Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1193

The reason why Sifangbei\'s feedback to Shang Xia lasted for so long and has such strength is more likely because Sifangbei is transforming the power of stars into the original energy that Shangxia can directly refine and absorb. In fact, it is a reuse of high-order source gas after degradation.

Before Shang Xia retreated, he thought to himself that his cultivation had already completed more than one-third of the third-rank outer realm.

Originally, according to estimates, if there were no accidents or other special opportunities, he would have to practice diligently for at least ten years if he wanted to push his cultivation all the way to the threshold of advanced fourth-grade Taoism.

However, it has only been two years since Shang Xia retreated in the talisman building, and he has already pushed his cultivation to the peak of the third-rank outer realm by using the original energy fed back by the Sifangbei.

But Tier 6 fighters are called "high-rank real people" from the fourth-rank Taoist realm, so the threshold from the peak of the third-rank to the fourth-rank is obviously not so easy to cross.

In fact, another half a year passed, and Shang Xia did not immediately launch an impact on the fourth-grade Taoist realm, but slowly accumulated his own source of heaven and earth step by step, strengthening his accumulation and foundation.

At the same time, Shang Xia still has a more important thing to do, and that is to further complete the sorting out of the "Liuhe Mixing One without Leakage" of the exercises he has practiced.

In fact, in the past two years of retreat, Shang Xia has never stopped adjusting and repairing the "six-in-one mixed-one method" in the process of refining the original energy fed back by the Sifangbei.

To this day, Shang Xia feels that in terms of his current state, there is no room for further adjustment and improvement of the "Liuhe Mixed One No Leakage Method" in his hands, so re-completing the overall arrangement of the method is naturally a top priority .

Half a year later, when Shang Xia sorted out the adjusted "Liuhe Mixed One No Leakage Method" as a whole, the speed of refining the Sifangbei in his body to feed back the source qi increased by almost 30%!

It wasn\'t until this time that Shang Xia finally felt the exhaustion of Sifangbei\'s feedback.

However, after this series of preparations and adjustments, Shang Xia is confident that his own state has reached its peak state at this time, and it is time to launch an impact on the fourth-grade Taoist realm.

The original true spirit enshrined in Youzhou\'s original qi was actively awakened by Shang Xia. At this moment, almost all warriors in Youzhou whose cultivation base has reached the fourth heaven or higher can clearly perceive the heaven and earth vitality permeating around them. Not getting richer, but getting more spiritual!

Only those high-level warriors whose cultivation base has reached the fifth heaven and above, and who have a relatively complete martial arts inheritance system and cognition at the same time, can realize something at the first time, and they will unanimously turn their gazes to Tongyou City. Or the location of Tongyou Academy in Tongyou City.

In fact, not only Youzhou, but the sea of ​​origin of the entire Lingfeng world is actually connected.

When Shang Xia began to awaken the original true spirit, the turmoil that started from the depths of Youzhou\'s original sea soon spread to the entire plane world, and at the same time, the world\'s original will of this world became active !

So at this moment, almost all the sixth-order real people in Lingfeng Realm who have never gone out or cannot go out have learned through the turmoil of the original sea that a sixth-order real person is breaking through, and through communication with the original will, they can confirm the breaking The people in the realm are from Youzhou, and they can even know that the realm they break is a fourth-rank Taoist realm.

Then the identity of the person who broke the boundary this time is naturally not difficult to guess.

For a while, the sixth-order real people of the various sects in the Lingfeng world can be said to have mixed tastes, and their gazes in the direction of Youzhou are also complicated and difficult to understand. However, no one will make some small moves at this time, even though they do have It can be done!

The former Shang Xia sent the original incarnation to inform the real people about the news of the star master, Yuanping world and the upper world of the outer domain. There may be an implied warning in it, but at least at this time, the Lingfeng world can still maintain unity in the overall situation harmonious situation.

Since he wants to attack the fourth-rank Taoist realm, Shang Xia naturally has to mobilize all the forces he can mobilize at this time, and there is absolutely no reason to hold back.

As for the awakening of the true spirit of the original source, it will further deepen its influence on the original sea of ​​Youzhou, in order to complete the further sublimation and transformation of the original domain, making the relationship between Shangxia and Youzhou state closer to one. Shang Xia\'s own understanding is similar to the state of "harmony between man and nature", which is called "the state of Taoism".

After refining the Sifangbei for two years to feed back the origin qi, Shang Xia finally began to use the original true spirit to absorb the sea of ​​origin in Youzhou to assist in his cultivation.

However, this is not enough, at least it is not enough to break through the high-quality threshold in a short period of time, so an original avatar who had followed Shang Xia in retreat in the talisman building suddenly got up and walked directly in front of the real body of the deity It merged into Shang Xia\'s body.

Just when the accumulation of quantitative changes was about to trigger a qualitative change, another original avatar got up and merged into the real body of the deity, and finally helped Shang Xia cross the threshold of a high-quality real person\'s qualitative change in one go.

In an instant, with the help of the influence of the original true spirit placed in the original sea, Shang Xia\'s spiritual perception enveloped the entire Youzhou prefecture, as if he had already integrated with the entire Youzhou, Youzhou Everything that happened in it, as long as he wants to know, he can do it, as long as he wants to do something, it seems that he can certainly do it within the scope of Youzhou.

He seems to be able to turn into a strong wind with a breath, to attract dark clouds with a wave of his hand, to roll with thunder with a light cough, to thunderbolt and lightning when he opens his eyes, and to rainstorm with a turn of his mind...

As long as he is happy, the weather will be sunny, and when he is angry, the sky will collapse...

This is almost a kind of state and experience of saying what you say and having a heavenly constitution in your mouth, which makes Shang Xia\'s soul and will involuntarily want to indulge in it, and never want to wake up in that almost omnipotent state.

If Shang Xia has been indulging in this state and cannot find himself for a long time, then he will be completely integrated with Youzhou forever and become a part of the world of Youzhou. There is no such a number one person as Shang Xia.


"So you who are omnipotent can return to the world you used to be?"

A voice from the deepest part of his heart startled Shang Xia, and completely separated his independent spirit and will from the state of overlooking all living beings and controlling everything.

"so close!"

Shang Xia broke out in a cold sweat secretly: "Is this the fourth-rank \'The Realm of Dao Harmony\'?"

Shang Xia thought carefully about everything perceived by the will of the soul before, and naturally understood that the real "Tao He Jing" is not like this, but should be a power that can borrow the original sea of ​​Youzhou and the will of heaven and earth to the greatest extent. At the same time, it can also maintain the state of its own independent spirit and will.

It\'s just that this time Shang Xia will not be easily assimilated by the sea of ​​origin and influenced by the will of heaven and earth.

At the same time, the third original incarnation who had been waiting outside Fulou for a long time also came in under Shang Xia\'s call, and then merged with the real body again.

It\'s just that the integration of the original avatar this time did not bring any impact to Shang Xia, who had completed a qualitative change in his cultivation base, but only helped him further stabilize his cultivation base.

At this time, Shang Xia has finally truly completed the transformation of the fourth-rank "Dao Hejing", and can truly be called a "high-grade real person"!