Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1150

The observatory can increase the combat power of the stargazer, which Shang Xia has seen in Yin Jingxu of the Tianxing Pavilion.

It\'s just that Xiao Shengyi, the great stargazer in front of him, is obviously far better than Yin Jingxu.

One must know that Yin Jingxu was able to leapfrog into the Martial Void Realm\'s combat power at the beginning, because his cultivation had already reached the fifth stage of Dacheng or even the Perfection realm at that time.

When Shang Xia met Xiao Shengyi for the first time in the underground prison, he was only at the third level of the Martial Gang Realm, but now the starlight colossus condensed above the observatory has a six-fold The power of heaven.

It\'s no wonder that Team Leader Fang didn\'t have the idea of ​​returning to the observatory at the beginning, preventing other warriors from destroying the observatory.

But when Xiao Shengyi really condensed the starlight colossus and stepped into the sixth level of combat power, the one who really changed his face was about to become the team leader.

Xiao Shengyi stepped up and showed the starlight colossus, indicating that among the intruders he found in the observatory, there must be Liu Chongtian, but a team guard who was just dispatched showed that Xiao Shengyi still believed that Liu Jiuzhen was still in the dungeon!

That\'s right, the underground prison was broken, how could Liu Jiuzhen do it alone?

There must be a martial artist of the same rank who cooperates with him internally and externally!

Is it Tian Moran or Feng Ziyuan?

But it definitely shouldn\'t be He Yingrui, otherwise she, who is currently acting as the lord of the guard, can just come directly to the observatory for important people, so why use this method?

But even if Tian Moran and Feng Ziyuan are members of Xingyuan City, how could they use such drastic means?

Countless thoughts flashed through Team Leader Fang\'s mind, and he even wondered whether there were other sixth-order real people lurking in Xingyuan City pretending to be his own realm, and Liu Jiuzhen was actually colluding with foreign enemies!

From the beginning to the end, the team leader never thought that someone would single-handedly break the dungeon from the inside.

Just as Captain Fang was hesitating, the majestic starlight colossus above the observatory suddenly collapsed!

This time, not to mention the team leader Fang and the guards of the first battalion, but also the many fourth- and fifth-tier warriors rushing out of the dungeon, they were stunned for a moment, and even forgot what they were doing .

Although the starlight colossus was formed with the help of external force, it was a real sixth-level combat power. Why did it show off its power just now, but it collapsed without even a little use?

At this time, not to mention the ordinary guards, even the team leader himself panicked!

"The fourth and sixth teams stay, and the other two teams follow me!"

The Fang team leader gave a loud shout, leading everyone to leave from the gap in the dungeon.

At this time, he no longer cared about any dungeons or escaped warriors. The star observatory at this time cannot do without Xiao Shengyi, the great star observer.

What\'s more, the location of Xiao Shengyi\'s town is the most crucial place of the observatory. At this time, Xiao Shengyi obviously has a problem, which means that the most important key point of the observatory has been invaded!

Don\'t look at the warriors who rushed out of the dungeon, many of them are attacking the observatory frantically, but in fact, under the protection of the formation ban, those people\'s damage to the observatory is extremely limited, but if Xiao Shengyi\'s observer is The core of the observatory has been damaged, it is really possible to paralyze the entire observatory!

However, just as the team leader Fang was about to leave with two guards, a starlight suddenly rushed out of the dungeon, and Liu Jiuzhen\'s voice came out from the dungeon: "Take everyone, protect the observatory, the old man\'s combat strength Not yet, but you can leave it to me!"

The leader of the square team faltered slightly, and the other team guards also looked at him.

Captain Fang gritted his teeth suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone follow me!"

The guards of the four teams followed after hearing what was said, and headed all the way to the top of the observatory.

Some other team leaders whispered: "Vice Fang Ying, let\'s just leave? What if the three guards of the first battalion..."

Captain Fang said in a deep voice: "Things are complicated. The dungeon\'s breaking may have nothing to do with Liu Jiuzhen, but now is not the time to think about it. The top priority is to keep Master Xiao and the observatory, otherwise..."

Otherwise, Team Leader Fang didn\'t say anything, but the team leaders who followed him all understood the seriousness of the matter.

If Shang Xia encountered Xiao Shengyi, who had the advantage of being at home, in the Star Observatory before he advanced to the third-rank outer realm, and he might have to work hard, then now that he has successfully advanced to the third-rank outer realm and succeeded, After creating the third form of the "Liuhe stick method" "Dongxu" in the confrontation with Wen Juxiang, Xiao Shengyi, who was boosted by the source of starlight at this time, was like a paper tiger in his eyes.

The reason is very simple. Shang Xia\'s Liuhe stick method, the third form "Dongxu", has a strong restraint effect on the warrior\'s own original field. He suffered a dark loss under the same stick method, not to mention that Xiao Shengyi in front of him is just a "pseudo-field" condensed with the help of the external force of the observatory.

