Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1159

In fact, the real people in the current Lingfeng world have extremely contradictory perceptions of Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia from Tongyou College.

As the two spiritual masters of the Lingfeng Realm, the speed of their cultivation is so fast that the other spiritual masters can\'t even catch up.

This has led to the fact that once Lingfeng Realm faces any troubles, these two people are often required to solve them unless it directly endangers Lingfeng Realm itself.

Under the circumstances that other real people can hardly help much, if you want these two to play, you need other real people to give up some benefits.

But the problem is that many incidents that Lingfeng has encountered in recent years often have many hidden opportunities, and as the people who are directly responsible for facing and solving these incidents, the two of them will eventually gain the greatest benefits. In turn, it will further have a positive impact on the progress of the two of them.

As for the other real people in the spiritual world, their current cultivation and combat power are still limited to the first-rank realm, even if they want to get more benefits from these two people, they are powerless.

In other words, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia are almost typical left and right notices, and finally formed a cycle in which the strong will always be strong.

Just like now, even for Shang Xia to speak up and take the initiative to participate, Zhang Xuansheng and Yang Taihe had to tacitly come up with some secrets to share.

Although Shang Xia\'s personal experience and Xin Lu\'s narration about some details of the Xingyuan Dojo, he can control it more than Zhang Xuansheng and Yang Taihe, but in terms of the macro cognition of the Xingyuan Dojo, Xin Lu, the fourth-order Warriors are obviously far inferior to the sixth-rank bosses who have a thousand-year-old sect inheritance.

And these things are often regarded as the foundation of the sect, but now they are all said in vain.

Fortunately, Shang Xia did become interested in this. In fact, he was just distracted just now. No matter whether Zhang Xuansheng and Yang Taihe sang together or not, he would still go through this in the end.

Hearing Shang Xia\'s opening, Yang Taihe, Zhang Xuansheng, and Li Jidao exchanged glances indiscriminately, and finally Li Jidao said: "The front foot of the Xingyuan Daoist Temple just hid in the void, and the back foot broke out outside the Lingyu world." Such a terrifying battle, if there is no relationship between the two, it is impossible to look at it."

Zhang Xuansheng also said at this time: "Although it is said that the Cangmeng Realm was divided up by all parties, in fact, Xingyuan City actually has all the plane worlds that have established a void channel connection with Xingyuan City. Secretly balancing the forces of all parties. Now that Xingyuan City has suddenly disappeared into the void, and the void passages with all walks of life have also been unilaterally cut off, what the old man is worried about is that this battle outside the Lingyu world is just the beginning, and I am afraid it will evolve into a war in the future. In an annexation war sweeping across all plane worlds, it will be difficult for this world to survive alone."

For the sake of saying everything, Shang Xia naturally had no reason to refuse.

To be honest, it is only speculated from the news brought by Yin Jingxu that this is very likely to be a big melee between the sixth-order real people, and there must be high-quality real people participating in it. Among the real people in the spirit world, Huang Jinghan is still monitoring the movements of the three worlds of Lingfu in the star beast lair. Regardless of Lu Wuzi\'s mention, Yin Jingxu may not dare to take risks. I am afraid that only Shang Xia has the qualifications and ability to go.

But before Shang Xia could open his mouth, a martial artist bathed in starlight appeared on the sky, suddenly facing the gaze of several sixth-level real people, this fifth-level warrior who looked like Tianxing Pavilion could not stand still To kneel down.

Yin Jingxu\'s face changed slightly when she saw her warriors rushing up to the sky in such a hurry, she quickly reached out to help, and at the same time shielded the oppression of several real people\'s qi, and asked loudly in a three-point reprimand tone: "What\'s going on? ?”

Yin Jingxu obviously didn\'t mean to shy away from the other real people.

Shang Xia looked at the lingering starlight on the opponent, and immediately judged from the knowledge about stargazers that Xin Lu had explained to him, the fifth-level warrior in front of him should also be a fourth-level stargazer!

The Tianxing Pavilion stargazer who appeared on the sky also heard the meaning in Yin Jingxu\'s tone, and said with a little fear: "Pavilion Master, the astrology near the starry sky that I observed before has changed a lot!"

Yin Jingxu was slightly taken aback, and then said in amazement: "The astrology has changed drastically? How could it cause the astrology to change?"

The stargazer smiled bitterly: "We suspect that the war that is breaking out in that generation has aroused the starlight in the surrounding starry sky, and it is the starlight that distorts the astrology."

Yin Jingxu couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and then looked at the crowd and said, "It means that the battle in the void outside Lingyu\'s world has somehow escalated!"

Just as Yin Jingxu finished speaking, a secret communication talisman from Youzhou directly broke through the void and appeared on the sky.

Shang Xia calmly scanned the contents of the secret talisman from the probing gazes of several real people, and lied without changing his face: "I have sent a message to the place where my mountain chief went to retreat before, and told you about the real people\'s remittance to merchants. I just received a reply that the old man is at a critical juncture, and I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to get out of the gate in a short time."

"Master Kou can go a step further so soon, it\'s really gratifying."

When Yang Taihe spoke, he did not hide the surprise and envy in his expression.

Shang Xia said with a smile: "It\'s not possible to go further, this time the old man just solved one or two problems in practice."

Several real people also had different expressions when they heard the words, but Lu Wuzi looked at Shang Xia suspiciously, he knew that there was an observatory in Tongyou Cave.

