Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1123

When Kou Chongxue was traveling in the starry sky, he happened to encounter a mysterious warrior who was using the ruins of a plane world to use some kind of secret technique to break through the bottleneck of the third-rank outer realm, and finally stepped into the fourth-rank realm. threshold.

It\'s a pity that he acted secretly in the end. After being noticed, he was almost seriously injured by the mysterious third-rank real person.

Fortunately, although Kou Chongxue did not find out the identity of the mysterious warrior, he also did not reveal his identity.

However, the strange reaction of Xingling Pavilion in Xingyuan City later caused Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue to place the suspicion of the mysterious third-rank real person on the identity of Tong Yutang, the owner of Xingling Pavilion, especially when Shang Xia accidentally noticed On the surface, Tong Yutang, who is only in the second-rank inner realm, is very likely to hide his own cultivation realm, which greatly increases his disgust.

Afterwards, while Shang Xia was making false claims with Tong Yutang on the matter of the secret array talisman, Kou Chongxue and Tongyou College began to secretly investigate the mysterious pavilion master who lived in secret.

It\'s a pity that Lingfeng Realm entered the starry sky too late, and the rise of Tongyou Academy was even shorter. Even if it is intentional, the results cannot be seen in a short time.

Fortunately, there is also Feng Ziying, who did not know how to sneak into Xingyuanwei\'s internal response, and provided Kou and Shang with a lot of secret information about Xingyuanwei and the interior of Xingyuan City.

However, it was precisely through these clues collected from various channels that Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue gradually discovered that there seemed to be some kind of relationship between Tong Yutang and Xingyuanwei, or more precisely, between Zhuge Xiang. There are some twisted connections; but Tong Yutang seems to have some kind of relationship with Xingyuanwei\'s seventh battalion owner, stargazer Xing Xingtian, and the relationship between the two parties tends to be secret, even if Even inside Hoshihara Guard is a secret.

But even so, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia still couldn\'t be sure that the mysterious warrior who used the ruins of the plane world to attack the fourth-rank Taoist realm was Tong Yutang, the pavilion master of Xingling Pavilion.

But now the situation has changed.

The reason why Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue had been doing it in secret before was because Kou Chongxue suffered a bit of a secret loss in the opponent\'s hands when they first encountered each other, and knew that he was not his opponent, not to mention the mysterious third-rank There may be greater forces involved behind the warrior, Kou Chongxue is even more afraid to act rashly.

But now that Kou Chongxue himself has advanced to the third-rank outer realm, his own strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. Even if he is still not as good as the mysterious real person\'s cultivation base and combat power at the peak of the third rank, it is conceivable that he can advance and retreat freely now.

What\'s more, Kou Chongxue also has Shang Xia, a second-rank helper whose actual combat power is almost comparable to a third-rank real person!

The reason why Kou Chongxue came to find Shang Xia who was in retreat this time, and talked to him about Xingyuanwei, Xingyuan City, and Xingling Pavilion for a long time beforehand, was for him to join hands with him to explore the area again. The world of ruins, and the bottom of the mysterious warrior!

The reason is that Kou Chongxue got news from Feng Ziying again. It was rumored within Xingyuanwei that Zhuge Xiang was about to advance to the fifth-rank return to the true realm. Wei, the frequency of going out on starships to participate in long-term patrol missions seems to have increased.

It\'s just that Kou Chongxue didn\'t expect that Shang Xia\'s current cultivation had already stood above the threshold of the third-rank outer realm, with a look of

It looks like he may have stepped into the threshold of a third-rank real person.

Heaven, Earth, Great Practice is the biggest!

At this time, even if Shang Xia was willing to interrupt his cultivation and go out with him, Kou Chongxue would force him to return to the secret cave and let him continue to retreat.

"Then what are your plans next?"

Since there is nothing to help for the time being, Shang Xia naturally suggested that Kou Chongxue should not take risks alone, and the way to divert his attention is naturally to find him something else to do.

Kou Chongxue also understands that when the other party is already on guard, if he alone, even if his cultivation level increases, he will not be able to take advantage of the other party\'s hands.

So he thought for a while and said, "Stay in the academy for the time being, and see if there are any seedlings worth cultivating. No matter what, it will never work without a master of the cave in this secret realm of the cave."

Shang Xia thought for a while and asked, "Senior Sister Sun should be qualified to practice the fourth natal qi, right? Are there any other potential candidates?"

Kou Chongxue said: "Xiao Sun is already in retreat to refine the fourth natal Yuan Gang, and the other latecomers who still have some potential, so far, they are only Gai Qingzhu and Tian Mengzi, both of them have reached the fifth level and the third level now. The third floor. It’s just that there is only one cave in this cave, and there can only be one real person in the cave..."

Shang Xia pondered and said: "Based on my understanding of Senior Sister Sun, she is most likely aiming at becoming a real person in the spirit world. As for Brother Gai and Xi Hetian, maybe Dongtian real person will become the last choice of one of them."

