Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1169

It should be said that there should have been a human settlement in the space under the ice dome a long time ago.

It\'s just that for some unknown reason, this settlement was completely ruined...or was it destroyed due to some external force?

The space under this ice dome is huge, and it is connected by several caves under the ice, and the guardian formation of each cave maintains a minimum operation, and the vitality of heaven and earth required to maintain the formation is just It originated from the ground of these caves under the ice.

When Shang Xia entered the space under the ice dome, he already discovered that this place is obviously a high-quality spiritual land, and it is not a problem to build a mysterious world directly in this area.

These subglacial caves have been carefully divided into different areas according to their functions. The largest subglacial cave located in the center is a place to live, and most of the surrounding caves have been opened up as planting areas. There are other areas such as smelting, farming and so on.

Shang Xia walked in the cave under the ice, and he could still clearly feel the breeze containing water vapor blowing, which shows that the space here is not closed, and the source of air circulation is likely to be located in a place of water, although it exists everywhere. Snow and ice can be regarded as water sources.

Shang Xia tried to find the water source along the direction the breeze was blowing, but after passing through two caves, he was suddenly blocked by two caves that were half buried after the collapse.

And on the way Shang Xia came, there were many traces of destruction in the holes he saw.

It made him think to himself, maybe this is why this subglacial settlement was finally abandoned.

Shang Xia looked at the two hollows that had been half-buried after the collapse, and was still thinking about whether he should open them up and find the water source, when he suddenly felt that the entire space under the ice had changed. It was unusually quiet.

At this moment, accompanied by two muffled sounds of "Boom, Boom", Shang Xia suddenly turned and looked in the direction of the sound, with a bit of surprise on his expression.

At this time, Shang Xia didn\'t care about the water source that might exist in the depths of the collapsed cave behind him. When he walked back through a cave along the way, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked something before.

When he raised his head to look at the ice dome above his head, he found that there were dim stars of different colors shining in the thick ice layer above.

Compared with the starlight observed by Shang Xia when he looked down over the "desert" of ice and snow before, the starlight seeping out of the ice layer is softer, and the essence is not the same as the cold air that exists in this hidden world. Comparable and identical to the "Star Source Power" and the seventh-level power of "Xinghuo Lian" that Shang Xia had come into contact with, the star source power is even more secretive in this cave under the ice.

If Shang Xia hadn\'t been attracted by the underground water source just now, he would have almost ignored the existence of these star powers in the caves under the ice.

It\'s just that, like the cold air, the existence of the power of the stars is also extremely thin, and it is not worth Shang Xia\'s cost of depleting his own original air to drive the Sifangbei to absorb it.

But at this time, Shang Xia is obviously not the time to pay attention to these things. After two muffled noises came from the hole under the ice behind him, there are two unknown strange things following his aura. Quickly approached him.

"Is it a strange beast like ice and snow?"

Shang Xia thought to himself.

Because he suddenly discovered that the two beings that were approaching rapidly could hide their aura. If Shang Xia\'s own divine sense perception was not strong enough, it might not be easy to find them.

The moment Shang Xia walked through an ice tunnel that was only about ten feet long and stepped into another cave under the ice, suddenly there were two cold air machines attacking him from the ice walls on the left and right sides. .

"What a messy Yuan Sha, is this a fourth-order alien beast?"

A thought flashed in Shang Xia\'s mind, but it didn\'t hinder his response.

Although his personal strength here will be greatly suppressed, and the effect of doing it is half the result with twice the result, but in the end it is just two fourth-order beasts. He was hit by two thunderbolts with his backhand volley. Some strange-looking beasts fell from the ice wall, twitching with the scorched breath.

"What are these two ends?"

Shang Xia frowned and looked at the two dogs on the ground that looked a bit like dogs, but their bodies were almost two or three times larger, and there were many festers on the surface of the body, but most of them were covered with a thick layer. A layer of ice looks like transparent armor at first glance.

"Is this a living thing? Why does it look like two frozen zombie dogs?"

Shang Xia walked up to the two beasts that had gradually stopped moving, and kicked the pieces of ice armor that had been blown from their bodies by two thunderbolts, only to find that there were light blood-colored lines on the inside of the ice armor.

These ice armors have not only grown together with the flesh and blood of these two beasts, they have even begun to communicate with the blood in their bodies.

Well, blood...

