.

Gong Zhuo stabilized his emotions, looked at Shang Xia with an apologetic face and said, "I made Master Shang laugh!"

Shang Xia smiled slightly, and said: "It\'s okay, it seems that this talisman is indeed something that your faction urgently needs. There are still five sixth-order talisman papers left by Master Shen to Shang. Come down, Shang must do his best to see if he can make another talisman!"

"Gong has thanked Master Shang on behalf of Wanyun here!"

Gong Zhuo cupped his hands towards Shang Xia with a grateful expression on his face, then sighed softly, and said, "To tell the truth, Shang Shang, the despicable faction is facing some troubles, but this talisman is related to the foundation of our faction. This time, Shang Zhenren can become a talisman, but it has won a breathing space for our faction."

Shang Xia smiled lightly and said, "This is an act of mutual benefit. Although Shang won\'t spread the secret of making this talisman, but just pondering it over the past two months has produced a lot of knowledge about Shang\'s talisman-making technique." A place of inspiration."

Gong Zhuo smiled and said: "This is also Shang Zhenren\'s genius! It\'s a pity that although the despicable school also has a complete talisman inheritance system, it is difficult for the two most accomplished talisman masters to make ordinary sixth-order martial talismans, let alone \'Wan Yun Feixia Talisman. Otherwise, how could the despicable faction be forced into such an embarrassing situation?!"

Master Chongshan said at this time: "It\'s just that if our faction wants to really sit back and relax, we need at least three pieces of the \'Wanyun Feixia Talisman\'..."

Speaking of this, Shen Zhongshan looked at Shang Xia and said: "Shen will continue to do his best to supply a sufficient amount of sixth-order talisman paper for the real person, I wonder if the real person can make two more \'Wanyun Feixia talisman\' for our faction as soon as possible? "

Without waiting for Shang Xia\'s answer, Shen Zhongshan hurriedly said: "Shen knows that this move is a bit difficult, but... please!"

Shang Xia maintained a reserved smile and said, "Shang can only say that he will do his best!"

Chong Shan still wanted to say something, but Gong Zhuo patted his arm lightly by the side, and then looked at Shang Xia with a smile and said: "In that case, then my uncle and nephew will not bother you,\' Wan Yunfei The Xia Talisman is extremely difficult to make, and consumes a lot of money for the Talisman Master, please don\'t hurt yourself because of this."

After finishing speaking, Gong Zhuo got up with Shen Zhongshan and left.

The deity Shang Xia personally sent the two of them out of the secret realm of the lair, and watched the figures of the two sink into the turbulent void.

Behind him, Hai Yuanyuan appeared out of nowhere, stretched her neck to look at the turbulent void outside the secret realm, and then said: "I think if you asked a question before, maybe Then we can know what difficulties Wan Yunhui is facing, and at the same time, we can also take this opportunity to learn about the latest situation in Yuanxingjie from the other party."

Shang Xia smiled and said without turning his head: "Besides being persecuted by the Dachen Dynasty, what difficulty can it be?"

Hai Yuanyuan let out a "huh" and said, "How do you know?"

Shang Xia smiled, and said in a reasonable tone: "As one of the Dongtian sects in Yuan Xingjie, Wan Yunhui has a powerful force in itself, and those who can force it to leak the core inheritance to others The power, naturally, can only be the three dynasties above the Dongtian Sect, and the main sphere of influence of Wan Yunhui is within the territory of the Dachen Dynasty among the three dynasties, so it is self-evident where the culprit comes from gone."

Hai Yuanyuan was a little dissatisfied and said: "That\'s not necessarily true, maybe the other Dongtian sects joined forces to force Wan Yunhui!"

Shang Xia laughed dumbly and said: "Could it be that you forgot that I told you before that this Wanyun Society should have a Dongtian sect as an ally?"

Hai Yuanyuan recalled it for a while, and said, "Qingling Palace?"

