Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1209

Everyone in the Lingfeng world didn\'t hear what the original avatar was muttering, but Yang Taihe looked solemn after hearing what the original avatar said before, and said: "So it\'s true that those high-quality real people guard the star beast\'s lair to guard against the invasion of the outer starry sky." I don’t know? I don’t know that the real Xiaoshang this time..."

The original avatar knew what Yang Taihe and the others wanted to ask, so he said directly: "This deity sent me back this time to tell everyone that this deity has just been attacked by two fourth-rank and one third-rank outside the star beast lair. The ambush by the real strangers from the outer domain, but the deity has retreated safely into the star beast lair, and the three strangers from the outer domain have not entered the turbulent void to track the location of the star beast lair."

The news brought back by the original incarnation was shocking enough, and several real people in this world present immediately started talking in a low voice.

Zhang Xuansheng immediately said: "If the three real people from the outer domain mentioned by the real person Shang are not from the four realms of Lingyu, Lingjun, Linglang, and Lingtu, then it is very likely that we have really encountered a big force, or a big force. plane world."

Zhang Jianzi, who had always existed like a shadow beside Xuansheng Zhang, also sighed: "Just to track down a star beast lair, two fourth-rank and one third-rank were sent out. Is it really necessary for Xing Xingtian to say yes? Will this encounter be a Yuan-level upper realm?"

Liu Jingsheng glanced at Zhang Jianzi, looked at Shang Xia\'s original incarnation, and said, "I don\'t know what the real Xiaoshang has planned?"

The source incarnation smiled and said: "That is a place that is not inferior to the cave sky just because of the secret space, and the various resources contained in it are also considered rich. The meaning of this deity is that it is a pity to give up here. Therefore, I want to I want to hear your opinions."

After all, the incarnation of the source introduced the general situation in the secret realm of the lair to the real people, especially the environment in the secret realm, the richness of the various resources that have been discovered and bred, and so on.

You real people are naturally moved after hearing this, but they also have scruples.

The incarnation of Yuanyuan saw that several real people did not speak, so he asked with a smile: "It seems that you don\'t intend to take the risk of developing this lair secret realm?"

Li Jidao thought for a while, and said: "The old man wants to confirm something from the real person, that is, if it is really a Yuan-level upper realm encountered outside the star beast lair, then dare to ask the real person if he has Make sure to destroy the lair secret realm before the opponent invades, and erase the void trajectory, so that the opponent cannot trace the location of Lingfeng Realm?"

Shendu Sect has a direct conflict with Tongyou College in terms of regional development, and there has been discord between the two forces for a long time. Li Jidao has always been indifferent to Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia, even if it is Kou and Shang. The same is true for the realm that has already stepped into the third-rank outer realm before him.

However, even if Li Jidao was talking with an original incarnation of Shang Xia this time, the attitude between his words was obviously softened.

Obviously, the impact of Shang Xia\'s advancement to the fourth-grade Taoist realm brought to the major forces in the Lingfeng world, as well as the touch on other real people in this world, far exceeded Shang Xia\'s expectations.

The reason for everything, in the final analysis, lies in the level of strength!

The original incarnation thought for a while, and said: "This deity is indeed sure to do it, unless the seventh heaven existence in the Yuan-level upper realm personally takes action, otherwise this deity can indeed retreat completely."

Li Jidao immediately asked again: "Then, will Daoist Xiaoshang stay in the star beast\'s lair all the time?"

The source incarnation thought for a while, and said: "It\'s okay for the deity to stay there for three or two years, but I can\'t guarantee it for a long time."

Li Jidao shook his head, sighed softly, and said, "Three or two years is too short, and it is enough to take away all the benefits of that secret space. If it is a long-term business..."

Everyone understands that the long flow of water is the right way, but if it can\'t be done, in order to prevent one\'s own exposure, they can only choose to take a predatory approach.

Yang Taihe said at this time: "I\'m very curious, why does such a star beast lair have to be controlled by a high-grade real person? Although the cultivation base of a third-rank and second-rank real person is indeed not comparable to a high-grade real person , but with the help of a guardian formation, at least at a critical moment, it is still possible to destroy the entire lair secret realm?"

This point is actually not only Yang Taihe, but also several other real people in the Lingfeng world who are also puzzled.

And this doubt can only be known by Shang Xia, who is a high-quality real person.

The original incarnation thought for a while, and pondered: "There should be two reasons. One is that only after the martial artist advances to the fourth-rank Taoist realm, the warrior can complete the full control of a void secret realm when necessary. The limit of the size of this secret realm can refer to the size of the state area entrusted by the original true spirits!"

After the original incarnation finished speaking, the real people present did not have any feedback. It was not that they were not surprised, but they were stunned by the information revealed by these words.

The combination of the four grades of Taoism is actually able to complete all-round control of a state?

Doesn\'t that mean that the life and death of everyone in this state is completely in the hands of one person?

The avatar of Yuanyuan glanced at the surrounding real people, thinking that the deity had already expected the reactions of these people, and then said with a smile: "Of course, this situation is not abnormal, and it is almost impossible for anyone to dare to try, unless this person Gaopin Zhenren really wants to integrate himself with the original will of heaven and earth in this state!"

