Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1120

On the sky of Lingfeng Realm, all the real people in Wuxu Realm could hear a kind of panic from Yin Jingxu\'s warning roar.

Yin Jingxu is now a true Wuxu Realm Daoist, what kind of person is he in the Lingfeng Realm when he has a third-rank Dongtian Daoist, with the help of the Dongtian origin and the blessing of the will of the world, which is enough to match the combat power of the Fourth Heaven? How could he be so terrified by making a move?

The few real people present were not fuel-efficient lamps, and after doubts flashed in their hearts, all that was left was the utmost vigilance.

However, until the real body of Yin Jingxu came to the sky from the Jiaozhou Observatory, the attack that made her fearful did not seem to come.

Just when several real people were suspicious, the void portal not far away was shaking more and more violently, and the four states of Lingfu Realm were getting closer and closer to the Lingfeng Realm.

However, Yin Jingxu looked at a certain place in the starry sky, her expression became more and more nervous, and she said in a deep voice: "It can\'t be such a coincidence, the other party is here for the four states!"

The gazes of several real people intertwined, Yang Tai and real people finally said: "It\'s better to believe it!"

Xuansheng Zhang also said: "Then let\'s join forces!"

After the two real people said, there was a sudden sound of surging tides from the north of the sky in Lingfeng Realm, and the phantom of the Beihai cave suddenly appeared on the sky, Zhang Xuansheng and Zhang Jianzi, the two real people in the cave, seemed to be hanging on the torrent , the immeasurable water of the North Sea seems to be able to be used by him at any time.

At the same time, a huge and magnificent palace phantom also appeared in the west of the central part of the sky in Lingfeng Realm, while Yang Taihe and the real person walked directly into the palace, completely merging with the cave sky phantom.

This is the difference between the third-rank Taoist realm and the second-rank inner realm. Yang Taihe can combine his own origin of the virtual realm with the origin of the cave sky, so he can naturally use his arms and fingers; while Zhang Xuansheng needs to use his own origin of the virtual realm to create To control the origin of the cave, there must be a layer in the middle.

It\'s just that when the two Dongtian masters took the initiative to join forces, some kind of wonderful change seemed to have taken place between the two caves of Beihai and Weiyang, and this change was fed back to Yang Taihe, Zhang Xuansheng, and Zhang Jianzi. This caused the three people\'s qi to expand rapidly.

This seems to be a change in the formation, and it seems to be related to the technique of combined attack.

However, this is not the end, as Xiangyang Dongtian and Shendu Dongtian appeared on the sky, Liu Jingsheng and Li Jidao also successively joined this wonderful cave formation.

At this time, Liu Jingsheng sighed softly: "It\'s a pity that Tongyou Dongtian has no Dongtian real person sitting in it so far, otherwise, with our joint efforts, our strength will be even higher!"

Yin Jingxu, who was the only one left on the sky, saw the abnormality in front of her eyes. Under the shock of her mind, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind, and she immediately moved the observatory above the sky to receive the starlight gathered by the essence of the stars in the depths of the starry sky. Hanging down, and then he was bathed in the starlight and joined several others

The ranks of Dongtian real people.

"I didn\'t expect it to be like this..."

"Then let\'s see who is embarrassing the Lingfeng world..."


The four states of the Lingfu Realm enter the void channel as a whole for transmission. For the sake of caution, Shang Xia personally sits in the interior of the four states this time, and the jade pillars that support the dome and the sky have already been refined by him. The sacred artifact is naturally more foolproof.

Behind Sizhou, Kou Chongxue, Lu Wuzi, and the original incarnations of several real people followed, while Huang Jinghan was once again left in the star beast lair to sit in command.

The star beast lair is quite a distance away from Lingfeng Realm itself, even if it is transmitted through the void channel, it will take a while.

But when Shang Xia was getting closer to the space portal constructed by the five-element ring at the exit of the void passage, a feeling of heart palpitations that didn\'t come suddenly struck, and it became more and more serious.

The higher the martial artist\'s cultivation base, the more tenacious the will of martial arts will be tempered, and the intuition for danger will often become more acute.

The dignified Shang Xia immediately sent voice transmissions ahead to tow dozens of starships in the four states, ordering them to go around from the front to the end, and then told Kou Chongxue and others about his intuition. Gang incarnations entered under the dome and sky.