If there is still blood flowing in the body, then it seems that these two monsters cannot be called "zombie dogs"...

It\'s just that the shot was too hasty just now, and I didn\'t perceive whether the two monsters had a heartbeat.

But since there is blood circulating in the body, there should also be a heartbeat... right?

Sensing the corpses of the two dead monsters, the evil spirit that permeated the body is rapidly dissipating.

Those evil spirits were not only turbid but also mixed. After roughly distinguishing them, Shang Xia found that these muddy and mixed evil spirits can be roughly divided into two categories, one is mostly cold evil, and the other is actually mostly star Sha!

Shang Xia was no stranger to Xingsha, but when he really started to pay attention to the types of Xingsha, it was after Tongyou College owned a star observatory and began to establish and cultivate his own stargazer inheritance system.

Thinking that after entering this world, what Shang Xia saw was a world of ice and snow, and the extremely cold air permeating this world, which can be regarded as the origin of heaven and earth, and the stars like starlight contained in those ice and snow He seemed to be able to understand the mixed evil spirits that existed on these two strange looking beasts.

It\'s just that they don\'t know whether these two beasts evolved under the influence of the environment of this world, or are twisted creations under the interference of some kind of external force.

Shang Xia followed the traces left by the two beasts, and soon came to the place where they first entered the cave under the ice.

Seeing the initial claw marks left on the ground, Shang Xia frowned and looked up at the ice hole in the center of the ice dome that he had dug through before. The two beasts seemed to be attracted by him.

It\'s just the endless "desert" of ice and snow above. I don\'t know where the two beasts hid in the first place?

But now it seems that the array arranged in the cave under the ice is not entirely like it is used to support the cave from being crushed by the ice, maybe it is to resist the invasion of this kind of beast?

Shang Xia originally planned to continue to track down where the two monsters came from just now, and it would be best to find their lairs, which might be able to solve more of his questions about this world.

But just as he was about to leave this hole, he suddenly looked back at the two collapsed holes before. Behind the collapsed ice layer, there should still be a place of water source.

He wanted to see what was in the water source land behind the collapsed hole. The collapse of the two ice and snow towers was obviously caused by man-made, and the water source land may have hidden this area that might have had human existence. The settlement was eventually run-down in secrecy.

Because of the relatively strong replenishment of heaven and earth vitality, although it is still a drop in the bucket for a sixth-level real person like Shang Xia, it also makes the original energy in his body no longer passive water, so Shang Xia is clearing these two When he saw the collapsed ice in the hole, he no longer had to chisel and shovel it like an ordinary person before, but walked straight forward, and the ice and snow in front of him were squeezed to both sides by his original domain , it looked as if he had opened up a passage for him to enter and exit.

However, after only walking a distance of several feet, Shang Xia suddenly felt that the original domain that was extending forward suddenly stagnated, as if it had hit some obstacle.

After the surrounding ice and snow were squeezed to the sides, an ice wall filled with formation patterns and auras, which was exactly the same as the formation patterns on the surface of the ice dome, appeared in front of him.

It\'s just that there is no thick layer of ice or snow behind this ice wall. Shang Xia can even see through the ice wall in front of him, there is a crypt glowing with fluorescence behind it.

Not only that, the ice wall itself is not tight, and many places around the edge have been eroded away, and the breeze and moisture that Shang Xia felt before also leaked from these places.

But the strange thing is that even though many parts of this ice wall have been fused and eroded, the array carried on it does not seem to be completely invalid, especially those eroded holes, except for the breeze and moisture that can seep through. In addition, there is still an isolating effect on others.

But Shang Xia obviously wouldn\'t let the ice wall go because of this, and he could also guess that there must be some danger in the crypt behind the ice wall, otherwise the ice wall wouldn\'t have been purposely erected in the first place. The crypt was isolated from other caves, and for this reason, the two adjacent caves were collapsed, completely submerging the place behind ice and snow.

But Shang Xia himself came here to explore the secrets behind the ice wall, not to mention that he didn\'t think the danger behind the ice wall could endanger him.

The original domain moved forward, as if the entire ice wall and the barrier of isolation were about to be annihilated under the erosion of his original power of the void in the next moment.

And at this moment, the auras of the formation patterns floating on the ice wall suddenly began to flicker by themselves, and then the formation patterns began to swim by themselves, pieced together into characters, and finally formed three paragraphs.

