Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1214

Naturally, Shang Xia\'s original intention was to avoid as much as possible the antagonism with Gong Zhuo, Lin Jingya and the other three, and even a direct conflict with Yuan Xingjie behind them.

It\'s just that Shang Xia himself knows very well that if he wants the other party to look at him squarely and communicate with him as an equal, then fighting the other party, showing his strength to the other party, and making the other party fearful is the necessary means.

Shang Xia even suspected that the other party should have similar thoughts. The seemingly reckless and almost mindless shot of the real Lin Jingya was probably a test of himself and the world behind him.

Otherwise, the Daoist Gong Zhuo in front of him would not appear in front of him again, trying to exchange the Perfect Round Tribulation Bead that had reached the rank of Divine Weapon from him through trading.

Hearing Shang Xia\'s request of "more money", the real Gong Zhuo quickly recovered his original composure after a period of astonishment, and even felt a little lucky because the other party was still willing to negotiate, so he muttered: " Then dare to ask Master Shang what do you want?"

Shang Xia let out a sneer when he heard the words, and said, "It\'s not what I want, but what are you willing to give in exchange?"

Master Gong Zhuo thought for a while, and said, "There must be a rough reference standard, right?"

If Shang Xia didn\'t want the two sides to continue to quarrel, he felt that he should also show a certain amount of sincerity, so he said: "Then let\'s exchange for that bead with a pair of magical weapons of the same level and two top-grade sharp weapons. Bar!"

It seems that Shang Xia seldom uses top-grade sharp weapons after he advanced to the fourth heaven. In fact, even if he is a master of the fifth heaven in the Lingfeng world, he may not be able to achieve a high-grade sharp weapon in his hands, especially those like Tong. You Academy is such a powerful force that pulls the hips!

"Since that\'s the case, I\'ll resume Shang Daoist after we discuss it!"

Gong Zhuo cupped his hands slightly towards Shang Xia, and immediately turned around and submerged into the turbulent void again.

After Gong Zhuo left, Shang Xia revealed a pensive look, and turned his wrist again to hold the perfectly round robbery bead that had been sealed by his Liuhe Yuanyuan Qi for a closer look.

However, no matter how many times he inspected the bead up and down with his divine sense, he still couldn\'t find anything else from this magic weapon.

Could it be that, as they said, this bead was only given by the elders of the sect, and they dare not throw it away at will?

Shang Xia shook his head, put the bead away casually and didn\'t think about it anymore, but continued to sort out the memories brought back by the original incarnation from Lingfeng Realm.

"The combination of the five-element teleportation array and the five-element escape talisman? This is a clever idea! I just didn\'t expect that the space transmission carried out by the five-element teleportation array can actually avoid the retention of the void trajectory? No, I need to send another original incarnation back to the Lingfeng world. You must personally witness the establishment of the five-element teleportation array from Tongyou City to Jiaozhou!"

Shang Xia himself knew very well that once the five-element teleportation array can really avoid the retention of the void trajectory in the process of space transmission, then how much significance will this matter have behind it!

"It\'s just that we still need to wait a few days before we can talk!"

At this time, Shang Xia obviously needs a period of time to recover after the previous dramatic battle, not to mention that there may be a transaction to be carried out in the future, and he also needs to preserve a certain amount of strength in case of accidents, so it is not possible to divest another one for the time being. The source is incarnated and sent back to Lingfeng Realm.

Of course, apart from this matter, Shang Xia has another

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One thing that needs to be verified is whether the "Illusion Talisman" can forge a high-quality real person without being seen through by other high-quality real people!

Regarding the use of illusion symbols to disguise high-level real people, there was a precedent for this matter.

When Lingfeng Realm occupied a star beast lair for the first time, Tian Mengzi used an illusion talisman to pretend to be a sixth-level real person in the face of the threat of real people from the three realms of Lingfu.

But at that time Tian Mengzi did not dare to leave the secret realm of the lair after activating the "Fantasy Talisman", and even less dared to expose herself to the eyes of other sixth-level real people, otherwise she might be seen through at a glance.

This time, the original incarnation brought back all the items he needed to make martial arts from Lingfeng Realm. He wanted Shang Xia to try to improve the "Fantasy Talisman", firstly to see if it could be used on the sixth-order real person , so that it can be disguised as a high-grade; secondly, it is to see whether the real person disguised as a high-grade person can be seen through by a martial artist of the same level.

Just in time, there may be a suitable opportunity for testing in front of you.

The "Fantasy Talisman" itself is only a fifth-level martial talisman, and for Shang Xia, who is now a sixth-level great talisman master, it is not too difficult to make.

After leaving another original incarnation at the exit of the lair secret realm, Shang Xia casually opened up a quiet place in the secret realm, and was even able to restore the depleted Liuhe origin energy in his body while trying to make a "illusion talisman" and make improvements.

The "Fantasy Talisman" itself is a fifth-level martial talisman, but when it was made by a sixth-level real person, because of the infusion of sixth-level source energy, this talisman has the ability to transform into a sixth-level cultivation base on a fifth-level real person, but But he couldn\'t meet the real sixth-order real person face to face.