If it weren\'t for the dome and the sky supported by the jade pillars supporting the sky, with so many Tier 6 combat power pouring in, I am afraid that the entire four states would fall apart in the void in the next moment.

Fortunately, it was not far from the void portal at this time, but at this time, not only Shang Xia, but even Kou Chongxue and Lu Wuzi faintly sensed the coming danger.

In the next moment, the surroundings of Lingfu Realm rushed out of the void portal, and the dome sky immediately expanded, covering almost a quarter of the sky in Lingfeng Realm in an instant.

But at this moment, the originally dark void outside the sky in Lingfeng Realm suddenly brightened, and a huge light source shone down in the torn void, as if a great sun was about to hang down from the void.

At this time, Shang Xia, Kou Chongxue, and Lu Wuzi, even if they were separated by a layer of dome, they would be blinded by the brilliance of this round of great sun.

"Who? Who\'s attacking us?"

"The attack came from the depths of the starry sky, at an extremely long distance!"

"Four products?"

"How can the fourth rank have such power?"

"Could it still be fifth grade? Sixth grade? Even..."

Just when Shang Xia, Kou Chongxue, Lu Wuzi and others didn\'t know how to react for a while, above the sky of Lingfeng Realm, several Dongtian real people who had been prepared for a long time, together with Yin Jingxu, had already activated!

Six real people of the Wuxu Realm hold four cave origins and an observatory

The aroused starlight essence rises up against the current and collides with the flowing sunlight.

However, at this moment, the vast and surging water of the North Sea seemed to be evaporated, the majestic and majestic Weiyang Palace seemed to be reduced to ruins, the towering tower of Shendu was collapsing, and the vast and quiet Xiangyang Dongtian seemed to be annihilated in an instant. Vitality, even the tiny stars shining from the depths of the void have all evaporated.

However, the falling flame that was as fierce as the sun was also weakened, but it was still not extinguished. The flowing white flame burned through the void, annihilated all obstacles on the way, and finally descended on the four corners of the Gathering Spirit World. State\'s dome canopy.

The original incarnations of the four real people Yang Taihe, Zhang Xuansheng, Li Jidao, and Liu Jingsheng rushed out of it, trying to block this flowing incandescent flame from different directions.

However, until the power of their four original incarnations was about to be exhausted in an instant, it was difficult to stop the flames at all. In the end, only four auras flew out, and merged into the bodies of the four immortals who were frightened by the sky not far away. .

The dome was about to collapse at the touch of a touch, but a sword energy shot up into the sky, and the torn void tried to drain that flame out, and Lu Wuzi even exhausted his original strength in one fell swoop, trying to infiltrate into the flame with the help of Kou Chongxue\'s sword energy to go.

The flame seemed to be delayed for a moment in the void, but it was only for a moment, and then it dripped down towards the four states again.

While rushing out of the void passage from the four states of the Lingfu Realm, the sun-like flame broke through the void and fell until the dome and the sky were pierced. The process before and after was just one or two breaths, but for the Lingfeng Realm As far as the real people are concerned, it seems that they have endured a long time of suffering.

Although this ray of light has been greatly weakened by the efforts of the real people in Lingfeng Realm to stop it, Shang Xia still has no doubt that once this drop of light falls, the entire four states will be burnt into one piece In vain!

At the critical moment, Shang Xia directly stomped heavily on the land of the four states, and then the whole person held the sky-supporting jade pillar that had been re-turned into a stone stick, soaring into the sky, and directly stuck the stick on the last ball of flames.

And under Shang Xia\'s feet, the surrounding states that had been gathered as a whole were instantly torn apart by his foot, and then turned into various land and land fragments and scattered under the sky of Lingfeng Realm.

Boom... pass...

At the moment of hitting that ball of flames, Shang Xia\'s original power of the virtual realm, even though separated by a jade pillar supporting the sky, seemed to be instantly ignited and consumed rapidly.

At the same time, the entire Youzhou region of Lingfeng Realm suddenly ushered in midsummer in the twelfth lunar month of winter. The sharply rising temperature melted the snow and thawed the ground, as if the fire was rushing underground, as if it would melt in the next moment. As lava rushes out, and burns all these to nothingness.