Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1228

Shang Xiajiang had previously suspected that Kou Chongxue might be being hunted down, not because he was lost in the void, one by one the four vice-heads of the same college said.

At the end, Shang Bo pondered: "In this case, what are you going to do?"

Shang Xia smiled and said, "I\'ll just go there myself."

Yun Jing hurriedly said: "Only you? Since we can\'t be sure who will hunt down the head of the mountain, what if..."

Shang Xia explained with a smile: "If the person who chased the mountain leader is strong, the mountain leader has already been captured or killed by the person who chased him. Since the mountain leader has been able to persist until now, it means that the person who chased the mountain leader has fought against him." Although his strength is above him, he can\'t form a crushing momentum, which gives the mountain chief a chance to breathe."

Yun Jing was still worried: "But if the opponent is also setting up a trap, what should I do if I wait to save it? Or invite other sixth-level real people from the Lingfeng world to help..."

Shang Xia couldn\'t help laughing when he heard the words, and said: "You are a fan of the authorities, with the shrewdness of a mountain leader, how could you easily fall into the opponent\'s scheme without knowing it? What\'s more..."

Shang Xia\'s tone suddenly paused, and he turned to say: "I will not directly lead the mountain chief back, but take the initiative to go to the depths of the void to look for his traces, and first take a look at what happened, so that even if there is real danger, there is no danger. It will not be led to Lingfeng Realm."

After finishing speaking, Shang Xia took his leave without waiting for the deputy mountain chiefs to say anything more.

His return this time was also done in secret. Apart from Huang Jinghan who was actually trapped in the star beast\'s lair, only a few high-level officials from the Tongyou Academy knew of his whereabouts.

If he showed up at this time, it would definitely cause an uproar in the entire Lingfeng world.

What\'s more, even with the help of several other real people in Lingfeng Realm, how can Yin Jingxu, Lu Wuzi and others help when the real bodies of Dongtian real people are unable to travel? Even a big favor is in vain!

Leaving an original incarnation to sit on the star observatory in the secret realm of Dongtian, so that the two stargazers and one third-tier star master on the observatory can use the connection between his original incarnation and the real body at any time to see the stars in the starry sky. In the depths, locate Shang Xia\'s general position at any time, and guide him to a certain extent.

As for Kou Chongxue, perhaps because of the space barrier, although the observatory of Tongyou College can roughly determine his position, it cannot get in touch with the deity through the original incarnation.

So Shang Xia traveled secretly this time, and simply brought Kou Chongxue\'s original incarnation with him. Even if he couldn\'t get in direct contact with him, Kou Chongxue would definitely be able to detect it when the original incarnation kept approaching the deity, and he naturally understood that there should be someone Come to meet him, then we can only see the tacit understanding between the two.

After Shang Xia escaped from the sky of Lingfeng Realm, in order to avoid being noticed by others, he didn\'t even dare to travel through the void directly. Instead, he traveled in secret for tens of thousands of miles, and then started the void travel according to the direction given by the observatory.

After traveling through the void several times, Shang and Xia have come to the void about three million miles away from Lingfeng Realm.

The void here is no longer calm, but the turbulent flow of the void has begun to appear, and as he continues to go deeper, the turbulent flow of the void gradually becomes more and more turbulent, and the danger will become greater and greater.

In fact, this is Shang Xia relying on his high-grade cultivation base of Dao Hejing, if it is replaced by other warriors below the sixth level, even if he drives a large-scale starship to explore in the void, I am afraid that at most he will only be able to penetrate more than a million miles. The place knows the difficulty and retreats.

As far as Lingfeng Realm\'s current exploration of all directions of the void around the plane world is known, once the starship penetrates into the void more than a million miles away from Lingfeng Realm, it will often encounter void turbulence.

If there is no precise guidance on the azimuth and coordinates of the void, even a real person of the sixth rank will go deep into it, and it is very likely that he will be completely lost, and he may even be in danger of dying.

The entire Lingfeng world and the surrounding millions of miles of void are like an egg wrapped in thick void turbulence, and the existence of the plane world is the yolk of this egg.

"How about it, can you still hold it?"

Shang Xia looked at Kou Chongxue\'s original incarnation following behind him and asked.

From leaving the Lingfeng Realm to the present, although Shang Xia brought the original incarnation with him when traveling through the void, he did not provide any help to him on the way.

However, although the original incarnation can still persist, it is only a sixth-level cultivation base, and there is no physical body as a natural carrier for the absorption of vitality. At this time, the degree of overflow of the original energy has been deepening .

However, the incarnation of Yuanyuan did not seek help from Shang Xia, because he also knew very well that Shang Xia needed to preserve every strength to deal with the opponent behind Kou Chongxue when the former enemy was unknown.

"I can still hold on!"

Kou Chongxue\'s original incarnation first responded, and then said: "Although this place is affected by the turbulence of the void, the connection with this deity has been vaguely strengthened. If this deity is not in a situation where he is in a panic and has no time to take care of it, he should have already done so by now. You sensed that I was approaching."

