Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1217

After sending away the real Gong Zhuo whose expression became extremely complicated at the end, Shang Xia once again left the original incarnation disguised as a top-level peak in place, and he hurried back to the depths of the secret realm to continue the investigation of the "Illusion Talisman" improved.

As for the "soul soul nourishing technique" that he just traded from Gong Zhuo, he put it on the shelf for the time being. There are only a few days left before the reunion of real people from various factions in Lingfeng Realm. The improvement of "Phantom Talisman" has further effects.

Also ignored by Shang Xia for the time being is the news about the general situation of Yuan Xingjie from Gong Zhuo. At that time, he will directly hand over these situations to the avatar of the source to bring them back.

Shang Xia had achieved certain results in the improvement of illusion talismans before, but now he decided to try directly on the only ten sixth-order talisman papers.

The deduction of a fifth-tier martial talisman to a sixth-tier martial talisman is not just a matter of changing a sixth-tier talisman paper. Shang Xia is trying to upgrade and improve the rune pattern of the fifth-tier martial talisman. Unexpectedly, he encountered difficulties from the very beginning. .

After scrapping two pieces of sixth-order talisman papers one after another, Shang Xia finally had a rough grasp of the balance between the lines of the runes, the stripped soul will, and the limit that the talisman paper itself could carry.

Although the sixth-order "Illusion Talisman" failed again after the third attempt, it proved that Shang Xia\'s simple improvement path was not wrong, even though he himself knew that this was not a real upgrade at all. stage transformation.

Finally, at the fourth time, Shang Xia managed to make a modified quasi-sixth-order "Illusion Talisman". But it makes the original incarnation last longer in the illusion of the first-rank peak cultivation realm.

At the same time, in addition to directly fighting and killing people, there is no need to worry about the camouflage on the body to lose effect when maintaining normal behavior.

Although the success was not satisfactory, it still gave Shang Xia real hope.

After the review, Shang Xia had further control over the balance between the talisman, spirit will, and talisman paper, and soon completed the fifth and sixth-order "illusion talisman".

The martial talisman that was made was still used directly on the body of the original avatar. Under the disguise of the martial talisman, the aura of the original avatar suddenly skyrocketed, and soon reached the peak of the first rank, and then under Shang Xia\'s expectant eyes Finally crossed the threshold of completing a qualitative change, and reached the cultivation base of the second-rank inner realm.

However, before Shang Xia could show a relaxed smile, the aura of the original incarnation suddenly fluctuated, and then, under his astonished gaze, fell from the second-rank state to the first-rank peak again.

This result made Shang Xia very frustrated. When he was about to take the martial talisman from the original incarnation, he suddenly felt that the aura of the original incarnation, which had just fallen to the peak of the first rank, began to beat again, and suddenly returned to the The second-rank realm, and then fell back to the first-rank again after a while...

Jumping back and forth like this, the qi mechanism of the original incarnation changed uncontrollably five times in front of Shang Xia, and finally stabilized completely, but the stabilized cultivation base was still maintained at the peak of the first rank.

But this time facing this kind of result, Shang Xia\'s performance was much calmer, because he had really found the right direction at this time, and at the same time he probably understood the problem.

There are only two days left before the gathering of real people from various factions in the Lingfeng world. If Shang Xia hadn\'t just made a breakthrough and became a high-grade real person, he would have been unable to hold on to the previous one if he tried so frequently to make high-level martial talismans in a short period of time.

Even so, Shang Xia deliberately set aside half a day to rest and recover seriously, and at the same time constantly adjusted his state, until he finished the sixth "Illusion Talisman" in one go, and completed this Martial Talisman production.

This time, even if Shang Xia didn\'t conduct the experiment directly on the original incarnation, he was almost sure that this "Illusion Talisman" must have been successful, and only this "Illusion Talisman" can truly be regarded as a sixth-order The martial arts.

Two days passed in a flash, and Shang Xia sent back to Lingfeng Realm with the only sixth-order "Illusion Talisman" that had not yet been tested. Inheritance, and information about introducing Yuan Xingjie.

And after sending away the only Yuangang incarnation, due to the exhaustion of recent days, Shang Xia did not waste his soul and will to strip off an original incarnation again.

As for the safety of the star beast lair itself, after Shang Xia completes the preliminary control of the secret realm of the lair, he will not worry that someone will avoid his perception and break into the secret realm, and the reason why he put an original incarnation at the entrance and exit of the secret realm , It\'s just to "welcome" the arrival of some people.


It is said that after the original avatar was sent back to Lingfeng Realm by Shang Xia, it directly appeared on the observatory of Tongyoudongtian.

After greeting Yuan Qiuyuan and Xin Lu, the incarnation of Yuanyuan left the place first.

As for Yan Ming, because after the previous battle against the star beasts, he exchanged most of the essence of Yuan Gang from the college\'s treasury with his meritorious deeds, and is now refining in retreat.

One of the main reasons for the formation of such a large moat between the third and fourth floors of the fifth heaven is that after reaching the third floor of the fifth order, warriors will face the challenges of their natal Yuangang and their own perception of divine will. If either party fails to handle it well, the source will be unbalanced, and the cultivation base will be completely crippled and become a useless person, or even die.

At the beginning, even a genius like Kou Chongxue almost collapsed at this stage.

Because if a martial artist wants to still have ambitions on the martial arts path, then at the stage of the fifth and third layers, he will be cautious and cautious, and dare not have the slightest carelessness.

After leaving the secret realm of the cave, Yuanyuan\'s incarnation hid his body and aura, and no one except the high-level warriors above the fifth heaven of the academy could detect his existence.

The incarnation of Yuanyuan first found Yunjing, and then the two deputy mountain chiefs, Ji Wenlong and Liu Zhiyuan, also rushed over after receiving the news.

The avatar of Yuanyuan roughly talked about Shang Xia\'s experience in the secret realm of the lair during this period, and then informed the three of the deity\'s opinions and suggestions. The jade slips of "The Technique" were handed over to the three of them.

"This \'soul nourishing technique\' can really guide the spiritual cultivation of weapons and accelerate the transformation of weapons into divine weapons?"

Liu Zhiyuan directly grabbed the jade slip that recorded the secret technique in his hand, as if he had found a treasure.

Shang Xia glanced at him and explained: "This technique is a quick method with great flaws. It often takes three to five years to cultivate a high-grade sharp weapon with the background of a magic weapon into a magic weapon, but it can\'t stand it. After three or two battles, the spirituality will collapse, and it will fall back to the level of sharp weapon, and it will take three to five years of spiritual accumulation to use it again, which will also cause a certain amount of pressure on the warrior\'s spirit and will."

Liu Zhiyuan murmured: "That\'s worth it. Maybe after a big battle, with or without a magic soldier in hand, that would be two completely different results. It\'s a matter of life and death, and it will take three to five years. What is spiritual accumulation?"