Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1127

Under the starry sky that has long been unknown how far away from Lingfeng Realm.

Shang Xia had already been unable to calculate how far they were from the Lingfeng Realm at this time. He only remembered that he followed Kou Chongxue and made seven or eight consecutive void shuttles across the starry sky.

"By the way, how did you find such a place of void?"

After the ninth long-distance space shuttle, Shang Xia finally couldn\'t help asking while the two were resting and recovering.

Even with Kou Chongxue\'s and Shang Xia\'s cultivation background, this kind of ultra-long-distance void travel usually requires necessary rest and recovery every three times.

It\'s not that the two of them will be exhausted after three consecutive long-distance space shuttles, but in an environment where dangers are almost everywhere in the outer space and the starry sky, it is necessary to remain vigilant at all times and leave enough original strength to adapt extremely necessary.

At this time, the two were located on an irregular giant meteorite fragment in the starry sky, and around them was a small five-element gathering spirit array.

This is a kind of array that Chu Jia specially created for Shang Xia that can be carried around. Even a person who knows nothing about the way of battle can just open the array step by step, and then embed a top-grade array in a fixed position. The source crystal can be used directly, which is extremely convenient.

Kou Chongxue felt the rapid recovery of the origin of the void in his body. Although it was not the first time he had used it, he still couldn\'t help but praise: "Xiao Chu\'s formation skills are getting more and more exquisite, it\'s just that such an exquisite array Why is it that only you have it yourself, and the old man, as the head of the academy, actually wants to use your formation to restore it, so why does this make the old man feel ashamed?"

What was originally a compliment turned out to be sour in the end.

Shang Xia couldn\'t help but rolled his eyes, and said: "You are old enough, why don\'t you say that every time this set of Five Elements Gathering Spirit Array is used, it consumes the disciple\'s high-grade source crystal?"

Kou Chongxue said as a matter of course: "I have to do my best for my disciples. As the head of the dignified academy, isn\'t this what you should do? Besides, what\'s the matter with the universe bag on your boy? How does this old man remember the academy The inner space of the produced swallow velvet Qiankun bag should be one zhang square, and the inner space of your boy’s Qiankun bag is probably several times larger, right?”

Shang Xia had no choice but to take out a genuine-looking shrunken cloth bag from his cuff, and said, "This is a Qiankun bag that was trial-produced from the skin of that sixth-order star beast, and this is the only one. At present, it is only used for trial use. This is one of the few utensils that can be handed out in the academy. If you are always rare, you can use it now. But next time you open the spirit gathering array, The top-grade source crystal is always provided by you."

"Don\'t, don\'t!"

Kou Chongxue didn\'t even think about it, so she refused with disgust on her face: "My old man, head of the dignified academy, even if you want to use it, you should use the best one. You should keep the trial products for yourself!"

In recent years, with the rapid growth of Lingfeng Realm, the resources required for various cultivations have become relatively abundant. At least Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia\'s daily use of high-grade source crystals will no longer be in short supply as before.

After the two recovered completely, they did not travel through the void again, but first restrained their own aura, and then used the disappearance talisman to hide their whereabouts as much as possible. Finally, under the leadership of Kou Chongxue, in a field full of meteorites And marching in the void of space turbulence.

"How on earth did you find such a place in the first place?"

After avoiding the sudden collapse of a fragile void in time, Shang Xia looked at Kou Chongxue who was turning left and right, up and down in this dense meteorite belt with lingering fear, and couldn\'t help the desire to complain in his heart.

"Shh! The front is coming!"

Kou Chongxue seemed extremely focused, and even looked a lot more serious, which made Shang Xia have to be a lot more serious.

After bypassing a meteorite that was almost one-third the size of an earth star, the void in front of him suddenly opened up.

However, on the other side of this open void, almost at the edge of the line of sight of Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia, a world of ruins appeared in a mess inside, but as a whole, it seemed to vaguely present a loose sphere. in there.

The open area that Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia could see looked like a separation zone between the outer meteorite belt and the ruined world inside.