Kou Chongxue sighed softly, "Let\'s see!"

Tongyou Academy, a secret realm of Dongtian without a master of Dongtian, seems to be a guaranteed choice for warriors who have the potential to hit the Wuxu Realm.

But then again, how could a martial artist who really aspires to break the shackles of the plane world and advance to the Martial Void Realm set Dongtian Daoist as his goal from the beginning?

Therefore, even though Tongyou College really urgently needs a Daoist Dongtian to sit in charge, they can\'t clearly target Daoist Dongtian in the process of cultivating the younger generation.

This is actually a very contradictory matter for the senior management of Tongyou Academy.

After Kou Chongxue left the cave, Shang Xia returned to the state of retreat and cultivation.

Originally, everything had to continue step by step, and Shang Xia, following Kou Chongxue\'s reminder, would also put more energy into deducing the complete Liuhejing technique.

However, perhaps because of Kou Chongxue\'s previous reminder, Shang Xia opened up a new way of thinking, he was suddenly not interested in the goal of hitting the bottleneck of cultivation immediately, but focused on what a second-rank real person would usually master On the secret technique, that is to strip an original incarnation!

In fact, this method of stripping the original incarnation is not so rare, warriors usually have mastered similar methods when they were in the Martial Gang Realm.

It\'s just that with the cultivation base and combat power of a fifth-level heavenly warrior, the purpose of stripping off the Yuangang incarnation is often more to save one\'s life in a desperate situation.

Even though the Yuan Gang incarnation has a fifth-level combat power, it is at the cost of directly reducing the martial artist\'s own cultivation level. Therefore, generally speaking, the martial artist will not often choose to strip the Yuan Gang incarnation.

However, the original incarnation stripped by the Wuxujing real person will no longer have such worries, even though the stripping of the original incarnation

It also has an impact on the martial artist\'s cultivation, but it is not at the cost of lowering his own cultivation level. Moreover, he can have an extra sixth-level combat power, so it is very cost-effective for the martial artist.

Real people in the Wuxu Realm usually choose to practice this secret technique after they advance to the second-rank Inner Healing Realm. Among the real people in the Lingfeng Realm who have reached the second-rank cultivation level, only Shang Xia is an exception.

Now, on the eve of advancing to the third-rank outer border, Shang Xia suddenly had a whim for some reason, and wanted to successfully cultivate this secret technique first.

To peel off an original incarnation, a warrior must first peel off a ray of divine will that contains his own martial arts will. This is not a difficult task for Shang Xia, who has a huge sense of divine will. The severe pain was really unbearable.

But this is a test that every real person in Wuxu Realm who intends to strip away his original incarnation needs to go through.

The second is to separate a part from one\'s own original domain and use it to construct the body shape of the original incarnation.

The body of the entire source incarnation is formed by condensing a small part of the martial artist\'s source domain.

After that, inject the martial artist\'s original power of virtual realm into this body limited by the original domain.

In this way, it is controlled by the will of the warrior\'s soul, limited by the body of the original domain, and finally the original force of the virtual realm is used as the driven force, so that this avatar has the most basic combat power of the martial virtual realm, so a Even if the original incarnation is stripped off!

Because it contains a part of the will of the warrior\'s soul, even when the original incarnation is separated from the real body of the deity, it can often have a part of autonomous resilience.

Shang Xia\'s heart moved, and he said with a smile: "I haven\'t been out of the cave for many days, it seems that you need to go out for a trip to answer questions for the students of the academy."

The original avatar in front of Shang Xia immediately smiled and said: "You and I are one body, why should the deity be so polite? Nowadays, there are many students in the academy who follow your martial arts path, but most of them know it and don\'t know why. Go ahead, lest anyone go astray!"

After Yuanyuan\'s incarnation left, Shang Xia suddenly felt a burst of lightness in his whole body, and even the Square Monument in his mind was shaking slightly, as if it was about to fly out at any moment.

Shang Xia was immediately blessed. The sixth-level exercises that had been stumbling under his deduction suddenly began to circulate smoothly in his body.

Many headaches in the past seem to be solved in an instant at this time. Although there are still many obscure points in it, after several days of deduction with a quiet mind, this brand new set of sixth-order skills Fa finally completed a complete Zhoutian cycle in his body!

This means that there may still be many flaws in the brand-new set of sixth-level exercises created by Shang Xia, but its basic prototype has been determined.

And at this moment, Shang Xia seemed to feel the feeling of heaven and earth feeding back again suddenly, and in his divine perception, the surrounding world seemed to show some kind of change at this moment, making him and this side The connection between heaven and earth has become clearer!

Shang Xia finally broke through the bottleneck of martial arts practice, and stepped into the third-rank outer realm in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Shang Xia also has a name that is very suitable for its own characteristics for the Wuxu Realm Kung Fu that has deduced and completed its basic outline: Liuhe Mixing One No Leakage Method!