Therefore, Shang Xia first made a normal "Illusion Talisman", and then used it directly on himself.

However, this "Illusion Talisman" hardly played any role on Shang Xia, who was already a fourth-grade Daoist.

A fifth-order martial talisman that was extremely precious in the eyes of ordinary warriors was wasted by him like this.

Then Shang Xia made another "Illusion Talisman", but this time he used the Illusion Talisman on the original avatar sitting at the exit of the secret realm of the lair.

Because this original incarnation only served as a warning, Shang Xia only retained the cultivation and combat power of the original sixth-level avatar.

And the "Illusion Talisman" did play a certain role on the original incarnation, but the effect was extremely limited. It only made the original incarnation transform into a peak realm, and Shang Xia could almost see through it at a glance.

This has obviously reached the current limit of the "Illusion Talisman", it is obviously impossible!

During Shang Xia\'s first attempt to improve the "Fantasy Talisman", it is natural that he wanted to increase the injection of Liuhe Origin Qi, trying to make the Martial Talisman be able to transform into a higher realm after it was made, and at the same time maintain a higher level. long time.

However, he thought very well, but the result was obviously not satisfactory. The martial talisman had not even been half made, and it had completely collapsed.

Only then did Shang Xia realize that he had done a stupid thing. How much sixth-level Genesis Qi could a piece of fifth-level talisman paper carry?

What\'s more, it is unique to Shang Xia, with a strong annihilation and erosion effect of Liuhe mirror\'s original vitality!

"Could it be that the sixth-order talisman is used?"

Shang Xia couldn\'t help feeling somewhat hesitant.

For changing the "Phantom Talisman" from the fifth-level martial arts

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The talisman was upgraded to a sixth-order martial talisman, and Shang Xia had indeed thought about it before.

Just trying to improve the "Illusion Talisman" on the sixth-order talisman paper, the price is too high!

You must know that the original incarnation brought all the sixth-order talisman papers accumulated in the talisman hall this time, and there were only ten pieces in total. Such a small number of talisman papers could not withstand a new upgrade of a single martial talisman.

In desperation, Shang Xia could only continue to try on the fifth-order martial talisman, but this time it was no longer to try the limit of the six-in-one origin energy that the talisman paper could carry, but to enhance the "illusion talisman" to change it. The concealment of the realm of cultivation, in other words, it is possible to stand in front of a sixth-order real person without being noticed.

The "Illusion Talisman" itself has this ability, and the source of this ability comes from the talisman maker\'s own soul will, that is to say, the easiest way is naturally to increase the strength of the talisman maker\'s soul will in the process of making the talisman. put in.

However, the recovery after the depletion of the spirit and will is far more difficult for the warrior than the recovery after the depletion of the original vitality.

Even for a warrior like Shang Xia who is uniquely endowed in the will of the soul, the excessive consumption of the will of the soul is an unbearable burden.

You know, this is still the case when Shang Xia has the "Taishang Induction Chapter" and other secret art inheritances for the cultivation of spirit and will, so one can imagine how difficult it is for other talisman masters to make such martial talismans .

But fortunately, Shang Xia\'s original purpose of improving the "Illusion Talisman" was only for special purposes, so there was no need for large-scale promotion. Therefore, if he only tried once or twice, then he thought he could still bear it. started.

Therefore, after Shang Xia consumed a wisp of soul will equivalent to stripping an original incarnation in the process of making the talisman, he finally succeeded in making a fifth-order enhanced "illusion talisman".

Through experiments, the original avatar stationed at the entrance and exit of the secret realm has not only transformed into the peak of the first rank, but even if the deity of Shang Xia did not deliberately inspect it closely with divine sense perception, he would not be able to discover that this avatar was actually only a beginner. Facts about cultivation bases.

If you can avoid Shang Xia\'s general perception, then you can definitely avoid the detection perception of most high-grade real people, at least the fourth-grade real people.

On this point, Shang Xia was extremely confident.

So in Shang Xia\'s anticipation, after a few days of effort, the void turbulence outside the secret realm of the lair changed again, and the real Gong Zhuo also appeared outside the entrance and exit of the secret realm again.

When he saw the original avatar stationed outside the exit of the secret realm, Gongzhuo really showed a look of surprise, but he quickly recovered his composure and turned towards the original avatar with the cultivation base of "Peak of the first rank" in front of him. Arching his hands, he said: "Please tell Master Shang that Mr. Gong will come to visit again at the appointment, please see me!"

The incarnation of Yuanyuan laughed and said: "Gong Zhenren, please wait a moment, this deity already knows about your visit, and will be here soon!"

Daoist Gong Zhuo nodded and stopped talking, but his eyes were always lingering on the original incarnation, but because he didn\'t want to cause misunderstandings, he didn\'t dare to blatantly investigate with divine sense perception, but a first-rank peak cultivation Wei\'s original incarnation really made him feel a little confused, and at the same time, Shang Xia and the plane world behind him also became a little unfathomable in Gong Zhenren\'s impression.


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(end of this chapter)

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