Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1182

Although the incarnation carrier of the star master can still barely have the combat strength of the third rank, but perhaps because of the damage to the star robe of the guard master, it is extremely difficult to maintain its own energy, as if it may fall from the outer third rank at any time .

Among Gao Qin and the other three, although Wen Juxiang\'s aura has fallen to the fifth level at this time, Gao Qin and Hua Jianlou still maintain the strength of the sixth level, not to mention that there is another one who has been regarded as Transparent, almost ignored, but at this time, Shang Xia suddenly upgraded to a new force on his own!

Even the incarnation of the star master at this time does not have absolute confidence that the carrier of the incarnation, which is already congenitally stunted, will not be damaged after the four people are cleaned up.

In desperation, the incarnation of the star master could only activate the original will authority of Yuanpingjie, directly opened a void passage in the void behind everyone, and directly expelled the four people with the help of the coercion of heaven and earth.

Wen Juxiang, whose strength was the most severely damaged, was the first to be unable to hold on, and under the current situation, he also had the intention to retreat a long time ago. Immediately, he turned over and fell into the void passage following the expulsion force of the will of heaven and earth .

Although Gao Qin was unwilling, he also knew that under such circumstances, if he tried harder, he might lose his life here completely.

More importantly, even if everyone can fight off this incarnation carrier, it is only an incarnation, but if she loses her life here, she will really die in another world.

The only pity is that they were not able to take away the Star Robe of the Master Wei, which is the key to open the passage from the Yuanming Realm to the void of this star field.

As for the void passage on Xingyi Square in Xingyuan City, because of the existence of Xingyuan Dojo, the Yuanming Realm has no way of determining the location of this star field.

However, the failure this time does not mean that there are no other opportunities...

Immortal Gao Qin followed Wen Juxiang, retreated into the void passage and left Yuanping Realm.

Wen Juxiang and Gao Qin have retreated one after another, and it is meaningless to stay in Huajianlou, but he does not seem to be disappointed by being expelled from this world. It seems that his purpose of entering this world earlier has already been achieved .

However, he noticed that Shang Xia, who was also within the scope of being expelled, didn\'t seem to have any intention of retreating. Instead, he looked thoughtful. Asked: "Why, is Master Shang still planning to leave? After I withdraw, I\'m afraid you alone..."

"I want to try!"

Shang Xia suddenly turned his head to look at the Huajian Tower not far away, and said with a smile on his face.


Hua Jianlou couldn\'t believe his ears, as if he heard some unbelievable big words, he was a little stunned for a while.

"Heh, Shang just wanted to give it a try!"

Shang Xia let out a chuckle, and immediately under the horrified gaze of Huajianlou, the energy around him suddenly began to surge.

Tier 6, Tier 1 Domain Formation, Tier 6, Tier 2, Inner Tier, Tier 6, Tier 3, Outer Tier!

This is already the double peak of Shang Xia\'s own cultivation and combat power!

But... why?

The Huajian Building did not see any mysterious magic powers Shang Xia used, let alone any external means.

Why is his cultivation not suppressed by the original will of the Yuanping world?

Since the star master can be regarded as the incarnation of the original will of the Yuanping Realm, and the carrier of the incarnation of the original will is in front of his eyes, why would he turn a blind eye to the changes in this kid?

This kid has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger all the time, everyone underestimated him!

I underestimated this young man who was originally thought to be from the new spiritual world and lacked knowledge.

Everyone thinks that this kid broke into Yuanping Realm just by luck, and it is not worth mentioning at all, but the final fact is that the clown turned out to be themselves, and this young man who was underestimated and ignored by them was in the end. It was only at this moment that the sharp fangs were revealed!

"You should have..."

Hua Jianlou hadn\'t finished speaking, but was overturned by an irresistible potential and fell into the void passage.

The moment he fell into the void passage, Hua Jianlou seemed to realize that Shang Xia\'s skyrocketing aura was somewhat similar to the carrier of the star master\'s incarnation...

Shang Xia was already at full strength at this time, so naturally it was impossible to leave a hidden danger around him, but it was a pity that he was locked by the star lord\'s incarnation the moment he showed his full strength, unable to wait for an opportunity to kill Huajianlou, so he With the help of the burst of energy, it can be expelled from Yuanping in advance to avoid hidden dangers.

"...We could have killed this star master incarnation carrier together..."

Hua Jianlou\'s figure has already fallen into the void outside Yuanping\'s boundary, but his voice still slowly returns from the void passage.

team up?

At that time, Shang Xia didn\'t have the means of the three of them. He was able to deceive the rejection of the will of the world in the Yuanping world because he had been observing the changes in the aura of the carrier of the star master\'s incarnation.

Shang Xia\'s sudden eruption, not to mention that Hua Jianlou did not expect it, even the star master\'s will in the avatar carrier was completely unexpected.

"You...Yuan Ping...remnants?"

It seems that Star Lord\'s original will has not been able to figure out the changes that happened to Shang Xia, and instead thinks that he may be a fish that slipped through the net of a native warrior in Yuanping Realm.

Shang Xia moved at this time, and having recovered his full strength, he knew that this situation would not last long. Once the star master\'s incarnation reacted, he had already completed the original will of the Yuanping world, and he could immediately expose his imitation trick.

Holding the cylindrical sacred stone stick in his hand, Shang Xia went all out to perform the third method of "Liuhe stick method": Dongxu!