Shang Xia could sense that Kou Chongxue, who was not far away, breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn\'t help but smile: "You are worried that the ruins of this plane world have been used.

complete? "

Kou Chongxue glared at him, and said: "If it weren\'t for your slow-wittedness, we would have been able to make more adequate preparations, and we might even rush here before those people to make certain preparations in advance."

The reason why Kou Chongxue said this is because when the two of them observed the ruined world from a long distance on the edge of this isolation zone, they had already noticed that in the void of this ruined world, there would occasionally be large starships passing by. Patrol.

Shang Xia immediately responded with a smile: "Disciple, this is called sharpening a knife without cutting firewood by mistake, don\'t you understand this?"

Kou Chongxue snorted twice, and said: "Now this isolation zone is obviously under surveillance, and that mysterious warrior might be able to advance to the fourth stage at any time. What do you think should be done next?"

Kou Chongxue\'s appearance before had actually startled the snake. At this time, the other party must have more effective monitoring methods for this area. Kou Chongxue even suspected that the other party might detect it before the two of them approached.

But then again, even though Kou Chongxue was already panicking, the other party never gave up on this ruined world. Either it means that the mysterious warrior is about to advance, or he himself is eager to advance to the fourth-grade Taoist realm; or It\'s not easy to find even if it\'s just the ruins of a plane world; of course, it may be a combination of both.

Shang Xia thought about it. Although he has the means to hide his whereabouts, he is not very sure if he wants to hide the same level of warriors when the other party has prepared in advance.

"If you really can\'t do it, you just have to force yourself. You were just one person before, and you only had a second-rank cultivation, but now you and I are two people, and your cultivation has reached the level outside the third-rank."

Shang Xia directly said a solution that is not a solution.

Kou Chongxue pondered: "You mean to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

Shang Xia scratched his head and said, "Alright!"

Now that the plan has been made, the two will naturally act separately. As for who will be the bait, it depends on which of the two of them is discovered first.

However, after the two separated, Shang Xia still started to act ahead of schedule.

It\'s not that he deliberately sabotaged the two people\'s plans in advance, but that Shang Xia thought to himself that now that the two have advanced to the third-rank outer joint realm, his real combat power may have surpassed Kou Chongxue.

During the time when the two of them traveled through the void together, even though Shang Xia didn\'t intentionally try it out, he could still vaguely feel that he had faintly surpassed Kou Chongxue in controlling the origin of their respective virtual realms.

Although the thickness of a warrior\'s personal virtual environment and the degree of control cannot be directly used as factors to measure the level of a warrior\'s personal combat power, they can obviously be used as important reference factors.

It is precisely because of this situation that Shang Xia can escape with far greater confidence than Kou Chongxue even if he is detected by others.

Use the "Heaven and Human Response Chapter" to capture your own energy, use the "Anonymous Talisman" to hide your body shape as much as possible, and use the "Linyuan Fengxu Talisman" to avoid causing too much vitality and energy during the flight as much as possible. The void oscillated, and then Shang Xia passed through the empty void between the meteorite belt and the ruined world as fast as possible.

Soon, a distance of nearly ten thousand miles passed. During this process, the starship cruising around the ruined world once passed in the direction he was heading, but perhaps because of the long distance, he didn\'t notice it. To the existence of Shang Xia.

Soon, another 20,000 miles passed by. The ruined world that looked like a small ball in the distance seemed to have expanded dozens of times, and Shang Xia could even see the ruined world clearly. There were broken land floating randomly in the middle, and the distance between him and the world of ruins was only one-third closer at this time.

Soon another 30,000 miles passed, and the distance between Shang Xia and the ruined world had been shortened by two-thirds. At this time, he could even clearly see the specific shapes of the many floating land and land fragments in the ruined world. .

It\'s just because of this reason that Shang Xia suddenly felt a little strange. The ruined world in front of him seemed to be different from what Kou Chongxue described when he first discovered it!

Those floating land fragments seem to be scattered, but in fact, they are in a spherical "fluffy" state as a whole. It looks like this ruined world was once forcibly kneaded into a ball by an external force, and then the external force dissipated. Then it cracked again.

More importantly, with

Compared to what Kou Chongxue once described to him, the size of this ruined world seems to have shrunk a lot!