Shang Xia nodded and said, "Can you confirm the exact location?"

However, the original incarnation shook his head instead, and said: "The turbulence in the void is so severe that even the induction between each other is affected. Even if a general direction is sensed, I can\'t be sure that it must be accurate."

Shang Xia sighed: "If we can have a fifth-level stargazer, it will be much easier."

After all, Shang Xia directly put a ray of Liuhe Yuan Qi into the original body, helping him to temporarily stabilize the source Qi in his body so that it would not be lost.

After that, the two of them went into the turbulent void for hundreds of thousands of miles, and Kou Chongxue\'s original incarnation suddenly shouted loudly behind him: "Stop, stop!"

Shang Xiaqing knew that he must have discovered something, and at the same time he quickly stopped his figure, he directly sacrificed the sacred stone stick and threw it at the void under his feet.


The fluctuating and chaotic void all around suddenly settled down, and the turbulent void that filled the surroundings disappeared without a trace.

Behind Shang Xia, Kou Chongxue\'s original avatar sensed something carefully with a suspicious expression.

But at this time, Shang Xia had already faintly discovered something.

Shang Xia used the Liuhe stick technique to "fix the space" to temporarily stabilize the void around him, but in fact, the turbulent flow of the surrounding void was always washing over the edge of the void, which also made him sensitive to the turbulent flow of the surrounding void. It\'s a little clearer.

At this time, Shang Xia actually noticed a slight but regular rhythm of the void from the turbulent flow of the void in a certain direction.

where is this place?

In the void turbulence zone, all the void turbulence is disordered, so where can there be any rules at all?

And now these rhythms of the void with regular frequency came, although they became weak under the damage of the turbulent flow of the void, Shang Xia still noticed it.

Under the current environment, these regular void rhythms are obviously man-made, and apart from Kou Chongxue who can faintly feel the self-examination of the original incarnation, Shang Xia doesn\'t think there are other reasons.

After figuring this out, Shang Xia directly withdrew the "Fixed Space" pose, and at the same time when the turbulent flow of the void struck again, he directly used his own original domain to cover Kou Chongxue\'s original incarnation, and then restrained his body and aura, followed The direction from the rhythm of the void before went all the way forward.

The two of them walked through the turbulent void for nearly a million miles, and on the way, the faint but regular rhythm of the void suddenly disappeared, but at this time, the incarnation of the original source and Kou Chongxue were separated. The connection between them became clearer.

The reason why Shang Xia didn\'t stop in the second half of the journey was that he was advancing under the guidance of the original incarnation.

But this time, the two of them had only traveled tens of thousands of miles, when suddenly a mighty and violent wave of the void directly stirred up the turbulent flow of the void, and both Shang Xia and the incarnation of the source happened to be within the scope of this wave. .

Seeing this, Shang Xia directly raised his hand and threw the five-element ring, and the five-color halo bloomed in the void under his feet. As Shang Xia arranged the five flags in different positions among the five-color halos blooming on the five-element ring, Shang Xia, together with Kou Chongxue, The avatars of the original source disappeared together in the raging waves of the void.

"Don\'t you just take action to meet the deity?"

The original incarnation was guarded by Shang Xia, and asked a little worriedly.

Shang Xia stared at the depths of the turbulent void in front of him, and said without turning his head when he heard the words: "Since the head of the mountain can already sense your existence, he must have guessed that I must follow. Approaching in his direction, but now suddenly staying in one place without moving, the head of the mountain will definitely realize that I have set a trap here, and just wait for him to lure the opponent over!"

The original incarnation whispered behind him: "Is this the tacit understanding between you and the deity?"

Shang Xia smiled and didn\'t speak, casually scattered more than a dozen top-grade source crystals into the five-element formation that had been hidden, and then began to mobilize the source of heaven and earth in his body to gather momentum.

The violent waves that suddenly erupted in the void became more frequent and their positions were erratic. Obviously, the positions of the two parties that were fighting were constantly moving and changing during the battle.

Suddenly, the turbulent flow of the void that was close at hand was suddenly broken, and a figure that seemed to be in a hurry escaped from it, turned around and cut three golden beams of sword energy towards the back, then turned around and continued to flee.

"You can\'t escape!"

A voice came from the depths of the turbulent void, affected by the shattered and distorted void, the voice sounded extremely weird.

But just as the words fell, a golden light, a vortex, and a somewhat familiar frost-white light group easily pierced the three sword qi golden lights.

At the same time, three figures broke through the turbulent flow of the void from different directions, and outflanked the fleeing figure before. One of the figures came along the route of the person who had just fled, and stepped into it. The ambush circle set up by Shang Xia in advance.

The five-element array was launched in an instant, and under the control of Shang Xia\'s abundant Liuhe origin qi, the five-element ring with the five-element ring as the main body was connected into five five-color rings in the void, one after another set in the intruding on the person.

Shang Xia, who had been gaining momentum before, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and threw a straight stick at the person imprisoned in the formation!


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