"Foreign invasion and internal pressure, what should I do?"

"The source of the mutation, if you lose your life, you can\'t get it!"

"Those who come later, stay away!"

After the three paragraphs lasted for a while, the formation patterns that made up the fonts dispersed and returned to formation patterns again.

Shang Xia squinted his eyes and pondered over the three paragraphs above the ice wall. It wasn\'t that he was frightened by the meaning expressed in these three paragraphs, but that he might be able to deduce some things from these three paragraphs. useful information.

First of all, from the standpoint of the person who left these three paragraphs, this person should be an aborigine belonging to this world.

At the same time, the appearance of this ice wall formation seems to prove that the aborigines of this world have not only mastered martial arts, but also made achievements in the way of formation.

Just like the first sentence "invasion from the outside and coercion from the inside", then who is "invading from the outside"? And in what way was it invaded?

And who is "internal coercion"? How to "internal pressure"?

Who is suffering from "foreign aggression" and "internal coercion" at the same time? Is it the person who left these three paragraphs, or this world?

The answers to these questions may now be speculated or answered by Shang Xia through previous experiences.

From the first time Shang Xia stepped into this world, through his own perception of divine will and the power of the Sifangbei, he noticed that there are two kinds of original power in this world, one is manifested as the cold air, which seems to have nowhere to go. The other is the power of the stars, which is of the same source as the power of the star source and the power of the star fire. Although it is not as diffuse as the former, it is invisible and qualityless, but it can often show its presence inadvertently.

As for the second sentence, although Shang Xia has still seen the so-called "source", he can probably guess what happened to it.

In short, the cause of this change is nothing more than the mutual influence of the two original forces of "external invasion" and "internal pressure".

And the direct result of the source of the mutation is that the aborigines in this hole can no longer survive.

But from the fact that they not only built an ice wall to block it, but also collapsed two holes to isolate it, it can be judged that the aborigines living here are not extinct, but should have migrated out.

However, everything here has happened for a very long time, and it is not easy to say whether any of the aborigines who migrated out survived and continued to reproduce to this day.

At least Shang Xia didn\'t have too much expectation after seeing the current world scene.

Although the aborigines\' messages were full of warnings, the level of the aborigines\' methods at that time can be judged from the ice wall array left by the other party.

A mutation that can destroy an ethnic group may not be a big deal to Shang Xia.

The only pity is that Shang Xia did not see the living aboriginal warriors, nor did he find the martial arts inheritance left by the aborigines, otherwise he might be able to find a way to change his own martial arts aura, so that he could get rid of this aspect. The will of heaven and earth suppressed and rejected him.

The original field rose and shrank, and the ice wall array in front of him collapsed instantly.

However, the dangerous impact caused by the unexpected change in the source of the imagination did not seem to have occurred. Apart from the more intense heaven and earth vitality and moist water vapor, the oncoming breath seemed to only appear suddenly in the ear. "哗啦啦" the sound of running water.

Of course, there are also clusters of dense and colorful starlight emerging from the walls around the crypt and the ice dome above.

Shang Xia looked around in surprise, just now, in his perception, there seemed to be no essential difference between this crypt that had been isolated for a long time and the series of caves under the ice outside.

But looking at the seriousness of the message on the ice wall before, it doesn\'t look like a prank.

At this time, Shang Xia\'s eyes were finally attracted by the beams of light that were hanging down from the walls of the crypt and the ice dome above his head, which were no different from starlight. Numb!

It is said to be a crypt here, but in fact it should be said to be a bowl-shaped deep pit, but it is covered by a thick ice dome, and the place where Shang Xia came in looks like the edge of a bowl has been broken a gap.

The sound of running water comes from the center of the crypt, where there is an underground spring.

The extremely rich vitality of heaven and earth in the crypt came from this spring, but when Shang Xia came closer, he realized that apart from the vitality of heaven and earth, there was actually a strong coldness in the spring. .

And this is what surprised Shang Xia as well.

The extremely cold air in this world can turn the whole world into a world of ice and snow, but the extremely cold air gushing out from the spring cannot freeze the flowing water.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn\'t make sense, but the facts are right in front of you.

But Shang Xia soon realized that the reason for what happened might be because of the dense pillars of starlight hanging down from the surrounding walls and ice dome.

And the problem is here, Shang Xia has looked down on the expression of the ice and snow "desert" from the sky above this world before, and has also seen the brilliant starlight emerging from the hole under the ice.

