Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1154

Anyone can see that there are many doubts about the invasion of the observatory, but at this time the entire ashram needs to continuously condense the power of the star source, and Xiao Shengyi, as a fifth-order stargazer, is currently An indispensable force for observatories.

Therefore, neither He Yingrui nor Liu Jiuzhen would choose to get to the bottom of it at this time.

The void passage from the inside of the observatory to the outside world was closed again by He Yingrui, and the interior of the observatory quickly resumed normal operation.

Part of the damage to the observatory caused by breaking the dungeon began to be repaired soon. More than one-third of the prisoners who escaped from the dungeon were hunted and killed, and most of the rest were re-imprisoned in the dungeon. There are only a small number of people who fled to the land of Xingyuan and hid again.

However, behind the observance that everything seemed to be returning to normal at the observatory, the seventh battalion guard was transferred from the observatory, and replaced by the first battalion guard led by Liu Jiuzhen to guard the observatory.

Kou Chongxue, currently hiding in Xingyuan City, actually got the news from Feng Ziying not long after the dungeon riot happened.

Although at that time he had already guessed that such a big commotion must be caused by Shang Xia, but the riots were almost subsided at that time, even if he rushed over at that time, it would be useless, and he might have to expose his own existence, so he had no choice but to continue Stay in that house and wait for more news to come.

It wasn\'t until two days later that everything was smoothed out at the observatory and the seventh battalion guard was transferred back to Xingyuan City, Feng Ziying only heard a few words from her battalion owner.

"So it is very likely that the kid has escaped?"

Kou Chongxue muttered to himself thinking about the news Feng Ziying brought back.

Compared to Kou Chongxue\'s thinking, Feng Ziying relaxed a lot, and said with a smile: "Xingyuanwei naturally cannot announce the truth of the matter on the surface, and only said that the dungeon prisoners rioted, and Xingyuanwei discovered it in time and suppressed it forcefully. It\'s back to normal, but in fact, despite the fact that everything in Xingyuan City is under control, there are still some warriors hiding in the wilderness outside the city secretly, and the news of the warriors who escaped from the dungeon has already been secretly transmitted back."

Kou Chongxue nodded with a smile, and said, "The Seventh Battalion has called back, and the conflicts between the Xingyuanwei battalions have actually been brought to light."

Feng Ziying gave a "hmm" and then said with a smile: "That kid must have taken a lot of things from the star observatory. I heard from colleagues who returned from the second battalion that Liu Jiuzhen is now urging the stars of the star observatory one by one. The masters silently wrote down the classics of the stargazer inheritance that they memorized, and now the academy\'s stargazer inheritance must be complete."

Kou Chongxue also nodded with a smile when he heard the words, and then suddenly said: "It seems that there should be a passage to leave the secret realm of the Xingyuan Dojo at the Observatory, and that kid no longer has the \'Liuhe Shift Talisman\' on him, so he must have found it to be able to leave now." through that passage."

Feng Ziying raised her brows when she heard this, and said, "You said that if the news is announced secretly, under such circumstances, the observatory may never have peace, right?"

Kou Chongxue was also moved when he heard the words, but he quickly shook his head and said: "How could Xingyuanwei not think of this? Not to mention that Liu Jiuzhen personally sits in the current star observatory, even though there are still hidden treasures in Xingyuan City. Other sixth-level masters, once they dare to show up at this time, believe it or not, He Yingrui and others are already waiting for him?"

Feng Ziying also said with regret: "The trap, I should have thought of it earlier."

Speaking of this, Feng Ziying\'s eyes slanted, looked at Kou Chongxue and said, "That kid has already left without saying hello, and you still have a \'Liuhe Shifting Talisman\' on you. When are you going to leave?"

Kou Chongxue sneered and said: "Why, do you want to drive the old man away? But the old man is not in a hurry now, and wait for a while, when the time comes, the old man will take all the formation masters of the Cangqi Realm with them Go back to Youzhou."

Feng Ziying said immediately after hearing this: "You can do it, those few stay here, even if I can protect them now, what do you want to do by staying here?"

Kou Chongxue smiled and said: "It\'s nothing, I just feel that there are too many secrets hidden in this Xingyuan Dojo, and now is probably the best time to figure out these secrets..."

About 100,000 miles away from the land of Xingyuan before hiding, Shang Xia appeared on an earth star with Xin Lu, a fourth-level stargazer.

"I didn\'t expect that secret passage to be directly connected to here!"

Stargazer Xin Lu looked at the surrounding scenery with a slightly surprised expression, but at the same time it seemed to be somewhat reasonable.

Shang Xia asked in surprise, "Do you know this place?"

Xin Lu nodded and said, "Xing Xingtian once brought me here, and this was his hometown."


Shang Xia wandered around, and at the same time, his own perception of divine sense swept across the entire earth star almost instantly, but he didn\'t notice any abnormalities.

"This is just a planet where only ordinary people live, and there are no traces of martial arts!"

Xin Lu seemed to have guessed what Shang Xia was doing, and continued: "At the beginning, Xing Xingtian only accidentally helped a Xingyuan Wei who was seriously injured and stayed on this planet to recuperate, and was later taken to the land of Xingyuan by that person. .”

Shang Xia let out a "huh" and said, "It seems that the destination of the secret passage on the observatory can be changed."

Xin Lu asked in astonishment, "How did you know?"

Shang Xia said with a smile: "That secret passage has obviously been laid out for more than three hundred years. It should be far less than three hundred years since Xing Xingtian was in charge of the observatory, right?"

"So it is!"

Xin Lu nodded suddenly, and said, "Then where are you going to take me next? And how are you going to arrange for me?"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "To be honest, I didn\'t think that Master Xiao would let me take you away in the end, nor did I think that you would agree, nor did I think that the relationship between you and Xing Xingtian is so... …close."

"Senior brother Xiao couldn\'t leave the observatory because of his oath and some other reasons!"

Xin Lu\'s expression remained unchanged, and he said with a strong voice: "Why, you feel the pressure now, do you regret it?"

Shang Xia glanced at the other party, and said with a dumb smile: "That observatory was almost overturned by this deity, and Xingyuan City\'s inheritance of stargazers for nearly a thousand years was also wiped out by this deity. Compared with these, taking away What is a mere Tier 4 stargazer like you?"

Xin Lu was able to look calm when facing a real person of the sixth rank, and said indifferently, "I\'m just curious about your identity. There are not many people who dare to offend Xingyuan City like this, and steal... take away the legacy of the stargazer, and by the way, come back Take away a stargazer, which shows that you are not alone, you should have a huge force behind you, and among the void circles around Xingyuan City, you have the strength and confidence to do this... Are you from the Lingjun world or Lingyu Realm? Or Linglang Realm?"

Shang Xia said with a smile: "You will naturally know this in a short time, but because of your identity, you may not be able to make public appearances for a long time in the future. Well, this deity can only temporarily arrange you to live in a secret place .”

Xin Lu was not surprised by this, but said: "As long as I can get rid of Xing Xingtian, it doesn\'t matter if I remain anonymous, but I am a stargazer after all, and the place where I can play the most role is the stargazer. "

Shang Xia said with a smile: "You don\'t need to test any more. After the deity brings you back, you will naturally know the identity of the deity and the power behind it, and you will naturally know what the deity wants you to do."

Xin Lu was surprised: "You really have an observatory?"