Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1223

With the help of many high-ranking warriors from the academy, Chu Jia successfully separated the Five Elements Ring from the core foundation of the guardian formation.

Moreover, the original incarnation who has never made a move at the side can clearly see it. With the aftertaste of the huge circulation of the five elements of vitality, Chu Jia is still trying to speed up the refining of the essence of Yuangang, and she even thinks about it. Take the opportunity to refine two more rounds!

Because such a gathering of the five elements\' vitality, even if it\'s just the aftertaste, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her.

However, Chu Jia obviously overestimated the carrying capacity of his own body. This abundant vitality of the five elements is indeed enough to support the refining of a total of fifteen Yuangang essences for three consecutive rounds, but Chu Jia\'s own body is not enough to carry it all at once. So many natal Yuangang essences.

Seeing Chu Jia who seemed a bit reluctant even with the help of the Five Elements Ring, the source incarnation let out a helpless sigh, and a stream of source energy shot up into the sky, splitting and interpreting the five elements in the midair, and finally turned into a majestic The majestic five-element vitality poured down from the top of Chu Jia\'s head, not only helped her stabilize the trembling five-element ring, but also did a vitality cleansing for her body from the inside out, which made her successfully complete the first stage. Three rounds of refinement of the essence of Yuan Gang of the Five Elements.

The Five Elements Ring was originally Shang Xia\'s usual magical weapon. Although it was later given to Chu Jia and transformed into a magical weapon by the Great Formation Master, the spirituality of the magical weapon is obviously still close to Shang Xia\'s aura. And, there was no resistance to the injection of vitality from the original incarnation.

It wasn\'t until this time that the original incarnation realized that Chu Jia wanted to plot more things than he had seen in this opportunity.

At this time, according to the normal martial arts path, she is already quite close to the fifth-tier and fourth-tier martial artist.

But if she had the help of the Five Elements Ring, which was perfect for her, her personal strength would be even worse than that of Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei.

Naturally, the changes that happened to Chu Jia couldn\'t be hidden from the academy seniors present.

After Chu Jia\'s figure descended from mid-air, many warriors immediately congratulated her.

It is not only to congratulate her for successfully completing the final finishing of the sixth-level guardian formation of the academy, but also to congratulate her for making a further step in her cultivation and truly stepping into the ranks of the academy\'s candidate sixth-level warriors. There is almost only one step left for the sixth-order grand master.

And in Tongyou College, which has the guardianship of the sixth-order large formation, it almost makes up the last shortcoming in the comparison of all the top sects in the entire Lingfeng world.

At least from now on, there will no longer be a situation where high-ranking real people from outside the domain quietly sneak into the Tongyou|Cave, but the high-level warriors of the academy don’t know anything about it, and Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue will no longer have to stay behind every time they go out. An original avatar sits in the academy just in case.

You must know that the stripping of each original incarnation is a substantial damage to the original body in terms of cultivation.

Even for a martial artist like Shang Xia whose spirit and will are far superior to ordinary people, advanced to a high level, and whose original source energy is also far superior to the same level, it is often a helpless move to constantly peel off the original incarnation.

After the top leaders of a kind of academy left, the formation masters of the formation hall also returned to the core area of ​​the large formation, which can be called a fortress.

After successfully stripping the Five Elements Ring from the guardian formation, although the entire guardian formation did not collapse, many details were affected, and they needed to be repaired and adjusted as soon as possible, otherwise it would still be possible after a long time lead to major omissions.

Only the original incarnation and Chu Jia, who was reorganizing the body of the Five Elements Ring, remained on the spot.

"Actually, there is one thing they haven\'t noticed. The quality of the Five Elements Ring body has also been greatly improved during this operation!"

Yuanyuan incarnation sensed that although Chu Jia\'s aura was still overflowing, but the aura had stabilized, he couldn\'t help but said with a smile.

The five-element ring is limited by its own material, and it is unlikely to further improve its quality, especially after it has been transformed into a magical weapon, the way to improve is almost cut off.

But this time, after several years of gestation and cultivation of the sixth-level guardian array, as well as the training of the original vitality of many high-level warriors in the academy, its own quality has been improved to a certain extent, at least in the hands of Chu Jia at this time. It became more and more handy.

Chu Jia glanced at him, and said: "It\'s not just the five-element ring, the strength of my physical body has also been greatly strengthened, otherwise it will be very difficult to succeed in refining the essence of Yuan Gang in the last round."

"You are too reckless!"

The original incarnation said with a bit of blame in its tone, "This time it was a fluke, and your body was forcibly strengthened with the help of external forces. I am afraid that you will need to spend a lot of time to deepen your control in the future, otherwise it will be extremely harmful to the growth of martial arts in the future. unfavorable!"

Chu Jia giggled, she didn\'t seem to care about it, but said thoughtfully: "This time you have trained me in the five elements in full view, although this method will take a lot of time and energy in the future Digestion, but the increase in the strength of the physical body in a short period of time is immediate, I am afraid that many people have already started to think about the five elements, what are you going to do?"

The original incarnation didn\'t seem to be surprised by this, and smiled and said: "Although it is an accident this time, the deity is not a temporary intention to cleanse the body of a warrior with five elements of vitality, but has been constantly improving it. Side effects are kept to a minimum."

Speaking of this, the avatar of the source once again warned: "So you are still too reckless this time. If you are not lucky, maybe my intervention will accelerate the collapse of the five elements in your body!"

"Okay, okay!"

Chu Jia said angrily: "Why is your original incarnation even more verbose than him, isn\'t it okay!"

The source incarnation shook his head, no longer cared about this question, and asked instead: "By the way, I thought you would be promoted to a sixth-tier grand master after the final arrangement of the guardian formation is completed, but what opportunity is still missing?"

Chu Jia smiled and said, "Come on, I can already vaguely perceive the existence of that layer of window paper, and I almost pierced it at the end."

"That\'s good!"

He was about to say something more, but he suddenly turned his head to look not far away, and saw Kou Chongxue\'s original avatar left in the academy walking towards the two of them.

The original incarnation let out a "huh" and stepped forward two steps: "Why are you here too? But is there any news from the head of the mountain?"

Kou Chongxue\'s original avatar nodded, and said, "I feel that this deity may be coming back soon!"

The original incarnation was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "The head of the mountain didn\'t have any accidents, did he?"

Kou Chongxue\'s original avatar shook his head and said, "I don\'t know, but it seems urgent to be able to feel this deity!"

Yuanyuan\'s incarnation suddenly became serious when he heard the words, and said, "Should I inform the deity to return from the star beast lair in Yuanxing Realm?"

Kou Chongxue\'s original avatar thought for a while, and said, "It\'s better to inform first. Since the deity can come back, there should be no serious danger."