Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1138

"It\'s me, restrain your cultivation!"

Just when Shang Xia felt that a big battle was inevitable, a sudden sound transmission made him stunned for a moment.

"Hurry up, it\'s best to pretend to be captured by mistake, the old man is on this starship."

The sound transmission sounded in Shang Xia\'s ear again, this time he was sure that the speaker was Kou Chongxue.

Before he had time to think about how Kou Chongxue got into Xingyuanwei\'s star boat, Shang Xia still looked like he was facing a big enemy. It looks like a master of the fifth and third tiers is fighting to the death.

The speed of the star boat was extremely fast, and after a while, it was already hanging in the sky in front of Shang Xia. Immediately afterwards, seven figures as if clad in extraterrestrial light jumped down from the star boat, surrounding Shang Xia in the center. .

"Yo, the third rank of the Martial Gang Realm, this is still a small fish!"

The moment the leader saw Shang Xia, he let out a strange laugh, and his tone sounded like he was joking about something.

"Deputy Feng, in the past two or three days, the spies from all walks of life captured on the wasteland have the highest cultivation level of this person, even the leaders of the hidden piles in the city are probably at this level, this It\'s not a small fish, we might have hit the jackpot this time."

As soon as the leader finished speaking, a man in a robe among the seven guards said with a smile.

Captain Feng waved his hands impatiently and said: "Go, go, let\'s see if you are happy. This is just a fifth-order third-rank. Feng\'s goal is to have a real relationship with a sixth-order real person someday." It\'s time to fight once."

Another team guard laughed and said: "Captain deputy, sixth-level real people are not so easy to get along with. Even though we have the strength to compete with sixth-level real people under the leadership of the team deputy, that doesn\'t mean we must We can win, but if we really stand in a stalemate, we may be the first to be unable to hold on. Besides, although we robed men do have a battle with seven robed men who can fight against a sixth-order real person, at least we Seven has never had an experience like this."

Other people in robes also echoed: "Yes, yes, the captain is so arrogant, we don\'t want to follow you to head-to-head with the sixth-order real people!"

After all, the other robed men burst into laughter.

Seeing this, Captain Feng, the head of the team, scolded with a smile: "You bastards don\'t seek to make progress one by one.

The team deputy saw it. "

The relationship between Captain Feng and his subordinates is obviously quite good, and the subordinates don\'t take it seriously when they make jokes about him.

It\'s just that these robed men were joking with each other like no one else, but they "annoyed" Shang Xia who was surrounded by them.

"A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!"

Seeing that the people around him didn\'t pay him any attention at all, Shang Xi felt as if he had suffered a great humiliation. He took out a long sword from his cuff and charged towards Captain Feng, who was the leader.

"Hey, hey, I\'m impatient, you guys are making me anxious!"

The robed man who was joking with Captain Feng at the beginning looked like he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, but he showed no sign of helping.

Among the remaining robed men, there were two young men who were about to help, but were persuaded by their companions.

"Don\'t worry, Captain Feng is now a master of the fifth and fourth rank, and that person will not be his opponent."

"That\'s right, Captain Feng, you can stand up. The team leader has long wanted to retire. This injury may be an excellent excuse. Although your cultivation level is already the same as the team leader\'s old family, but You also have to let us see your abilities with our own eyes, don’t you?”

A group of people were laughing and laughing, although none of them stepped forward to make a move, they still stood their ground and surrounded Shang Xia firmly in the center.

And in the sky above everyone\'s heads, above the floating starship, many people poked their heads out from the side of the ship, watching the great war that was erupting on the ground.

Most of these people are underground forces attached to various battalion guards and team guards in Xingyuan City. Usually, when Xingyuan Guards are patrolling outside, some people will accompany them to obey their orders.

Feng Ziying "forced" the person in front of him to retreat three steps in a row with three shots in a row. Seeing that the companions around him still did not help, she immediately shouted: "You bastards, although this person is not the opponent of the deputy of the team, but he is now Are you desperately trying to watch?"

But having said that, Feng Ziying\'s gun style is powerful, and the criss-crossing qi is firmly in the upper hand in the contest with the opponent.

It\'s just that with the opponent\'s desperate posture, Feng Ziying couldn\'t take the opponent down completely for a while, and in the eyes of others, it was indeed a bit risky.

"Okay, okay, let\'s go up together, and if you capture this person, you can go back to the city to recuperate.

It\'s been a while. "

A group of people in robes laughed a few times, but their actions were not at all ambiguous.

And at the moment when everyone made a move, they quickly formed a linkage with each other. The star robes on each of them seemed to be activated instantly, and a combined attack formation was formed instantly. The "absolute" suppression!

As for Xingyuanwei\'s combined attack formation, Shang Xia has already been famous for a long time, but this is the first time that he has actually seen the other party attack, and it is still so immersive.

However, it has to be said that Xingyuanwei\'s joint attack formation really lived up to its reputation. The moment the seven robed men\'s joint attack formation took shape, Shang Xia, who was maintaining the fifth-level and third-level cultivation, felt the pressure doubled instantly.

If it weren\'t for the fact that although his cultivation base is only maintained at the third level of the fifth level, but his swordsmanship is very sharp, he has rich combat experience, and his reaction is quick and sharp, I am afraid that he "should" have been formed as early as the moment the opponent\'s joint attack formation is formed. Overwhelmed.

It\'s just that the strong one in front of this combined attack formation is stronger, and the linkage of seven qi and machines can indeed match the suppression of the original field of the first-time sixth-layer naive real people, but the combat power displayed by the seven people is not enough to match the sixth-order real people At best, it is nothing more than a difference from Shang Xia when he was in the Great Consummation of the Wuxu Realm.

However, Feng Ziying, who is the host core of the joint attack formation, seemed to be able to see the doubts in Shang Xia\'s heart. Seeing that the other party was still able to support it with all his strength, he immediately said loudly: "The idea is difficult, don\'t delay any longer, and make it quick!"

As soon as the words fell, Shang Xia, who was besieged, suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the positions under the feet of the seven robed men changed, and the star robes on their bodies suddenly glowed with inspiration.

However, Shang Xia quickly saw clearly that it was not the star robes of the seven robed men emitting spiritual light, but that there was suddenly an extraterrestrial starlight falling from the sky above everyone\'s heads, and then they gathered around the seven robed men as if they were attracted. People in star robes.

And at this moment, when the seven robed men made another move, the power of heaven and earth began to accompany them with every gesture, and the joint attack formed by the seven directly created a special original domain.

This is where the true mystery and power of Xingyuan Wei\'s combined strike formation lies.

It\'s a pity that the current Shang Xia only has the fifth-level and third-level cultivation base. It\'s just that the moment the seven robed men induced the stars from the sky to descend, and the sixth-level power of the combined attack formation first appeared, he should have been knocked to the ground. "Hand in hand" is gone.