Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1199

When the Starship Fleet rushing out from Youzhou was still rushing towards the star beast group in the void, Shang Xia had already rushed to the star beast group.

Different from the sixth-level star beast that Shang Xia encountered for the first time, the two star beasts in front of him are obviously more powerful!

When these two star beasts are moving forward, the surrounding void will become like the surface of water with layers of ripples, causing the void in front of it to be squeezed layer by layer, and the instant it is broken through, it will have traveled thousands of miles away .

And just looking at the leisurely swaying postures of these two sixth-order star beasts, it can be seen that they didn\'t use all their strength at all, and they probably slowed down deliberately for the sake of the crowd behind them.

Shang Xia\'s figure suddenly appeared in the void, and was noticed by the two star beasts in the first place.

Shang Xia didn\'t hide his aura, and in fact, he couldn\'t hide his aura when facing two sixth-order star beasts.

For the first time, Gaopin Daoist\'s aura was unreservedly displayed in the void, and the grand aura directly stirred up layers of shock waves in the void around him and spread outward, before advancing with the two star beasts The void ripples that swayed at the moment hit each other, and immediately tore out a series of dark void cracks in the void.



Weird howls of star beasts sounded one after the other, but it didn\'t seem to make too much noise in the void.

However, a strange and invisible sound wave is coming, but the direction of the attack is directed at the warrior\'s spirit and will!

And this is one of Shang Xia\'s real intentions to intercept the two sixth-order star beasts first!

"Hmph, Zha!"

Shang Xia shook his soul and will, and also let out a low shout.

The surrounding void that was originally empty began to resonate with this loud shout, and the howling of the star beast had already broken the boundary before it even touched Shang Xia, let alone continue to spread to the depths of the void behind him. go.

The two star beasts were not all intelligent beasts. After realizing that the person in front of them was not easy to mess with, their huge figures immediately swung and circled towards Shang Xia from one left and one right respectively.

At the same time, the two star beasts did not forget to attack from the left and right respectively, and the two beams of starlight locked onto Shang Xia\'s figure at the same time.

A deep sense of crisis suddenly emerged from the bottom of Shang Xia\'s heart, and he suddenly found that his body was locked, even if he wanted to move around, he couldn\'t escape the tracking of these two beams of starlight.

These two beams of starlight are enough to hurt Shang Xia at this time!

But how could it be possible for Shang Xia to do nothing and just sit and watch two beams of starlight fall on him?

The originally invisible original field instantly expanded, and Shang Xia\'s original power reacted instantly after completing the advancement of the fourth-grade Taoism. The thunderbolt and thunder that formed intercepted the two beams of starlight in the sky.

The Thunder Light of Liuhe Origin and the two beams of starlight of the star beast are entangled together. In the process of annihilating each other, the two beams of starlight continue to shrink back, and radiate light waves towards the surrounding starry sky, like lighting up two beams in the depths of the void. A huge solar disk, not only the light, but also the burning heat!

The two star beasts did not expect that the little man in front of them, who can\'t even fill the gaps between their teeth, could resist their natural offensive so easily, and even the approaching light and heat made them unbearable, so they had to change. The original movement trajectory of the body shape in the void.

But what the two star beasts didn\'t notice was that, under the cover of the vast glare, Shang Xia\'s hand had an extra stone stick the thickness of an egg at some point.

Shang Xia waved the stone stick, which was originally a sacred jade pillar supporting the sky, from bottom to top, and swung it to the left and right respectively. Along with the trajectory of the stick shadow, the vast force of the heaven and earth directly squeezed the void, Layers of twisted voids folded and squeezed continuously, until they were superimposed to the extreme, and finally acted on the huge bodies of the two star beasts respectively.

Accompanied by the howls of the two star beasts, the huge body that was far over a hundred feet suddenly lost control, was swung into the air, and rolled towards the depths of the void above their original trajectory.

Shang Xia coughed lightly, retracted the stone stick in his hand to his back, and then turned his body forward, chasing the direction where the two star beasts were knocked into the air and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the group of star beasts that lost the traces of the two sixth-order star beasts fell into chaos immediately. It was obviously difficult to make effective choices in a short period of time, and some conflicts even broke out among the five-rank star beasts , the huge body had several violent impacts in the void.

But taking advantage of the chaos of the star beasts, dozens of starships in Youzhou had already surrounded them, and three figures rushed out from the three frontmost starships, a shot, a sword, and dozens of cold lights , and shot at the three star beasts above the fifth rank...

Just when the starship fleet of Youzhou set off first, and the starships of other major forces in the Lingfeng world also left one after another from the sky over the sky in different states, several sixth-order really hot figures disappeared at some point. Appeared again in the sky over the Jiaozhou sky.

At this time, several real people looked up at the depths of the void where the star beasts attacked.

