Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1185

Although Xingyuanwei is powerful, Xingyuan City can still intimidate all walks of life even though the Xingyuan City has not shown up for nearly two hundred years. Even the top spiritual worlds such as Lingjun and Lingyu dare not openly To fight against Xingyuan City, relying on Xingyuanwei\'s more than 300 robed men alone seems too indifferent anyway.

Previously, Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue also suspected that there should be hidden masters in Xingyuan City, especially the masters above the sixth heaven, and even the two of them not only sent people to investigate Xingyuan City secretly, but also conducted searches in Xingyuan City several times in person.

However, in the final result, except for Shang Xia who found Tong Yutang in Xingling Pavilion, he rarely noticed the traces of strange sixth-order masters in Xingyuan City at other times.

So where did those masters who left Xingyuanwei, especially those whose cultivation base was above the sixth heaven, go?

Although the Xingyuan Dojo itself is a vast secret space, there must be many hidden places in it to hide, but now it seems that perhaps the mysterious and unobtrusive Star Lord\'s Mansion is the best one. hiding place.


Feng Ziying pondered: "You don\'t mean you want me to investigate the Star Lord\'s Mansion now, do you?"

Shang Xia hurriedly stopped him and said, "You\'d better stop acting rashly now, just be your team leader of Xingyuan with peace of mind! As for the news about the Star Lord\'s Mansion, I think that when your cultivation reaches the sixth heaven, you will naturally Will be qualified to know."

Feng Ziying is now a master of the fifth heaven who has smelted four natal Yuangangs. He is far from the sixth heaven, but he can be regarded as the seed of the sixth heaven for cultivation.

More importantly, with Feng Ziying\'s current state, he will not only get a certain degree of resource tilt from within Xingyuanwei, but also have the secret support of Tongyou Academy behind him.

The possibility of Feng Ziying\'s impact on the Wuxu Realm in the future is undoubtedly extremely high.

The two exchanged information about various news circulating in Xingyuan City, especially about the star robe worn by Xingyuanwei, the cold wave in the northern region of Lingyu Realm, and the news about Yuan-level upper realm. Shang Xia was particularly interested. Please Feng Ziying pay more attention on weekdays.

Two or three hours passed quickly, and when Shang Xia\'s original incarnation was discussing with Feng Ziying the possibility of imitating the star robe through the secret formation talisman and trying to deduce the combination attack formation, suddenly Startled, the whole person seemed to be sluggish for a moment, but soon recovered.

Feng Ziying at the side saw the difference, and said, "Why, but what happened?"

The original incarnation laughed and said: "It\'s nothing, it\'s just that a rabbit that I\'ve been waiting for for a long time has finally bumped into it!"


In the void outside the Xingyuan Dojo, the real body of Shang Xia who had been hiding here beforehand suddenly opened his eyes.

Hundreds of miles away from where Shang Xia was located was the floating platform that entered Xingyuan City, but at this moment his eyes were looking at a place in the void that was nearly a thousand miles away from the floating platform.

The changes in the Xingyuan Dojo obviously also troubled Wen Juxiang who came around from nowhere.

In the past, there was no space barrier in Xingyuan Land, so Wen Juxiang could come in and out from any place at will, as long as he can enter Xingyuan City, then no one would dare to trouble him when going to Xingyi Square.

But now the land of Xingyuan is occupied by space

Covered by a barrier, the only place to enter and leave Xingyuan City is the void passage connected to the floating platform. If someone wants to deal with him, if he knows his destination, he only needs to use the space around the floating platform Ambush in the void is enough.

But this idea just flashed through his mind, he needed to return to Yuanhong Realm as soon as possible, so he had to enter Xingyuan City through here, and he didn\'t think anyone would come here to intercept him at this time.

So I observed the void not far from the floating platform for a while, and found that the void passage to Xingyuan City did not target high-level warriors entering or leaving, and finally revealed my figure and flew towards the floating platform. Come.

However, the moment he appeared, Wen Juxiang suddenly felt a thorn in his back, and immediately realized that he was being targeted by someone with malicious intentions.

Wen Juxiang\'s state was extremely bad at this time. After repeated injuries, although he still recovered the strength of the sixth heaven after escaping from Yuanping Realm, it was weakened by more than half compared to the heyday.

Naturally, those who dare to stare at him at this time cannot be weak, and the current him is obviously not suitable for fighting with others.

So Wen Juxiang could be considered decisive, the moment he realized that he was being targeted, he immediately turned around and fled towards the depths of the void.

However, before he could go too far, the void behind him suddenly burst open, and one end of a stone stick protruded from it, directly piercing it through the back of his heart.

Shang Xia\'s figure came after him, but he frowned slightly when he saw it: "The original incarnation?"

Wen Juxiang, who was originally pierced, suddenly turned the disclosure behind him, and showed a mocking smile towards Shang Xia who was not far away, and then his figure collapsed into a mass of scattered vitality.