Even if Shang Xia didn\'t have the sacred stone stick in his hand at this time, and just punched out from afar, the starlight colossus that Xiao Shengyi relied on with the greatest confidence was beaten back like a leaking urine bubble. out of shape.

"Who are you? Do you know what you are doing? This is Xingyuan City!"

Xiao Shengyi still maintained an extremely calm demeanor when facing the sixth-order real person who had obviously concealed his appearance.

Shang Xia glanced at Xiao Shengyi at the front, and at least ten star masters behind him, waved his hand directly in the air, several invisible bursts of energy, and with the muffled sound of "plop plop plop", the ten ordinary All the star masters were knocked out, and at the same time, their dantian origin was also banned.

"I know that you still have the life-saving means that Xingyuan City left you as a fifth-level star-gazing master, but before you use those things, you\'d better think about these ten star-gazing masters who have been taught by your precepts and deeds on weekdays."

Shang Xia glanced at several places on Xiao Shengyi\'s body and said lightly, he could sense that there were vitality fluctuations with great potential in those places, as if they could burst out at any time.

Xiao Shengyi subconsciously glanced behind him, his complexion was cloudy and uncertain, and finally said in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

Shang Xia snapped his fingers, seeming very satisfied with Xiao Shengyi\'s reaction, and said, "I need the stargazer inheritance of Xingyuan City, a complete inheritance!"

In the end, Shang Xia couldn\'t help emphasizing one sentence.

Xiao Shengyi\'s face changed, but he still replied: "The core inheritance of the stargazers in Xingyuan City is hidden in a very secret place. Naturally, there are many restrictions and blockades. I can\'t get it out by myself."

Shang Xia sneered and said: "Then there is no other way, those people are useless!"

After all, Shang Xia made a seal with his fingers, and made a gesture to end the lives of those star masters.

Xiao Shengyi looked shocked, and quickly stood in front of Shang Xia, saying: "I can take you there, please be merciful, Your Excellency!"

Shang Xia sneered, and said: "Then you\'d better hurry up, don\'t expect to procrastinate, the guards of the Seventh Battalion cannot be my opponent, and if He Yingrui and others from Xingyuan City come, then I will I just can’t help it.”

Xiao Shengyi had already brought Shang Xia to leave this place, and he said angrily: "Then you might as well kill the old man now, the core inheritance of stargazers in Xingyuan City is under heavy bans, only the guardian Zhuge Xianghe Ying Master Xingtian and Xingtian know how to correctly open the ban and take out the inheritance!"

Having said that, Xiao Shengyi\'s footsteps did not stop, he wanted to take Shang Xia away from here as soon as possible.

Shang Xia was not worried that Xiao Shengyi would play tricks, he even swept away all the stored items on those star masters when he left the top of the observatory platform.

He didn\'t do this for the things on those third- and fourth-tier star masters, but just to search for a few storage items. After all, he didn\'t have anything on him when he was thrown into the dungeon.

In a moment, Xiao Shengyi brought Shang Xia to a closed secret room, and said with a sneer, "Not only is there a whole set of inheritance of stargazers at the core of Xingyuan City, but also many of the stargazers trained by Xingyuan City over the years. There are also collections of notes and indirect writings, as long as you can break the ban here and open this secret room, the things inside are naturally for you to use!"

With a "huh", Shang Xia gave Xiao Shengyi a meaningful smile, then reached out his hand to touch his body, and walked to the secret room under the other\'s dull gaze.

Although Xiao Shengyi was designated by Shang Xiayi not to move, his eyes and thoughts were still unaffected.

Then, Xiao Shengyi felt that his eyes were suddenly filled with a dazzling brilliance, and when his eyes were able to see things again, he saw that Shang Xia was already standing in front of the secret room, and behind him , In the void around the body, there is a series of restrictions that have been cracked and melted, and even the void is distorted.

How did he do that?

How could he do it?

Even though Xiao Shengyi was fixed in place at this moment and could not move, the complex look of confusion and shock in his eyes still vividly expressed the horror and shock in his heart.

And at this moment, Shang Xia suddenly turned around and smiled at Xiao Shengyi, then stretched out his palm and pressed on the secret door of the secret room.

Xiao Shengyi stared wide-eyed and felt as if a layer of dense brilliance emerged, but then disappeared, as if it had penetrated behind the door, and it seemed that everything was just his illusion.

However, after Shang Xia moved his palm away from the secret door of the secret room, the secret door of the original gold coins suddenly opened by itself, revealing the huge collection room behind the door.

Xiao Shengyi\'s eyes dimmed all of a sudden, and the deeply hidden self-destruction prohibition behind the secret door he was looking forward to finally failed again.

Xingyuan City has completely lifted the veil of mystery to Shang Xia at this time, all the accumulation and inheritance of Xingyuan City on the journey of stargazers for nearly a thousand years!