As soon as the words fell, several real people couldn\'t help but slightly heaved a sigh of relief, but among them, the real people in the spirit world seemed to feel a little bit regretful.

The incarnation of the source just didn\'t see it, and then said: "Of course, the space range of a secret lair is naturally impossible to be compared with a state, and there is no need to worry about the assimilation of the will of heaven and earth. When the deity first occupies the secret of the lair, it is naturally possible to do it." Once you have full control over it, there is no fear of surprise or invasion by outsiders."

Yang Taihe then asked: "Then what about the second reason?"

Yuanyuan incarnated: "The second reason is naturally that Daoist Gaopin has enough ability to lead dozens of warriors to travel across the void for a long-distance shuttle at the moment when things cannot be done, and even wipe them out in time. In addition to the void trajectory. If it is replaced by other real people, then they can only build a fixed void shuttle channel between this world and the secret realm of the lair, leaving an obvious void trajectory in the starry sky, which is very likely to be caught by the opponent\'s stargazer Capture and calculate the location of the world."

Zhang Xuansheng concluded: "In other words, if you want to occupy this lair secret realm that is very likely to face the danger of the Yuan-level upper realm, you must first have the strength to be able to retreat at any time, and secondly, you must erase the void trajectory and cut off the enemy. Ability to track."

The original incarnation thought for a while, and said: "At present, there are only two points."

Several real people in the Lingfeng world exchanged their gazes, and finally Yang Tai said in harmony: "It seems that we need to brainstorm."

"Is it necessary to arrange a sixth-order formation?"

"The key is the existence of Gaopin Daoist all the time. Otherwise, even if the means we deploy are solid, once the opponent finds out that Gaopin Daoist is not in charge, they may immediately attack us."

"Yes, we occupy that lair for long-term operation. Of course, it would be better if we can communicate with the plane world there, but if the other party attacks directly, even if we can retreat unscathed, the secret realm of this lair will be destroyed. So what\'s the point of doing all this?"

"Then what should we do about the preservation of the void trajectory? If we want to operate the secret realm of the lair, we must need manpower, and we must establish a stable void channel."


Several real people discussed with each other for a while and then reached a deadlock. In the end, Yang Taihe ended the meeting and said: "Since we can\'t think of a solution for a while, you might as well disperse first, and then have a good time with your disciples." After some discussion, it is said that one person counts the short and the other counts the long, and perhaps we can find some alternative method."

Several real people thought to themselves, it seems that this is the only way to go at present, anyway, there is Shang Xia sitting in the secret realm of the lair now, so there will be no danger in a short time.

Yang Taihe saw that no one objected, so he said again: "In this case, then I will agree on a time limit, um, it will be limited to half a month, and I will meet here again at that time."

After finishing speaking, Yang Taihe turned his head to look at the incarnation of Yuanyuan, and said, "Is there anything else that Xiaoshang really needs to explain here?"

The original incarnation shook his head with a smile, and said: "Not yet, if there is, the deity will let me know."

After returning from Jiaozhou Tianmu, Yuanyuan quickly found the three deputy mountain chiefs, and told the three in detail about Shang Xia\'s experience in the secret place of the lair and just above Jiaozhou Tianmu.

Before facing the attack of the star beasts, Shangbo went out to join the battle, but after the star beasts were wiped out, he went back to retreat again.

After the three deputy mountain chiefs got the detailed experience from Shang Xia, they quickly summoned high-level warriors from all divisions and halls of the college to come to discuss.

Soon, most of the warriors who are currently in the academy and whose cultivation base is above the fifth heaven have arrived, and there are still a few fourth-tier warriors who are extremely senior and have a high status in the academy. come.

After roughly listening to the reports of the three deputy mountain chiefs, Gai Qingzhu took the lead and said: "Since we have already confronted the warriors in that void, I don\'t know if we can try to contact them first, at least we need to find out what is hidden behind those people Such a force, if it is really the Yuan-level upper realm, then naturally there is nothing to say; but if it is also just a spiritual realm, then the Lingfeng Realm may not be afraid of the other party."

"That\'s true," Bu Jingshuang, who was already showing a bit of old age, said slowly: "We certainly don\'t know the details of each other now, but the other party also doesn\'t know anything about us. If I were the one with the People from foreign lands and other worlds who have Xiaoshang fighting against each other will definitely feel jealous when they see Xiaoshang fighting three against one with their own eyes, and they will definitely not dare to act rashly until there is no further news."

Shang Lubing thought for a while, and said: "But there should be some temptations. I think the other party will still have them. Xiaoshang sits alone in the secret lair, and everything should be careful. For other forces in the Lingfeng world, perhaps the secret lair It\'s very important, but to my Tongyou Academy, even if there are ten secret lairs like that, it\'s not as important as Xiao Shang\'s safety."

Many high-level warriors in the academy nodded subconsciously when they heard the words.

The source incarnation said with a smile at this time: "Thank you for your concern, elders. If I go to the secret place of the nest next, I will definitely bring your warning and care to me."

Yun Jing glanced at everyone, and said: "Okay, let\'s talk about the specifics. Previously on the Jiaozhou sky, the real people from various factions proposed solutions to the two core problems mentioned by Xiaoshang. There are multiple solutions that need to be solved one by one, and everyone brainstorms to see if there is a good alternative."