Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1134

Somewhere in the void, tens of thousands of miles away from the meteorite belt where Shang Xia and Wen Juxiang fought, along with the appearance of a void ripple, before a space portal was fully formed, a figure fell from it .


Shang Xia staggered and stabilized his figure, and a mouthful of reverse blood spewed out of his mouth.

However, after this mouthful of reverse blood gushed out, although his face looked pale, his spirit was no longer as sluggish as before, and even his shining eyes made him look a little excited.

This is not the first time that Shang Xia has fought a fourth-rank real person, but it is the first time for him to fight a fourth-rank real person with his own strength.

Shang Xia\'s first confrontation with a fourth-rank real person was actually that Wen Juxiang.

It\'s just that he was suppressed by the will of the world in the Lingfeng Realm because he sneaked into the Lingfeng Realm at that time. Haven\'t really played against each other a few times.

The second time he fought against the real person of the fourth rank was Yan Huayi, the real person of the fourth rank Dongtian in the Lingfu world, but at that time it was Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue who joined forces to fight against each other.

But at that time, Yan Huayi may have spent too much energy in the confrontation with the real Yunhu, or it may be because of the influence of a wisp of will left in the spirit world, and his own combat power was not in the battle with Kou and Shang. occupy a clear advantage.

However, it was precisely because of these two experiences that Shang Xia felt somewhat contemptuous of the combat power of a fourth-rank real person, and felt that after he advanced to a third-rank real person, even if he was not an opponent of this person, he would be able to take it easy advance and retreat.

This also made Shang Xia not run away immediately after the other party saw through his original incarnation, but stayed and tried to plot against the other party.

It\'s a pity that Wen Juxiang, who is at his peak without any constraints, has truly shown Shang Xia the powerful combat power of a fourth-rank real person from the upper realm.

In just two or three confrontations, while Shang Xia had the upper hand, not only did he not gain any advantage from the opponent, but he was seriously injured and fled in the end.

Wen Juxiang, this fourth-rank spiritual master from the upper realm of Yuanhong, is not as possessed by Dongtian Daoist as Dongtian Daoist.

With the blessing of the original power, he can actually have a combat power comparable to Yan Huayi, or even slightly better!

But Shang Xia finally escaped from the opponent\'s hand in the face-to-face confrontation!

While introspecting, Shang Xia did not underestimate himself, but analyzed the gap between himself and the real top-notch Dao Hejing Daoist from this confrontation as objectively as possible!

A temporary cave was opened in a huge meteorite that was almost comparable to the earth star. Shang Xia was healing in the cave while analyzing the gains and losses of this battle, but he was already determined in his heart. Juxiang faced him head-on, he might still be no match, but he would certainly not be as embarrassed as he is today, at least he would be able to retreat completely.

Because in the final blow of the confrontation between the two sides, Shang Xia has already verified the previous stick technique that was carefully deduced after he advanced to the third-rank outer state.

Although this stick method is not yet perfect and still has many flaws, its basic prototype has been finalized. Shang Xia has even thought of a name for the third style of the "Liuhe stick method" he created, which is "Dongxu" !

Because in the final contest with Wen Juxiang, Shang Xia really penetrated the core of his original domain by relying on the power of the sacred weapon and stick technique!

This is also one of the reasons why Wen Juxiang did not pursue Shang Xia after that gesture, but let him flee.

Shang Xia\'s stick method also made this fourth-rank real person in Yuanhong Upper Realm feel afraid!

Of course, the most fundamental reason is that Shang Xia directly activated the "Liuhe Shifting Talisman" at the last moment, and escaped tens of thousands of miles away in one go, with almost no trace of space travel.

However, it was also during Shang Xia\'s escape process with the help of the "Six Harmonies Shifting Talisman", perhaps because this talisman has the ability to easily penetrate the barriers of the secret realm of space, he vaguely sensed that there is a huge space in the void not far away. barrier.

At the same time, along with this piece of space barrier that appeared in Shang Xia\'s senses, there was also the Square Monument that suddenly jumped in his mind inexplicably.

Following the previous experience of using the "Liuhe Shifting Talisman", Shang Xia can almost conclude that the huge space barrier must belong to a plane world, because the space barrier of the cave is definitely not that huge

, also not that strong.

At that time, Shang Xia was eager to escape, and the process of traveling through the void was very short, so he could not further perceive the exact information of the space barrier. He even once thought that the space barrier might be the plane world barrier of Lingyu Realm .

However, when he was temporarily out of danger and calmed down to recall, he felt that the space barrier might not necessarily be the Lingyu Realm, because he had entered and exited the Lingyu Realm, and Shang Xia, who had pretended to be a martial artist in the Lingyu Realm, Did not have any sense of familiarity with that space barrier.

More importantly, when Shang Xia first entered Lingyu Realm, there was not much movement on the Sifangbei.

You know, after absorbing a lot of the origin of the spirit world in the process of completing the promotion in the Lingfeng world, there are very few things that can disturb the square monument in his mind.

Even though Shang Xia has participated in several conquests between plane worlds so far, the source of the foreign world that was plundered is nothing more than a taste of the Sifangbei.

Shang Xia even suspected that after the Sifangbei was repaired to the current level, the origin of heaven and earth in the spiritual world might not have any effect on it.

However, it was precisely because of this that Shang Xia paid so much attention to the Square Monument when it was revitalized for some reason.

But since it is not the Lingyu world, but the space barrier should not seem too far away from the Lingyu world, so where would it be?

This made Shang Xia couldn\'t help thinking that when he encountered a cold wave from the sky in the northern region of Lingyu Realm, he heard a legend from the mouth of the local warriors that there might be an ice-cold world outside the northern region of Lingyu Realm. world!

Now it seems that this rumor is not groundless, I am afraid it is true!

Thinking of this, Shang Xia\'s heart was agitated immediately, and he even wished to get up and go to the void outside the northern region of Lingyu Realm to investigate the existence of that plane world.

But thinking of the current injury on his body and the need to send the news he detected back to the world as soon as possible, Shang Xia had to suppress his thoughts and focus on the recovery of the injury in his body for the time being, as well as the newly created " The third form of "Liuhe stick method" is further perfected.

The second is later.