Naturally, the message talisman in Shang Xia\'s hand could not have come from Kou Chongxue, but it was passed on by Yan Ming on behalf of Xin Lu, and its content was similar to what the fourth-rank stargazer of Tianxing Pavilion said just now.

After putting away the secret message talisman, Shang Xia glanced at all the real people present, and said with a smile: "In this case, then I will take a step ahead!"

After all, Shang Xia directly broke through the void and headed towards a rough void coordinate given to him by Yin Jingxu, but in fact he had already grasped the location of this void.

And after Shang Xia left, several real people from the Lingfeng Realm above the sky in Jiaozhou did not leave, but continued to stay on the sky.

Liu Jingsheng smiled with a somewhat inexplicable tone: "Governor Yin will not follow to take a look. After all, apart from these two people from Youzhou, I am afraid that you are the only one who can get a background to go to the outer starry sky."

Liu Jingsheng\'s words seemed to be ignoring Lu Wuzi, but Lu Wuzi looked calm and didn\'t seem to care, or there was a tacit understanding between the two.

Yin Jingxu smiled wryly and said: "This battle is so powerful, and it\'s not just our Lingfeng Realm that pays attention. At this time, there are already many high-level existences hidden around the void. With Yin\'s insignificance It’s better not to join in the fun.”

Hearing this, Liu Jingsheng continued to laugh and said, "I see Pavilion Master Yin\'s vigor is strong, but his cultivation is probably on par with my Junior Brother Huang. How can he be said to be of the lowest level?"

Yin Jingxu gave a dry laugh and said, "Renren Liu is joking."

Liu Jingsheng smiled and said: "Whether Liu is joking or not, Pavilion Master Yin knows best. I heard that the wild star that Pavilion Master Yin used to enshrine the original true spirit has now integrated into the territory of Yizhou. It\'s just that Pavilion Master Yin has so far How many years have you not returned to Illinois?"

After finishing speaking, Liu Jingsheng gestured towards the real people, and then his figure disappeared into the sky.

Seeing this, Lu Wuzi followed his figure and went straight to Bingzhou.

Zhang Xuansheng and Li Jidao left one after another, and finally Yang Taihe sighed lightly, saying: "Perhaps Pavilion Master Yin should really go back to Yizhou to have a look."

After all the other real people from this world had left, only Yin Jingxu with an uncertain expression was left on the Jiaozhou sky.

Naturally, Shang Xia didn\'t know what happened on the sky in Jiaozhou after he left.

In fact, even if he knew, Shang Xia wouldn\'t take it to heart.

Things have become more and more subtle in the observatory in Jiaozhou since Yin Jingxu advanced to the Wuxu Realm.

However, Jiaozhou is the place where Kou Chongxue\'s original true spirit rests. From the very beginning, Tongyou College has firmly taken the lead. Strong, the influence is getting bigger and bigger, and there will be no unscrupulous force in the Lingfeng world who will dare to hit the two of them.

Therefore, no matter what happened in Jiaozhou, or that observatory, Tianxing Pavilion, etc., anyway, no one would dare to throw trouble at Kou Chongxue or Tongyou Academy.

It is actually not difficult for Shang Xia to travel through the starry sky to the Lingyu world alone, but he needs to bypass the Lingyu world in the void, which will take a certain amount of time.

In any case, the Lingyu world still made Shang Xia feel afraid.

After wandering around in the starry sky several times, Shang Xia was finally not far from the approximate void coordinates given by Tianxing Pavilion.

And the void in this area is really not far from the meteorite belt where Shang Xia was almost ambushed by Wen Juxiang, only a few hundred thousand miles away.

It\'s just that when Shang Xia\'s figure appeared near that void, he was already attracted by the vast and magnificent starlight filled void scene in front of him.

Sifangbei jumped in Shang Xia\'s mind, as if it wanted to give him some hints.

But in fact, even without the reminder of the Sifangbei, Shang Xia could clearly perceive that the void in front of him covered with distorted starlight was filled with the source power of the stars that he was already very familiar with!

Perhaps it is because Shang Xia\'s location is far away from the core area where the real war broke out, and the power of the star source he perceives is still relatively weak, and its purity is not as good as that extracted from the observatory of the land of Xingyuan. The power of the star.

But this was enough to surprise Shang Xia. If it weren\'t for the not-so-active beating of Sifangbei to give a clear reminder, Shang Xia would almost have suspected that a seventh-level heavenly warrior had taken action in this battle.

However, although the power of this star source is just a simple application of the "pseudo seventh-order" method, it can explode with such a mighty momentum that it can even make the stargazers in the Lingfeng world who don\'t know hundreds of millions of miles away from the starry sky mistakenly believe that the astrology Chaos is enough to prove how good the means of both sides of the war are!

It\'s just that this method of attracting starlight to increase one\'s own combat power, no matter how you look at it, it feels familiar. Isn\'t this a replica of the combined attack formation performed by those robed men of Xingyuanwei?

It\'s just that the nature of the two is somewhat different. Xingyuanwei\'s robed men joined forces to attract the power of starlight, but at this time the void is filled with the power of star origin.

Even so, all this in front of him reminded Shang Xia of the seven secret array symbols he had made for Tong Yutang.

However, there is so much movement here, and the surrounding void has attracted many martial arts masters to spy on it secretly.

At this moment, Shang Xia\'s mind suddenly flashed, would there be Wen Juxiang among these prying martial arts masters, and had his whereabouts fallen into the eyes of some high-level martial artists?

For no reason, Shang Xia\'s heart suddenly tightened.