Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1219

Jiaozhou sky above.

Lu Wuzi took the "Illusion Talisman" handed to him by Shang Xia\'s original incarnation, and glanced hesitantly at the several real people present.

Yuan Yuan\'s incarnation smiled and said: "Realist Lu only needs to use it, so it\'s possible that Shang would dare to harm you under the eyes of everyone?"

Lu Wuzi smiled "haha" and said "how could that be", and directly aroused the martial talisman in his hand.

In the perception of several real people present, a huge aura suddenly erupted from Lu Wuzi\'s body, and the aura that was just entering the sixth heaven suddenly began to climb steadily, and he had reached the peak of the first rank in the blink of an eye At this stage, the burst of aura stagnated slightly, but it seemed to be gathering momentum, and then under the gaze of everyone, the aura in his body suddenly took a certain leap, and he stepped into the Neihejing has become a second-rank real person!

If it weren\'t for all this happening in the blink of an eye in front of everyone\'s eyes, the real people in Lingfeng Realm would not have doubted the state of cultivation Lu Wuzi showed at this time, because their divine perception clearly told them , the person in front of him is a real second-rank real person!

"Xiaoshang is really amazing!"

The first person to speak was Zhang Xuansheng, only to hear him continue: "It\'s a pity that all of this is false."

However, this sentence does not seem to be said to the incarnation of the source, but more like it is said to Lu Wuzi who is surprised but also somewhat obsessed.

Yang Taihe said: "Xiaoshang Daoist wants to use this \'Illusion Talisman\' to disguise the real person in this world, but right now it is only to make Lu Daoist pretend to be a second-rank real person. It is not easy to pretend to be a fourth-rank real person , otherwise, Kou Shanchang is the only person in the entire Lingfeng world who can take over from Daoist Xiaoshang."

Although Yang Taihe and Zhang Xuansheng are third-rank real people, but these two are Dongtian real people, and they can\'t leave the Lingfeng Realm at all.

The original incarnation smiled and said: "This deity has completed the transformation of the most difficult part of this martial talisman, and the rest is easy. I believe it will not take long to make a \'illusion talisman\' that can improve the realm of the second and third ranks."

Yang Taihe nodded with a smile, and said: "Xiaoshang Daoist is a sixth-level talisman-making master, since he said he can, he must be able to."

Liu Jingsheng walked around Lu Wuzi a little better, then turned his head and asked, "How long can this disguised state last? Is there any limit?"

The incarnation of the source replied: "Nursed by the source of your own virtual environment, this state can last for about three months. Normal walking and daily life will not be exposed, but you can\'t do anything with others. Once you do it, the camouflage will be broken."

Li Jidao on the side kept looking at Lu Wuzi and Yuanyuan\'s incarnation, and suddenly said: "This incarnation of Xiaoshang Daoist, shouldn\'t it be

It was also disguised with a \'illusion symbol\', right? "

The original incarnation of the second-rank realm, no matter how it looks, is incredible.

Several other real people also looked at the original avatar with great interest, looking forward to his explanation.

The Yuanyuan incarnation smiled slightly, and raised his hand to point at Lu Wuzi in the air.

Although Lu Wuzi was a little surprised, he also understood that Shang Xia\'s original incarnation was not really an enemy of him, so he also used his own source qi to flick his fingers, and the two auras collided in the air to eliminate each other. However, he couldn\'t maintain his cultivation base at the second rank, and suddenly fell back to the level of the first rank.

Moreover, at the moment when both hands were released, the several real people present could clearly perceive that Lu Wuzi\'s second-rank Qi mechanism was the power of the first-rank one, but Shang Xia\'s original incarnation was the second-rank Qi mechanism of the second-rank power.

Qi can be faked, momentum can be faked, and cultivation can be faked too, but strength alone cannot be faked, as powerful as it can be.

That is to say, Shang Xia\'s original incarnation is a true second-rank realm, and at the same time, it also has the power of second rank, even if it is the bottom power among second-rank real people.

"What can be pretended is not true after all. The star beast lair is right under the eyes of Yuanxingjie. Once it is exposed, it will be a disaster for Lingfengjie!"

Yin Jingxu expressed concern about the real people of various factions wanting to run the star beast lair, but he didn\'t seem very interested in it.