"How long can you hold on if you still dare to divide the source of the virtual realm after being severely injured, and peel off an incarnation of the source from it?"

Shang Xia snorted coldly, and his original domain suddenly spread out, centering on himself and spreading to the surrounding void, turning into invisible void ripples, and at the same time, a ray of his divine will was attached to each void ripple perception.

Suddenly, the void in a certain place suddenly twisted after the ripples passed by, and a figure emerged from it, breaking through the void and forcibly shuttled away.

Seeing this, Shang Xia was not surprised but pleased, and then flashed to the vicinity of the person who broke through the void, and traced the fluctuations of the void and also broke through the void to shuttle away.

After all, this place is near the periphery of the Xingyuan Dojo, and the short two rounds of fighting between the two have already alarmed the entire Xingyuan Dojo inside and outside, and in the blink of an eye, at least four or five sixth-order real people\'s auras have risen from the inside of the dojo. , and extended towards this void to find out.

If the two stayed here and continued to fight, maybe Xing Yuanwei would come to intervene in a short time and prevent the two from fighting near the dojo.

But now that Wen Juxiang was being severely injured and intercepted by Shang Xia\'s sudden attack, there was no time for him to think about these things, of course he subconsciously chose to escape immediately.

It\'s a pity that this is in Shang Xia\'s arms.

Shang Xia, who had just learned something from making the "Liuhe Shifting Talisman" and frequent space travel, was not worried at all that Wen Juxiang would forcibly travel through the void and escape from under his nose.

Sensing the spatial fluctuations left by the forcibly broken void in the process of closing itself, Shang Xia was able to judge that Wen Juxiang had just escaped.

Direction of travel and approximate distance.

Forming a not-so-complicated seal formula with both hands and pressing it in the void, a space portal opened, and Shang Xia stepped into it without hesitation.

In the void more than 10,000 miles away from the Xingyuan Dojo in a certain direction, the figure of Wen Juxiang staggered out of it as a gap in the void split open.

However, at this time, he did not dare to slack off in the slightest. Even though the original energy in his body was depleted at this time, even the maintenance of the original domain seemed powerless, but Wen Juxiang was still ready to forcibly break through again without hesitation. Void for space shuttle.

However, just when his figure stepped into the barely opened space portal, the void in front of him suddenly began to squeeze layer by layer until it was completely distorted, and finally accompanied by the evolution of a wave of void, the space that had already stepped into the space shuttle Wen Juxiang fell out of the void somewhere more than ten miles away, looking quite embarrassed.

"It\'s you!"

Wen Juxiang stabilized his figure without hesitation, and saw a familiar figure hanging in the void more than ten miles away from him.

Shang Xia smiled coldly and said, "Is that a surprise? You should have thought of it!"

"Heh, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs!"

Wen Juxiang\'s face turned miserable, and he said: "If I had known this, the old man should not have let you go that day, and today\'s disaster would not have happened."

Hearing this, Shang Xia said disapprovingly: "You and I have met five times before and after, and four of them confronted each other. Which time can you really keep Shang?"

Wen Juxiang sneered and said: "The matter has come to this, why bother to use words in vain? Wen\'s life is here, so come and take it if you have the ability!"

Shang Xia chuckled when he heard the words, and said, "Look, I\'ve come to get it!"

Wen Juxiang\'s expression suddenly changed when he looked at the person in front of him, and a great terror was born from the bottom of his heart and swept his whole body.

At this moment, in his eyes, the figure of Shang Xia, who was showing a mocking expression, suddenly became unreal. This is just an original incarnation!

Wen Juxiang had used the original incarnation to escape from Shang Xia\'s hands before, but now he was distracted by Shang Xia\'s original incarnation, ignoring the true location of his real body.

how come?

Then his real body...

Wen Juxiang suddenly turned around in the void, and then a stone stick had already broken through the void and came to him without a sound, and it became bigger and bigger in his eyes!

Wen Juxiang held the long-handled hammer firmly in his hand and swung it in front of him, trying to save himself, but his arm suddenly tightened, as if something was wrapped around his arm, making him unable to swing the hammer in his hand at all. God soldiers.


With a muffled sound, one end of the sacred stone stick directly hit Wen Juxiang\'s forehead, causing his head to jerk backwards, and it never recovered...

A cloak that looked like flowing starlight swept away the magic hammer that was originally held in his hand from the corpse of Wen Juxiang, who was gradually beginning to evaporate and melt as vitality after losing his vitality, and then from his A few things were wrapped around the waist and cuffs, and then returned to Shang Xia\'s body and turned into a cloak that seemed to be dotted with countless stars behind him.

Shang Xia looked at the corpse of Gaopin Daoist who was turning into a mass of vitality in the void, and immediately flicked his sleeves forward, everything in front of him was annihilated and turned into nothingness. The high-quality real person disappeared in smoke.