Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1136

Above the sky in Jiaozhou, although several real people in the Lingfeng world had many speculations about what happened in Xingyuan City, in the end, because there was no definite source of information, everything could only be talk on paper, and in the end they could only agree to help each other again , and then dispersed.

However, after Shang Xia returned to Tongyou Academy, he quickly recruited several deputy mountain chiefs in the academy to give some secret instructions, and then went to meet the original incarnation who stayed in the academy, and finally entered the cave. Claimed to be closed.

It\'s just that not long after Kou Chongxue entered Tongyou Cave, he quietly escaped from the Lingfeng Realm again, and then searched all the way there according to the location coordinates Shang Xia left in the secret communication talisman.

The message secret talisman left by Shang Xia to Kou Chongxue, the content in it is naturally not only about Wen Juxiang, but also the blow to the star-crossing sky came from the joint attack of many Liuhe real people.

At the end of the interrogation of the secret talisman, Shang Xia also made a bold suggestion that he wanted to sneak into Xingyuan City again to investigate.

Kou Chongxue was able to think of the secret array talisman that Shang Xia had made for Tong Yutang from the combined attack formation, so naturally Shang Xia could also.

And the reason why Shang Xia secretly asked Kou Chongxue to come out to meet each other was because he wanted him to meet him outside Xingyuan City, just in case.

At the same time, there is another reason, that is, one of the two "Liuhe Diversion Talismans" in Shang Xia\'s hand has been used up, and he wants Kou Chongxue to temporarily give him one of the two "Liuhe Diversion Talismans" in his hand.

For Shang Xia today, there are very few warriors who can pose a threat to him, but if he really meets a high-grade real person, then the "Liuhe Shifting Talisman" is the only way to escape.

Regarding this point, it has been vividly demonstrated in a head-to-head confrontation between him and Wen Juxiang.

What\'s more, besides escape, the other most important factor of "Liuhe Shifting Talisman" is that it allows warriors to smuggle in purposefully when facing the barrier of the secret realm.

However, the reason why Kou Chongxue rushed to meet Shang Xia was naturally not because of Shang Xia\'s agreement, but because Shang Xia retreated in the void to recuperate from his injuries. I am afraid that until now, he still does not know what is happening in Xingyuan City and the surrounding worlds. huge change.

If he ventured into Xingyuan City at this time, it would be tantamount to throwing himself into a trap.

Shang Xia\'s injury recovery speed is obviously earlier than he expected. This is also due to the core formation of the Five Elements Gathering Formation made by Chu Jia himself. With only a small amount of consumption, a region with a rich vitality no less than that of the secret realm of the cave can be created in a short period of time.

However, after seeing Kou Chongxue, Shang Xia was still surprised that his mountain chief would come so quickly.

But Shang Xia soon learned the reason from Kou Chongxue.

"Xingyuan City has cut off the void passage leading to all walks of life. Not only that, but the entire Xingyuan Land seems to be closed. I have tried it myself, and it is impossible to come to the Xingyuan Land by means of space shuttle. The location coordinates of the land of Xingyuan seem to have disappeared from the void."

Kou Chongxue brought bad news to Shang Xia as soon as they met.

In addition, he also roughly told Shang Xia about the last secret message that Feng Ziying sent back before the channel was cut off, and after the channel was cut off, the speculations of the six-level real people in the Lingfeng world.

The continuous changes made Shang Xia feel like "one day in the void, but a thousand years in the world", so that he felt wronged.

In astonishment, it took a while to slowly digest the news Kou Chongxue brought.

It wasn\'t until this time that Shang Xia slowly came to his senses and said, "Master Shan, do you think the series of sudden changes in Xingyuan City are related to the battle with me, Wen Juxiang?"

Kou Chongxue gave a "hmm" and said, "It\'s not impossible, especially if the one who sent out that blow was really a number of sixth-order real people practicing the joint strike formation, and it was related to the secret formation talisman you made for Tong Yutang."

Shang Xia nodded, and said: "That means that the original attack may have had a reason for experimenting with the power of the joint attack technique, but it may not have the purpose of killing people, after all, that attack was really directed at me in the end. !"

Kou Chongxue also deduced along his train of thought: "First, the blow failed, and then after you found the boundary, and because you miscalculated your cultivation level, Wen Juxiang\'s interception also failed. After two defeats , no matter how dull you are, you should think of something, in order to prevent your news from leaking out, the hidden force lurking in Xingyuan City finally had to be activated in advance."

Shang Xia sighed: "Wen Juxiang is a high-quality real person from Yuanhongjie. With such a person personally participating or promoting behind the scenes, who is that hidden force targeting?"

Who else in Xingyuan City can make Tong Yutang and his hidden forces even collude with real people from the upper realm to target them?

At this moment, both Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia were keenly aware that the upheaval in Xingyuan City might far exceed everyone\'s expectations, and the final result might even be drastically subversive.