Yuanyuan incarnated: "But we really need a window to understand the outside world, and that star beast lair is such an opportunity for us!"

"What\'s more, since we have the risk of exposure, why don\'t we think of ways to minimize these risks?"

Yin Jingxu shook her head and stopped talking, but she didn\'t express any objection either.

After Shang Xia showed the prospect of the "Illusion Talisman", he explained to everyone that the five-element teleportation array can avoid the retention of the void trajectory, and the advantages of the five-element escape talisman that can quickly gather in the secret place of the nest.

Tongyou Academy solved the most difficult problems at once, and reached a cooperation agreement after brainstorming among several real people from various factions, especially regarding the establishment of a guardian formation outside the secret realm of the lair. The Beihai, Weiyang, and Shendu sects all gave strong support, and it also allowed Shang Xia to see the underlying strength of the three oldest sects in the Lingfeng world.

Several other real people also made their own achievements, and soon established a complete set of strategy system with the nest secret realm as the core.

The avatar of Yuanyuan discussed with real people of various factions for about three or four hours on the sky screen of Jiaozhou. After the general framework was determined, the real people were about to return to their respective sects to prepare, but they were suddenly stopped by Yin Jingxu.


Yin Jingxu glanced over the people who looked a little confused, and said in a deep voice: "Tianxing Pavilion is going to return to Yizhou."

The real people of each faction seemed a little surprised that Yin Jingxu would suddenly announce the news at this time, but they didn\'t seem surprised that Tianxing Pavilion would leave.

Liu Jingsheng was the first to confirm, "Did Yin Zhenren mean that the forces of Tianxing Pavilion are leaving Jiaozhou?"

Yin Jingxu nodded quietly and said, "Yes!"

Liu Jingsheng immediately asked: "Then what about the observatory?"

Strictly speaking, although Tianxing Pavilion presided over the construction of this observatory in Jiaozhou, most of the various materials and resources needed came from the support of various sects.

Yin Jingxu said calmly: "Tianxing Pavilion has trained star masters for each faction, and even revealed a part of the inheritance of star-gazers to each faction. Tianxing Pavilion no longer owes any faction, so the star-gazing platform will also be moved away. .”

Several real people looked at Shang Xia\'s original incarnation at the same time.

The incarnation of Yuanyuan naturally understood what they meant, but at this time he had to express his attitude: "Tianxing Pavilion first asked Kou Shanzhang, and it was only after the Shanzhang agreed that the observatory could be built in Jiaozhou. Today Xingge is going to evacuate, should Kou Shanzhang agree again? At the very least, you should inform Shanzhang and his old man’s consent! It’s just that you are leaving at this time, no matter how you look at it, it seems a bit deliberate. !"

Yin Jingxu seemed to have also expected the questioning of the original incarnation, and said in a deep voice: "The establishment of the Jiaozhou Star Observatory was beneficial to the entire Lingfeng world, and the Tianxing Pavilion was not for personal gain."

The source incarnation shook his head and said: "If it wasn\'t for this cover, would the Tianxing Pavilion have the guts to build a star observatory alone? So how can you, Pavilion Master Yin, be able to advance to the sixth heaven? You can\'t attract the star that can be used in Yizhou Is it entrusted to the earth star of the original true spirit?"


Yin Jingxu\'s face changed wildly. He obviously didn\'t expect Shang Xia to know so much about the sixth-order inheritance method of Tianxing Pavilion.

This shows that Tongyou Academy has a stargazer, or has a stargazer, probably much earlier than ordinary people imagined.

Moreover, under the circumstances at that time, the two real people of Tongyou Academy probably controlled the key to the success or failure of Yin Jingxu\'s final advancement to the sixth heaven without Yin Jingxu\'s knowledge.

The final result showed that neither Kou Chongxue nor Shang Xia prevented him from advancing to the sixth heaven.

Yin Jingxu made a solemn salute to the original incarnation, and then slowed down her tone, saying: "Dare to ask Daoist Xiaoshang, how can we get Tianxing Pavilion to leave Jiaozhou with the Observatory?"

The Yuanyuan incarnation smiled and said: "Wait for another two years, after Shan Chang and his old man leave the customs, everything will be easy to talk about!"