Shang Xia nodded, and then said: "Then in the case of the two Dongtian alliances, even if you are faced with the coercion of the three Dongtian sects, even if you are not an opponent, you can protect yourself, but you still have more than enough. There are four Dongtian sects joining forces to target Wan Yunhui and Qingling Palace?"

Not to mention the four Dongtian sects, I am afraid that there are three Dongtian sects colluding with each other, and I am afraid that the three major dynasties will intervene.

"Then...why does Wan Yun value this \'Wan Yun Fei Xia Talisman\' so much? How can this Talisman relieve the Dachen Dynasty\'s persecution?"

Hai Yuanyuan asked another question that made her curious.

In fact, Shang Xia was also very curious about this question at first, but after he gradually got a deeper understanding of the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", he already had some guesses in his mind.

"Perhaps it has something to do with the residence of the sect of Wan Yunhui."

Shang Xia\'s answer did not satisfy Hai Yuanyuan.

"You said that before!"

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said, "Maybe Wan Yunhui\'s sect residence is floating!"

"Floating?" Hai Yuanyuan was thoughtful at first, and then said in surprise: "Isn\'t the name of Wanyunhui just because their sect\'s residence is carried by clouds? Then their secret cave Well, can it also move around with the floating of the clouds?"

Shang Xia smiled and said, "Perhaps this is why they need the \'Wanyun Feixia Talisman\'!"


On the other side, after Gong Zhuo and his nephew and uncle Chongshan went through the turbulent void and came to a dark and deep void, Chongshan couldn\'t wait to ask: "Uncle, why don\'t you directly ask Master Shang for help?" Help? In any case, Shang Zhenren is also a high-quality real person, even if the forces behind him don’t intervene, just joining him can ease our situation a lot.”

Master Gong Zhuo glanced at his nephew, and said coldly with a bit of reprimand: "Have you ever thought that no matter how unfavorable the situation our faction is facing, it is only a matter within Yuan Xingjie, but if you pull The nature of the matter has changed since a high-ranking real person from outside the domain intervened! Don’t forget, there is a Yuanping Realm behind the real Shang. Originally, Wanyun Society was only facing the persecution of the Dachen Dynasty. We can still rely on The external force of Qingling Palace eases it a bit, but if Yuan Ping Jie is really attracted to intervene, Wan Yunhui will immediately become the public enemy of this world!"

Shen Zhongshan\'s face changed slightly when he heard the words, but he was still a little unwilling and said: "But my nephew listened to the words of my uncle and the real Shang, and there was also the intention of trying to win over."

Master Gong Zhuo shook his head helplessly, and said: "It\'s not the same, don\'t forget, he is not from this world, and his superb and ingenious talisman making skills are enough to enable him to maintain a certain detachment when facing anyone status! Since he can help us make the \'Wanyun Feixia Talisman\' today, he will naturally be able to make other martial arts for other forces tomorrow."

Shen Chongshan was a little uncertain and said: "Probably not, after all, only our uncle and nephew and the Qingling Palace are the only ones who know about the existence of Shang Daoist Did the news get out?"

Master Gong Zhuo sighed: "You have produced a large number of high-level martial talismans with such a unique style in a short period of time. Who in the Wan Yunhui doesn\'t know that you have found a great master of outlander talismans? What they don\'t know is just Where is this Daoist talisman master! Otherwise, do you really think that my uncle came with you this time just to apologize?"

Shen Zhongshan\'s eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "Uncle, you mean that my whereabouts may have been exposed, and someone will secretly follow me to find the secret place of Shang Zhenren\'s lair? But there are not many people who know my whereabouts... "

Seeing Gong Zhuo\'s gloomy gaze and condensed expression, Shen Zhongshan couldn\'t help but gasped, and said: "There is a secret agent of the Dachen Dynasty lurking in the sect, and this person is not low?"

Gong Zhuo finally sighed softly, and said: "Otherwise, why do you think we will be targeted by the Dachen Dynasty everywhere, and the other party can accurately delineate the approximate airspace of our faction\'s residence several times?"