Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1147

When he suddenly heard from Xiao Shengyi that Xingyuan City was stealing the origin of the world through the void passage with all walks of life, Shang Xia was shocked.

Because as the stargazer Xin Lu said, neither Kou Chongxue, Shang Xia, nor even all the sixth-level real people in the entire Lingfeng world are unaware of this.

Even when Shang Xia first heard the news, because of his confidence in his perception of divine will, he didn\'t believe at all that Xingyuan City was secretly stealing the origin of the world.

However, with Xiao Shengyi\'s further explanation, thinking about the mysterious means of the star master whose cultivation level is obviously above the seventh heaven, even Shang Xia has to believe that the origin of the world in the Lingfeng world is indeed possible. Inexplicably passing.

However, as Shang Xia himself began to believe that the origin of the world was stolen, an inexplicable anger rose in his heart.

If it was said that Shang Xia felt a little bit apologetic because he planned to absorb more star power from the observatory before, then from now on, he has no scruples at all.

And at this moment, Shang Xia\'s spiritual perception suddenly heard the voice of Team Leader Fang: "Now that Xingyuan City has temporarily cut off the void passages connecting with all walks of life, and Xingyuan Dojo has escaped into the void as a whole, doesn\'t that mean that we Has interrupted the source of secretly drawing the world\'s origin from the worlds of various planes?"

Xin Lu also said at this time: "Brother, you have said so much, could it be that this is the reason why the previous dungeon ban suddenly expired?"

Captain Fang was startled when he heard the words, and looked at Xiao Shengyi with a questioning look.

Xiao Shengyi nodded solemnly at this time, and said: "That\'s right! Because our star observatory is actually the third fulcrum for the entire Xingyuan Dojo to replenish the source, and it is when the star master disappears, Xingyuan After the land escapes into the void, it is almost the only fulcrum that can still be used to replenish the origin of the dojo!"

Xin Lu let out an "ah" and suddenly said: "The Star Observatory gathers and guides the starlight, and then purifies and condenses the power of the star source?! No wonder all the star masters on the Observatory have used all their energy since the camp owner left. It’s all used to condense the power of the star source. It was originally to supplement the consumption of the dojo’s escape into the void? I thought it was because I came in and arrested too many people with ulterior motives and entered the dungeon. In order to suppress them, I had to condense the power of the star source. .”

Xiao Shengyi nodded, and explained with a solemn expression: "The power of the star source is used to seal the imprisoned people in the dungeon. Arrived at the origin of the dojo."

Team Leader Fang said: "So Master Xiao is actually suspecting that the failure of the power to seal the dungeon this time is actually caused by the lack of the origin of the dojo and the excessive absorption of the power of the star?"

Xiao Shengyi nodded, and said, "I\'m afraid Liu Jiuzhen has already figured this out."

Captain Fang hesitated and said, "Then he..."

Xiao Shengyi didn\'t seem to hear what Team Leader Fang said, but pointed out: "Whether it\'s Zhuge Xiang or Tong Yutang, the current Xingyuan Dojo needs a guardian to appear! And in the Xingyuan Dojo, the Xingyuan Guardian It is capable of exercising part of the authority on behalf of the star master."

Team leader Fang was taken aback when he heard the words, and subconsciously asked: "Could it be that Campmaster He can\'t take the place of the guard temporarily? She is currently the highest in the Xingyuan Guard."

Xiao Shengyi shook his head and said: "Xingyuanwei has always had to reach a high level of cultivation as a master of guards. This is not unreasonable. Even if He Yingrui intends to temporarily take the position of guard master, she is only a third-rank real person after all. I am afraid the root cause is here. "

Captain Fang and Xin Lu were speechless.

The three of them had already reached the corridor on the top floor of the dungeon, and they could exit the dungeon through the archway.

Xiao Shengyi suddenly remembered something at this time, turned his head and told Xin Lu: "After going out, call back all the star masters. I am afraid that we will need to fully activate the star observatory to condense the power of the star source."

After the two stargazers and the star guards left, the dungeon returned to its original calm.

It\'s just that in a cell on the second floor, Shang Xia\'s eyes flickered at this moment, digesting the secrets he had just heard from the conversation between the three of Xiao Shengyi.

He was indeed annoyed at Xingyuan Dojo\'s act of stealing the origin of the world from Lingfeng Realm, and he was indeed planning to do something so as to leave a profound lesson for Xingyuan City, but he had to analyze the pros and cons of it clearly to avoid any harm. Others harm oneself, or the situation of harming others and benefiting oneself.

It has been nearly ten days since Shang Xia was imprisoned in the underground cell, and Feng Ziying and Kou Chongxue from the outside world have not contacted him until now.

He even suspected that the other party was completely helpless with the current situation. Fortunately, Shang Xia himself was not in the dungeon without gaining anything. At least for now, if he wanted to leave, the power of the dungeon would not be able to suppress him. .

However, Shang Xia is obviously not in a hurry to leave now. He has already learned from Xiao Shengyi that the observatory in Xingyuan City will be fully activated next, in order to condense more power of the star source to supply the origin of the scene, and this Time is obviously a good opportunity for him to mop up.

Since Xingyuan City is able to "mob" the origin of the world of all walks of life through the void passage together with all walks of life, it is natural to have the consciousness of being "leaked".

Of course, Shang Xia has another purpose for intercepting the power of the star source through the square tablet, and that is to find out the real reason why the power of the star source in the previous formation ban was suddenly emptied.

Shang Xia originally suspected that Sifangbei was causing trouble, but because of the timely intervention of Xingyuanwei, Xiao Shengyi and others, his attention was temporarily diverted.

But now that the power of the star source is flowing again, and the power of the dungeon to seal the town has basically recovered, it\'s time to figure out what happened just now.

Because of the previous experience, Shang Xia became much more familiar with absorbing the power of the star source from the formation ban again at this time.

Previously, in order to extract the power of the star source from the forbidden formation, Shang Xia even made the forbidden formation appear on the ground and on the walls. This will obviously limit the scope of his absorption of the power of the star source, because such visions are in his own cell. It\'s okay in the middle, but if it extends to other cells, I\'m afraid that the culprit myself will be found out by the people from the observatory in the next moment.

So the first thing Shang Xia has to do is how to expand the scope of people\'s absorption of the power of the star without triggering the emergence of the dungeon formation.

And the larger the range that can absorb the power of the star, the more naturally the amount of the power of the star can be absorbed.

It\'s a pity that Shang Xia is neither a stargazer nor an array mage. After several experiments, he was still unable to extract more star power from the ineffective array.

After another three days like this, Shang Xia had no choice but to choose a cell when most of the fighters were resting, and quietly escaped from the cell. Like a ghost, he searched the cells on the third floor underground. The observatory is the formation hub or node that transmits the power of the star source downward.