The void where the battle between Shang Xia and the star beasts broke out is only hundreds of thousands of miles away from the sky of Lingfeng Realm. At this time, it is probably on the edge of the limit of the personal combat power of several Dongtian Daoists in Lingfeng Realm.

But at this time, above the sky in Jiaozhou, no matter whether it is the real person Dongtian or the few real people from the spiritual world, it seems that they have no plans to go to the depths of the void to help.

Even among the few figures that appeared on the sky at this time, it is hard to say how many of them use the real body of the deity, and how many of them use only the avatar of the original source.

"Is this the combat power of a high-quality real person?"

Lu Wuzi sighed softly, but he could see a bit of loneliness in his expression.

"No wonder you dare to leave all the sects behind and swallow this group of incoming star beasts by yourself."

Li Jidao\'s tone sounded very unfriendly.

"Anyway, this litter of star beasts obviously came chasing the starlight through the sky, and it can be regarded as their own trouble."

Zhang Jianzi, who was rarely seen, also came to the sky in Jiaozhou.

"It seems that Kou Zhenren should not be in this world right now. No matter how you look at it today, it doesn\'t look like Kou Zhenren\'s style of action."

Liu Jingsheng looked at the two huge sixth-order star beasts in the depths of the void that were swung by Shang Xia Shengsheng, his eyes were constantly flashing with surprise, but he spoke as calmly as possible.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his words fell, he heard a sneer, and Li Jidao said, "How do you know that Kou Chongxue\'s original behavior style was voluntary? Maybe the people in Tongyou College feel that today is different from the past, and he Tongyou Academy is already number one in the Lingfeng world, so why not act a little more arrogantly?"

Liu Jingsheng sneered, and said in a flat tone: "Kou Chongxue went to the void where the three realms of Lingfu are located, and has not yet returned."

Zhang Xuansheng looked at Liu Jingsheng and asked, "Where is Kou Chongxue going and what is he doing, does Master Liu have any news?"

Liu Jingsheng shook his head and said, "I don\'t know, although Junior Brother Huang has been sitting in town to go to the secret place of the lair where the void of the Three Realms of Lingfu is located, it has been almost four years since Kou Chongxue left there, but he never showed up again."

Yang Tai and Zhenren sighed and enviously said: "Obviously, Kou Zhenren found some opportunities in that void, but I don\'t know what level his cultivation will reach when he returns again."

Kou Chongxue has been in that void for four years. It is obvious that he is not just traveling in the void. Given the situation that Xingyuan Dojo and its surrounding worlds are facing, any sixth-level real person will obviously not go out for several years for no reason. No return, unless there is a special reason.

"Do you think Mr. Kou Shan has...disappeared?"

Yin Jingxu, the owner of the Tianxing Pavilion, suddenly spoke, but made a guess that surprised everyone.

"how you said that?"

Li Jidao asked immediately.

Yin Jingxu looked at the battle that had gradually begun to break out in the depths of the void, and said intently: "If Tongyou Academy hadn\'t taken the initiative to expose it today, how many of us would know that Tongyou Academy also has an observatory? Not only that, they obviously secretly Even the fourth-level stargazer already has it. So if you don’t expose it sooner or later, why do you expose it at this time?”

Li Jidao immediately asked: "You mean that Shang Xia took the initiative to guide this mission to meet the star beast alone, is it related to Kou Chongxue\'s disappearance?"

Yin Jingxu said indifferently: "A stargazer who owns an observatory is capable of finding and locating a certain void in the starry sky, and guiding a high-level real person to accurately open a void passage."

Yang Taihe couldn\'t help but said after hearing the words: "You mean that Kou Daoist disappeared somewhere in the void, Tongyou Academy had to expose the existence of the stargazer and the stargazer after discovering this, Use them to try to locate Kou Chongxue\'s missing location in the void, but unexpectedly, because of using too much starlight, they suddenly attracted the attack of the star beast group?"

Yin Jingxu smiled and said: "Yin has said it, this is just Yin\'s own guess."

Just when several real people had different thoughts, Zhang Xuansheng suddenly reminded: "Zhang feels that you should take a look at the battlefield. The method used by the starship fleet of Tongyou College to besiege the star beast is quite interesting. Is it also a kind of war?" Is it a joint formation?"

After hearing the words, several real people raised their eyes and looked into the depths of the void again.

However, Yang Taihe said at this time: "In fact, compared to the fleet\'s siege of the starship, the old man is more interested in those fighters from Tongyou Academy who dare to leave the fleet and fight against the fifth-order star beast alone."

Liu Jingsheng said: "Did Master Yang mean those two fifth-level fighters who have practiced four natal Yuangangs?"

Yang Taihe shook his head slowly, and said, "No, it\'s not just those two!"