However, no matter whether it is Kou Chongxue or Shang Xia, the two of them are obviously not people who are waiting to die. Instead of waiting for the situation to become clear, it is better to take the initiative to participate in the development of the situation and seize the initiative.

Shang Xia smiled, and said: "Shan Zhang, it seems that your coming here, not only failed to dissuade me, but also made the disciple more determined to go to the land of Xingyuan."

Kou Chongxue said with a smile: "How much knowledge do you have, kid? It\'s better for the old man to go this time."

Shang Xia said: "When it comes to the ability to hide oneself and escape with one\'s life, the head of the mountain is not as good as me."

Kou Chongxue said directly: "How much do you think you can do by yourself?"

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then Kou Chongxue continued: "Let\'s go for a walk together!"

Shang Xia was stunned and said: "Shan Zhang, what about the academy?"

Originally, as the only two sixth-level real people in Tongyou Academy, there is actually a certain tacit understanding between the two, that is, no matter what you do, it is best to do it alone, while the other person stays at the academy. If there is an accident, then it can be guaranteed that Tongyou Academy still has a sixth-order real person to suppress everything.

Of course, the action in the ruined world doesn\'t count.

Kou Chongxue laughed and said, "You guys should worry about whether your \'Liuhe Shift Talisman\' can find the land of Xingyuan!"

Both Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia had the experience of sneaking into the land of Xingyuan, but before that, the location coordinates of the land of Xingyuan still existed in the void.

But now the entire Xingyuan land has disappeared into the void, apparently building a void barrier and hiding it in the form of a secret space.

Under such circumstances, the two of them seemed to have no choice but to use the "Liuhe Diversion Talisman" to try to sneak into Xingyuan by smuggling.

Of course, the premise is that the "Liuhe Shifting Talisman" can find out the hidden monsters hidden in the void.

the land of Xingyuan.

The two shuttled through the void all the way, and came to a void location that was closer to the original location of Xingyuan Land.

After finally agreeing on three places where they would meet in order in Xingyuan, the two simultaneously activated the "Liuhe Shifting Talisman" in their hands.

Almost in an instant, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia followed the guidance of the Wu Talisman to perceive a secret space realm that was obviously larger than the secret realm of Dongtian and had much stronger space barriers.

"I didn\'t expect that the entire Xingyuan Land really existed as a complete secret space, and it was not hidden by the power of a brilliant formation."

Such a thought flashed in Shang Xia\'s mind, and then a pitch-black gap opened in the void, swallowing it directly.

The same was true for Kou Chongxue at the other end, and the two disappeared into the void almost indiscriminately.

On a wilderness where the stars above the head look illusory, but the starlight hanging down is like substance, a pitch-black crack suddenly opened, and then a figure floated out of it like a piece of paper, and then twisted by the power of space. , this figure gradually became fuller.

Shang Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn\'t help but look back at the dark crack that was gradually closing and disappearing.

Although the "Liuhe Shifting Talisman" is extremely extraordinary, every time Shang Xia uses this martial talisman, there is an instinctive impulse to be trapped in a void and seem to merge with it, which even makes him unavoidable. Some lingering fear.

This also made Shang Xiaming realize one thing, that is, this "Liuhe Shifting Talisman" is probably only eligible to be used by sixth-level real people above the Wuxu Realm. Bad things happen.

Temporarily throwing away unnecessary thoughts from his mind, Shang Xia first confirmed his location, and he could almost conclude that he was already in Xingyuan at this time.

It\'s just the starlight hanging from above...

Shang Xia couldn\'t help but looked up, only to find that the starry sky above his head looked somewhat similar to the starry sky he saw when he was in Tongyoudongtian.

But in Tongyou Cave, Shang Xia had to be on the observatory if he wanted to see the starry sky, but he was only on the wasteland outside Xingyuan City.

Moreover, Shang Xia can clearly perceive that the starlight hanging from the sky above his head is the real essence of the stars. Perhaps it is not as good as the activation of the star observatory, which is just the essence of energy gathered from the outer starry sky, but there is no doubt that these stars The vitality transformed by the essence can also be used for cultivation.

You must know that when the observatory is activated, it will continue to consume the origin of the cave, but on the wasteland in front of you, the star essence falling in a large area is enough to replenish the vitality of heaven and earth above the wasteland.

Shang Xia can confirm that the land of Xingyuan at this time is definitely not a secret cave, not only because it is much larger than the secret realm of cave, but more importantly, the land of Xingyuan is not attached to any plane world, but An independent space secret realm.

So what is the essence of this huge secret space that can cover the entire Starland?

The sense of divine sense that was always expanded to the limit was suddenly touched. Shang Xia knew that his arrival in the land of Xingyuan had obviously alarmed Xingyuan City, so he quickly restrained his thoughts, quickly hid his figure and aura, and avoided Xingyuan City who came to check The person circled a big circle on the wasteland, and then quietly fled towards the direction of Xingyuan City.