At this time, Shang Xia was still rapidly approaching the ruined world, but he couldn\'t help but glanced at the direction where Kou Chongxue should be lurking in the plan, wondering if his mountain chief had realized the changes that had taken place in the ruined world.

This kind of external force that caused changes in the entire ruined world, the first thing Shang Xia thought of was that the mysterious warrior had already launched secret techniques to advance to the fourth-rank outer realm, and he might even have succeeded.

As a result, he and Kou Chongxue were obviously too late this time.

Even if the other party really succeeds in advancing to the fourth-grade Taoist realm, maybe Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia will be in danger next time!

It\'s not that Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia won\'t be able to fight against the warriors outside the fourth rank, but they are worried that they will bring unnecessary trouble to Tongyou Academy and Lingfeng Realm if their identities are exposed.

It\'s just that it\'s too late to go back now, and Shang Xia has no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to investigate.

At this time, Shang Xia had even approached to a distance of less than 20,000 miles from the ruined world. During this period, the starships cruising around the ruined world had passed by four or five times, but they never noticed Shang Xia\'s secret approach.

While Shang Xia was a little surprised by this, he couldn\'t help feeling more and more anxious, for fear that this was a trap set by the other party to invite you into the urn.

And at this moment, Shang Xia, who was flying fast, was already approaching the ruined world nearly ten thousand miles away.

Just at this time, a large starship cruised up from the bottom of the ruined world, and the moment it passed in front of Shang Xia, a rapid bell rang.

Immediately following Shang Xia, he could clearly see that the originally quiet starship suddenly became turbulent. Dozens of mid-level and high-level warriors came in and out of the starship, and soon an invisible barrier rose, covering the The entire starship is shrouded in it.

At the same time, the sails hanging on the mast of the Xingzhou suddenly turned without wind, and the bulging sails instantly accelerated the speed of the Xingzhou to the extreme. The distance, and it seems that the direction of its escape is actually towards the depths of the void far away from the world of ruins.

Shang Xia naturally understood that the other party had discovered his tracks, but the sudden fleeing behavior of the other party made Shang Xia, who was a little astonished for a while, not know whether to stop or not.

But at the moment when Shang Xia hesitated, Xingzhou escaped thousands of miles towards the depths of the starry sky again, and even in the process of constant acceleration, the invisible barrier that originally covered the surface of Xingzhou even began to gradually merge with the surrounding people. The void merges and has a tendency to evolve into a void portal.

At this time, Shang Xia had already recognized the starship that was about to escape into the void. Although the exterior was disguised to a certain extent, it was undoubtedly the starship used by the Xingyuan Guard of Xingyuan City to patrol the void.

On this point, in the news that Feng Ziying sent back, there was a detailed description of Xingyuanwei\'s star boat that went out to patrol the void, but obviously even he didn\'t know that Xingyuanwei\'s star boat could travel through the void by itself.

At this time, Shang Xia probably guessed that there should be no other sixth heavens in this ruined world. If so, it is naturally impossible to allow this starship to leave easily.

It\'s just that before Shang Xia could make a move, a pitch-black linear object suddenly passed across the void, directly splitting the starship, which obviously had many magical functions, into two sections, and then the pitch-black linear gap exploded. When it opened, it turned into countless streams of fine sword energy, and shot the starship that had been broken into two pieces again, riddled with holes.

As for the dozens of mid-level and high-level warriors carried inside the starship, there is absolutely no reason for them to survive under such a fine-grained sword energy!

At this time, Shang Xia didn\'t know, just when he was planning to set off first and take the initiative to act as a bait, Kou Chongxue, as the head of the academy and the elder of the teacher, didn\'t he have the same plan?

Shang Xia scratched her head, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

At this time, Kou Chongxue\'s voice came from the other side of the void: "Go to the starship to take a look first, and then come to the center of this ruined world, and make new discoveries!"

Shang Xia\'s heart was lifted when he heard the words. Although he didn\'t know why Kou Chongxue asked him to take a look in the starship that had been broken in two and turned into a honeycomb, Kou Chongxue said that the new discovery in the center of the ruined world was a sudden discovery. Zizi then brought up Shang Xia\'s 12-point interest.

Today there is only this chapter, 4,000 words.