Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1178

Among the various walks of life around Xingyuan Dojo, it is true that there are very few high-grade real people who are above the fourth-rank Taoist realm.

Since the completion of the promotion of Lingfeng Realm, Shang Xia\'s self-cultivation realm has been continuously improved in the past ten years. The fourth-rank real person Yan Huayi, and Gao Qin and Wen Juxiang from the two upper realms of Yuanming and Yuanhong.

And except that when Zhuge Xiang was finally besieged and killed by everyone, his own cultivation had reached the fifth-rank return to the true realm, and the other high-rank real people he encountered were all fourth-rank Daoist realms without exception.

Let alone Shang Xia, all the sixth-order real people in the entire Lingfeng world were curious about this situation, but no one knew what was going on.

It\'s not that people in the Lingfeng world didn\'t want to explore the reasons for this through various methods, but the information they got was mostly unclear, but after gathering various sources of information, they could still vaguely confirm one thing, that It\'s not that there are no high-quality real people in the top spiritual worlds like Lingyu and Lingjun, but they seldom show up for some reason.

Hearing the mention of Huajianlou at this time, Shang Xia was naturally eager to know the answer, but he still said in a casual tone: "Oh, what could be the reason?"

In fact, Shang Xia was really absent-minded at this time.

Because most of his attention at this time is neither on assisting Huajianlou, Gao Qin and the other three to besiege the avatar carrier, nor on the secrets that Huajianlou proactively exposed to him, but on the avatar carrier gradually due to the stars. The power of the source is condensed on the body that is becoming more solid and perfect.

Shang Xia is observing the changes in the energy mechanism of this incarnation of the carrier, and perceiving the operating state of the source power of the stars around him. He is trying to deduce the carrier of the incarnation of the Star Lord through observation and perception, so as to try to imitate it in himself. See if he can finally deceive the sense of the will of the world in Yuanping, and relieve the oppressive force and rejection of him in this world.

In fact, Shang Xia has been trying this since the first time he entered the Yuanping world, but without the demonstration of the aboriginal warriors in this world, he has never been able to enter.

Seeing that the star master used Zhuge Xiang\'s original incarnation to reshape his body with the last ray of the original true spirit that was about to dissipate, and speed up the cohesion of his body with the help of the star robe of Wei Lord, Shang Xia wondered whether he could imitate the carrier of the incarnation The Qi machine circulates to do this.

According to the information disclosed by Huajianlou, since Xingzhu intends to assimilate and replace the will of heaven and earth in Yuanpingjie, the avatar carrier he prepared for himself will not be subject to any constraints from this world.

Although it is just a reshaped avatar carrier, not the real body of the aborigines, but it will not lose a piece of meat just for a try, not to mention that there are two high-quality real people plus Huajianlou. The top three real people stood in front of him. If he didn\'t take advantage of this opportunity, Shang Xia would feel sorry for himself.

Huajianlou and others naturally didn\'t know what Shang Xia was doing. In order for Shang Xia to participate in the siege of the avatar carrier with all his heart, Huajianlou had to continue to reveal to him some Xingyuan Daochang and surrounding areas. The many mysteries of the dimension world.

"Because between 200 and 300 years ago, the high-grade real people from all walks of life under the jurisdiction of the Xingyuan Daoist Temple all fell due to various accidents during these more than 100 years, so that all parties There is almost a gap in the high-pin real people from all walks of life, except for Xingyuanwei and the limited one or two high-pin cave celestial beings who live in seclusion among the three major spiritual worlds, it is almost impossible to see high-pin real people haunting the starry sky."

The news from Huajianlou shocked him again.

Even though there may not be many high-grade real people from all walks of life under the jurisdiction of Xingyuan City, in terms of the strong vitality and lifespan of sixth-order warriors, most of them died in just a hundred years. normal.

Shang Xia couldn\'t help but take his attention away from the body of the avatar carrier for a moment. While forming a "vacuum mark" with his hands, he also tried to absorb the part of the source force that was trapped and imprisoned through the square monument. Improvements have been made to the "vacuum seal" and the support for the three has been increased.

At the same time, he didn\'t forget to ask: "So now there must be some speculation about the reason for this kind of thing?"

During the process of participating in the siege of the avatar carrier, Huajianlou interpreted the meaning of "sword swaying" to the fullest. Hearing this, he continued to answer: "The last recorded public appearance of the Star Lord in Xingyuan City should be It was also more than two hundred years ago, and it has never been publicly revealed since then."

Obviously, the suspect is the Star Lord himself.

After all, if it is not an accident that many high-quality real people have died one after another for more than a hundred years, then the person who can kill these people silently is probably only the star master with a cultivation level as high as the seventh heaven .

It\'s just that it seems impossible to conclude that it must be the work of the star master based on this point alone.

Shang Xia thought for a while, and then asked: "But in the past two hundred years, has there not been a high-quality real person from all walks of life?"

Huajianlou smiled "hehe" and said: "Xingyuan City governs more than ten spirit worlds and blue worlds, so naturally there will be no shortage of talented people from the sky. Two hundred years ago, several real people surpassed the high-grade real people. At that time, the Star Lord must have discovered and started to seize the Yuanping Realm, but those high-grade real people still died or disappeared in the years or ten years after the successful advancement."

Shang Xia raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, but she didn\'t ask any more questions. In this case, Huajianlou would not pretend to hide it anymore.

However, Shang Xia tried another attack method against the avatar carrier this time. He tried to use the "Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand" to integrate into a certain thunderbolt light and guide it, so as to increase its power.

Unexpectedly, this time Shang Xia was self-defeating. Those thunderbolts that had nothing to do with him suddenly seemed to have received some summons. They split into several in an instant and fell on the top of Shang Xia\'s head. While being in a hurry, it gave the avatar carrier a bit of respite.

Fortunately, Huajianlou, Wen Juxiang, and Gao Qin didn\'t notice that it was because of Shang Xia. Instead, they thought that the incarnation carrier had some means of using thunder and punishment, and they all became vigilant, worried that such means would fail again. to their own heads.

At this time, I heard Hua Jianlou say again: "Later, through a joint investigation, the major sects of the spiritual world discovered that whenever a high-grade real person died or disappeared outside, the guardian of Xingyuan City would personally lead them during that time. The battalion guards under his command went out to patrol the depths of the starry sky."

The second is later, sorry!