However, whether it is the former or the latter, the starlight he sees is scattered and disorderly.

However, at this time, the starlight falling from the cave not only condensed into bunches, what made Shang Xia feel scalp numb was that these bunches of starlight also fell neatly onto the spring from different directions!

Whether it is the extremely cold air gushing out of the spring, or the power of the stars contained in the starlight hanging from the walls and ice dome, it is obvious that they are all above the sixth rank in terms of rank.

Then who can control the power beyond the sixth level and arrange it into the current situation?

As for the fact that it was formed naturally, Shang Xia would not believe it anyway, let alone believe that things would happen by coincidence when hundreds of beams of starlight all fell to a fist-sized position.

It is even more impossible for the aborigine warriors who once settled in this cave under the ice and set up an ice wall array.

If they really had this kind of means, they would not have given up here and migrated away.

Shang Xia carefully inspected every detail in the crypt with his spiritual perception, but he never found any trace of human interference, as if those falling starlight beams were really formed naturally.

However, the more so, the more unbelievable Shang Xia felt.

With no reason to be found, Shang Xia had no choice but to stop worrying about this matter for the time being, and then focus on the gushing spring in the center of the crypt.

The extremely cold air gushing out of the spring and the power of the stars falling all around meet here, and finally some kind of wonderful and incomprehensible change happened to Shang Xia, finally making the two kinds of power coexist in the spring water at the same time.

This is also the reason why Shang Xia didn\'t notice any danger from the warnings of the aborigines when he broke through the ice wall.

But there is also a problem here, that is, those aborigines believed deeply that the danger here might destroy the entire ethnic group living in this cave under the ice.

That means that the aborigines must have encountered danger here at the beginning, and it was the danger that they were unable to solve or even face, which led to the final migration of the entire ethnic group.

But now looking at the harmonious coexistence of the cold air and the power of the stars in the spring water flowing out of the spring, this shows that the coexistence of the two should be discovered after the migration of the aborigines.

What kind of power has been consciously transforming these two sources of power far beyond the sixth level, the cold air and the power of the stars, over a long period of time?

Shang Xia even felt that even a true Seventh Heaven master might not be able to do this without a trace.

Could it be said that it is the original will of heaven and earth in this world?

If it is really the self-adjustment of the plane world, it will naturally be able to achieve "Tao follows nature".

But the problem is that judging from the traces left by the aborigines in the cave, this place has only been abandoned for hundreds of years.

It took hundreds of years to complete the transformation of two kinds of power far beyond the sixth level. Isn\'t the "subjective initiative" of the original will of the world too strong?

If this is the case, the impact on Shang Xia\'s senses this time is probably stronger than when he faced a seventh-level existence!

When this idea was brewing in his mind, Shang Xia even had the urge to turn around and leave.

But in the end he still controlled the throbbing in his heart, after all... it\'s coming!

Shang Xia walked slowly to the spring in the center of the crypt, and looked curiously at the gushing spring water, forming a small pool of about three or four feet around the spring, but no water flowed out of it.

Shang Xia looked curiously at the spring water in the pool where the two sources of power coexisted. It was coexistence rather than fusion, but the Sifangbei in his mind did not respond to this.

This is obviously abnormal. It must be known that the Sifangbei has shown positive reactions whether it is the cold air or the power of the stars.

Is it because these two sources of power coexist in the spring water, but they cancel each other out to achieve a certain balance?

if it is like this……

Shang Xia took out a low-grade source crystal from his cuff, poured a ray of Qi of the heaven and earth into it, and threw it into the pool.

The originally slowly fluctuating water surface in the pool suddenly boiled, a large amount of white mist rose from the pool, and the extremely cold air burst out suddenly, the cold white air overflowed from the pool, and then spread in all directions.

Not only that, the unnecessary dense starlight began to flicker in the pool, but it was like opening hundreds of eyeballs on the water surface, and between the opening and closing, it seemed that all eyes turned to the person who was originally standing by the pool. Shang Xia, gave people a kind of weirdness and horror when they said it.

However, Shang Xia at this time completely ignored the spreading cold air and the starry eyeballs in the pool, because at this moment, a small section of illusory square tablet was between his eyebrows. Protruding between the two, like a giant gluttonous beast swallowing two out-of-control original forces.


A chapter of 6,000 characters, only this one is updated today.

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