The space between Shang Xia and the incarnation of the star lord was directly pierced, and the moment the sacred stone stick appeared, it once again broke through the already fragile original domain of the incarnation of the star lord.

However, seeing that even the body of the incarnation of the star lord was going to be pierced by this stick, a familiar star curtain opened up in front of the incarnation of the star lord again.

At a critical juncture, the incarnation of the Star Lord had to once again sacrifice the star robe of the Guardian Lord behind him, wrap the stone stick body layer by layer, and through layers of unloading force, dissolve the huge force of the heaven and earth on it.

Although the star robe of the master of the guard had already been cut open by the Hua Jianlou with the help of the cold air, but what the sword really hurt was the incarnation of the star master itself, and the star robe of the master of the guard still possessed extremely powerful power.

Not only that, but the incarnation of the Star Lord has clearly seen at a glance that this stone stick is the essence of a holy weapon.

While successfully dissolving Shang Xia\'s Liuhe stick technique, he even wanted to take this sacred weapon for himself!

A jade pillar that supports the sky, and a sacred weapon that can be used as a weapon, are extremely valuable even in the eyes of a power of the seventh heaven like the Star Lord, at least for the current avatar carrier!

But at this moment, the third-rank energy that the star lord\'s incarnation could still manage to maintain declined again, falling to the second-rank realm.

However, the incarnation of the Star Lord didn\'t care about this. Even with only a second-rank cultivation, he was confident enough to get rid of the overwhelmed ant in front of him.

This is Yuanping Realm, this is his own world!

The incarnation of the Star Lord suddenly opened his arms, and the world suddenly went dark, and then countless fluorescent lights began to appear in the sky.

Shang Xia looked up subconsciously, only to see that the area he was in was already covered by a night full of stars.

Countless stars hang down their fluorescence when they are twinkling, turning into wisps of starlight that seem to have substance, lingering around the incarnation of the star lord, as if they can be used at any time.

At this moment, the Star Lord\'s incarnate eyes fell on Shang Xia with indifference: "Chi——Zhen!"

This time the coercion of heaven and earth came again, but it was no longer just the will of heaven and earth, but the will of heaven and earth accompanied by the double suppression of the original power of heaven and earth!

The irresistible power of Peiran descended, and Shang Xia was indeed suppressed and unable to move an inch.

However, the incarnation of the Star Lord obviously didn\'t intend to let go, and he didn\'t even expel Shang Xia from this world immediately after he finished suppressing Shang Xia, but once again triggered the source of heaven and earth to say: "Chi——Duo!"

The powerful force directly shook Shang Xia\'s hands away, and the sacred stone stick at the other end, which was tightly wrapped by the star robe of the guard, flew towards the incarnation of the star master.

At the same time, the incarnation of the Star Lord moved towards the place where Shang Xia was standing, and at the same time said again: "Chi——Feng!"

The mighty power of the stars penetrated into Shang Xia\'s body, and began to imprison his dantian origin and seal the Liuhe origin power in his body.

However, the action of the star master\'s incarnation is still continuing: "Imperial order!"

Only this time, the incarnation of the Star Lord didn\'t just say Tianxian, but just when the word "Zhu" was uttered, he who had already come to Shang Xia\'s body hit his forehead at the same time!

"The carrier of the avatar is half useless, but this body is even more perfect!"

The purpose of the incarnation of the Star Lord is to annihilate Shang Xia\'s soul will, and then come down with his own original will and seize Shang Xia\'s body.

However, the moment the star lord\'s avatar touched Shang Xia\'s eyebrows with his fingertips, he suddenly felt a sharp line between the other\'s eyebrows, and flicked his fingertips away.

For the first time, the expression of the Star Lord\'s avatar turned into astonishment.

At the same time, Shang Xia, who should have been suppressed and imprisoned all over by the power of the stars, suddenly opened his eyes, and even had a mocking smile on his face.

Without giving the incarnation of the star master any chance to react subconsciously, the source power of the stars that had been suppressed and imprisoned inside and outside suddenly disappeared. It directly penetrated into the chest of the incarnation carrier of the star master who is close at hand.


Star Lord\'s incarnation stared wide-eyed, completely unexpected, and even unable to understand what happened in front of him.

But at this moment, he was completely speechless. The source power of the stars on the chest of the avatar carrier suddenly became disordered, and the huge starlight began to spread from the wound to all directions, as if it was about to explode in the next moment.

At this moment, Shang Xia raised his hand, and the stone stick, the sacred artifact that was originally wrapped in the star robe of the Lord Wei fell into his hand again, and the star robe cloak was brought back at the same time.

At the same time, while retreating, Shang Xia pulled out the projection of the square stele penetrating into the chest of the avatar of the star lord.

The source power of the stars, which was about to erupt due to loss of control, was suddenly absorbed by the projection of the square monument.

But the remaining star power is still about to explode completely out of control due to the slack of the star lord\'s incarnation.

But at this time, Shang Xia had already come to the void passage that hadn\'t been completely closed, and exited Yuanping Realm alone.

And just when Shang Xia exited the void passage and came to a void outside the sky, the incarnation of the star master at the other end of the passage finally collapsed completely, and the remaining disordered star power exploded, and the gorgeous starlight directly tore the void passage , and also submerged Yuanping Realm in the void again.


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