Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1173

The few arms and legs containing stars on the ground were put away by Shang Xia.

Although the star gang contained in the arms and feet cannot be a complete heaven and earth Yuan Gang, it is enough to extract a few strands of different types of Yuan Gang essence.

Dodging to the stone stick, the holy artifact, he pulled out the stick from the ice and snow, but the bone of the huge ice snake that was nailed here before had already begun to melt into one with the ice and snow.

If Shang Xia hadn\'t been able to perceive the existence of vitality from this ice snake at the beginning, he would have even suspected that this ice snake was not a beast at all, but should be a means of puppetry controlled by people remotely.

However, because this ice snake was killed by Shang Xia who directly pierced it seven inches with a stone stick, its body was relatively well preserved. It is enough to extract a complete and pure ice gang.

If the starlight octopus is more like a star beast, and this ice snake is similar to a strange beast, then the ice spider that attacked Shang Xia first, not only did not have the wisdom of a high-level strange beast, but even Even the survival instinct possessed by star beasts does not exist, it is more like a creation that exists entirely for killing.

This feeling is more like the fierce beasts that Shang Xia encountered in the battle between the two worlds in his early years.

What\'s even more strange is that among the three giant beasts that Shang Xia encountered just now, only this ice spider seems to have both the power of the stars and the cold air. In Xingsi, there was a preliminary fusion of two sources of power in a certain situation, and perhaps because of this, this ice spider was the most powerful among the three giant beasts!

This made Shang Xia have to guess, perhaps it was precisely because of the initial fusion of the two sources of power on the giant beast that the ice spider was unable to activate its intelligence and lost its instincts, and could only act like a A ferocious beast is generally driven by some kind of power or rules to fight and kill.

However, what Shang Xia gained from these three giant beasts was also the biggest in the Ice Spider.

Shang Xia glanced at the section of colorful star silk wrapped around his wrist, he can be sure that the grade of star silk that combines two kinds of source power is top-grade even among the sixth-order things.

Even if the bundle of star wires has not undergone any forging, it can easily be lengthened freely, and can even be stretched to a hundred feet under extreme conditions. Now it is only about a foot wrapped around his wrist, and it is extremely miraculous.

Not only that, this object is extremely tough, and Shang Xia once tried to tear it apart, and was able to tear it apart even with the use of source power.

Even if it falls into the hands of a master weapon master, I am afraid that this piece of star silk can be easily made into a magic weapon, and it is even very likely to be a top-grade magic weapon.

It\'s a pity to remove this star thread

Besides, the ice spider didn\'t leave any useful things behind. After its life force was extinguished, its huge body disintegrated into countless shattered ice crystal fragments, and there was nothing usable left.

This time he took the initiative to attract the three giant beasts, the purpose of which was naturally not for this little harvest, but more to prove some guesses in his mind.

At the same time, Shang Xia also wanted to learn how to use the vitality of the world in this world through the battle with these giant beasts born in Yuanping, which would help him to get rid of the suppression of the will of the world as soon as possible, and at the same time be able to In the next big battle that may be encountered, he will normally display his combat power.

But the facts have proved that in the absence of aboriginal warriors from the Yuanping Realm, his plan to change his own aura by imitating the way the native beasts utilize their aura does not seem to be advisable.

"Perhaps this world is in the process of some kind of transformation. Even if we find survivors among the aborigine warriors, we may not be able to get rid of the suppression of heaven and earth\'s will by imitating the opponent\'s aura!"

Such a thought suddenly flashed in Shang Xia\'s mind.

But at this moment, Shang Xia\'s vest suddenly felt a coolness, followed by a tingling pain like a needle prick in the back of his head, which suddenly woke him up.

Without even thinking about it, Shang Xia swung the sacred stone stick behind him almost subconsciously.


Immediately afterwards, there was a trembling sound, and countless sharp and dark forces that split the void struck, making it almost too late for Shang Xia to react.

And it wasn\'t until this time that a scream of "咻" came from a very far away.

It\'s Feijian!

The flying sword that exceeded the speed of sound struck from behind, and after being blocked by the stone stick of the holy artifact, the sound howling in the distance came long after.

However, even so, with the shattered sword energy cutting around, the belated howl was enough to make Shang Xia temporarily deaf, and even the sharp howl of the flying sword had the effect of attacking the will of the soul.

It\'s just that there have been two experiences of shocks to the will of the soul, Shang Xia has even been able to get used to it without changing his expression when facing this additional attack.

However, the shattered sword energy was shattered several times by Shang Xia\'s pointing stick, and finally left two deep wounds on his body, and the index finger of his left hand was also scattered by the dark energy. The overflowing sword energy cut blood dripping.

A ray of cold light flashed through Shang Xia\'s peripheral vision, and Shang Xia\'s heart shuddered. The sacred stone stick in his right hand suddenly retracted, but passed through his armpit to his left hand, and he pointed it out .

The second type of "Liuhe stick method": Hezhou!


The sacred stone stick once again hit the flying sword that was galloping like a thunderbolt, and even knocked it into the air.

Moreover, Shang Xia, who had already suffered a dark loss just now, when the opponent\'s flying sword was smashed by the dark force of the sword again, there were also several undercurrents of different attributes bursting out from the stone staff of the holy artifact, and One by one cancel each other out.

At the same time, the long sword that was struck by Shang Xia\'s stick was dangling in mid-air as if drunk, as if it was on the verge of losing control. The sword fell completely.

However, Shang Xia seemed to turn a blind eye to this flying sword, and instead set his eyes on the figure who just appeared from behind an ice mound a few miles away. Yujie Lingchong Sword School third-rank real person Foil Tower!

As if he already understood that Shang Xia would not be fooled, the gorgeous long sword that seemed to be on the verge of losing control suddenly shook in the air, making a trembling sound that could shake the will of ordinary warriors, and then turned into a stream of light and returned to the foil sword Lou\'s side, and hovering around him.

"Young man, the old man looked familiar to you from outside this world before, have we met before?"

Huajianlou\'s tone sounded as if he was very interested in Shang Xia, and he couldn\'t tell that the sharp sword that the other party had just almost hurt him severely.

Shang Xia sneered, but in fact his mind was more focused than ever before, and he said in a deep voice: "You can still remember Laohua Daoist, my junior, Shang Xia from Youzhou, Lingfeng Realm, is so polite!"

"Lingfeng Realm?!"

Huajianlou\'s expression finally showed three points of surprise and scrutiny, and then he suddenly said: "I remember you. At that time, Hua saw Lie Xinxi and was fighting a swordsman with considerable potential in Lingfeng world, and you This young man...Hua remembers that you were only first rank at that time, um, your cultivation level is now on par with Hua\'s, you are a fearsome future generation!"

Shang Xia had seen this person\'s swordsmanship before, and had almost suffered a disadvantage from the opponent twice before. Therefore, when he was in front of this person, he had to be very energetic, even if he opened his mouth, he did not dare to say anything. Distracted, for fear of giving the other party an opportunity.

"Hua Zhenren has won the award, but the junior can\'t be praised by the senior!"

Shang Xia was clearly in a hurry. When he first came to this world, under the suppression and rejection of the original will of the Yuanping world, even the power of the sixth heaven was difficult to exert.

However, the sharpness of Huajianlou\'s sword intended to kill him just now is definitely above the sixth level.

Shang Xia was able to exert part of the sixth-level combat power because of the Sifangbei to help adjust the influence of the two ubiquitous sources of power in the Yuanping world.

But the opponent can also maintain a combat power above the sixth level in the foreign upper realm, what is it relying on?

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