Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1110

"It seems that the timing for you and me is not right!"

Kou Chongxue said to Shang Xia with a wry smile.

"I\'m careless, I didn\'t expect the insight of the Sipindong Tianren to be so terrifying!"

There was also a lot of annoyance in Shang Xia\'s tone.

If the two could come later, or avoid watching the confrontation between the two sides at all, perhaps the outcome of the battle between the two sides would become even more tragic.

However, judging from the current situation, even if the Feisheng faction still has three sixth-level fighters, these three together may not be able to win a Yan Huayi!

Although the Kyushu in the west of the Lingfu Realm has been separated from the Lingfu Realm in a real sense, it, together with Cang Hui and Cang You, are still within the radiating range of Yan Huayi\'s combat power.

In the current situation, no matter whether it is the Ascension faction or the local real person, it is impossible to let go easily.

But if the fight continues, even if the local faction wins, it may only be a tragic victory, and the entire three realms of Lingfu will probably be beaten to nothing under the unscrupulous life-and-death struggle between the two sides.

Therefore, the moment Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia appeared, it seemed as if they were suddenly given a reason to stop.

Seeing this, Shang Xia could only smile helplessly and said: "Fortunately, it seems that we are not too late!"

Seeing the two of them appearing, Zhu Zhenren glanced at the seriously injured Yunhu Daoist next to him, but when he saw the other party\'s gaze also falling on him, his heart moved suddenly, and he said loudly: "You two came just in time, I don\'t know When will the follow-up manpower of your world come? Together we can kill Yan Huayi and carve up the entire Lingfu world!"

Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue exchanged glances, both of them realized that the matter in front of them seemed a bit difficult to handle.

But at this time, Yan Huayi, a local real person, suddenly moved.

"The old man wants to see how much the helper from the outer domain that the Feisheng faction has found!"

When the body flickered, Yan Huayi had already appeared above the heads of Shang and Kou, and with the brush in his hand, he swiped down, like a thick ink painting scroll, trying to seal the two of them inside the scroll.

Not only that, but with Yan Huayi\'s coming, there is also the natural suppression of the people from the outer domain by the original will of the Lingfu world.

Although the appearance of Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia made Yan Huayi feel uneasy, but after all, he himself was two ranks higher than the other party, and with the strength of his home court, he was confident enough to suppress the two foreign ranks in front of him.

And just when Yan Huayi made a bold move, Zhu Zhenren\'s eyelids trembled, but he did not follow to help Shang and Kou. With a look of anxiety, he said loudly: "Two be careful!"

This is already the second time that Shang Xia has confronted a fourth-rank real person, but this time the opponent\'s strength is even stronger!

Shang Xia reacted as soon as the opponent made a move. The stone stick, the sacred weapon, directly invoked the origin of his own virtual realm, and went all out as soon as he made a move. The "Field Success" in the Liuhe stick technique came together with Yan Huayi. A head-to-head confrontation!

Although Shang Xia has absolute confidence in his own strength, he will not be arrogant enough to think that he can compete head-on with Sipindong Tianren in the opponent\'s home court.

And the reason why he dared to choose such a way to confront the opponent head-on was because he was not alone, there was Kou Chongxue behind him!

Kou Chongxue\'s reaction was half a beat slower than Shang Xia\'s, which seemed unbelievable for a swordsman, but it was a helpless move caused by the opponent\'s will under the will of Lingfu World.

The original domains of the two sides collided head-on without any fancy, and Shang Xia fell into a comprehensive disadvantage without any surprise.

The paintbrush forcefully pushed back into the void scroll he had laid.

However, the painting brush that used to move dragons and snakes in the empty scroll like flowing clouds and flowing water, also stopped midway because of the power of Shang Xia\'s stick, as if the strokes were suddenly obscured, leaving a puddle of ink in the scroll all of a sudden , it looks like a disappointment.

But at this moment, a burst of sword energy burst out, although it was not as powerful as the previous stick, it saw the right time and took advantage of the situation to cut through the void scroll of Yan Huayi, but his brush could no longer move because of the pause. Seal the two people in the void scroll.

Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue took this opportunity to jump out of the strife in each other\'s original domain, and formed a confrontation with Yan Huayi in the void!

In this short confrontation, the two parties have already fully understood each other\'s strength.

Although Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue teamed up, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Sipin Dongtian Master who has the advantages of the homeland, but the other party seems to have no possibility of keeping the two of them!

Yan Huayi\'s face instantly became gloomy, and his eyes fell on Shang Xia, and he said coldly: "Not only can you deceive the identification of the world\'s will, but you can even not be suppressed by the world\'s will?"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "It\'s not that I\'m not immune to suppression, but I have a way to minimize the passive situation of being in a foreign land!"

At this moment, Yan Huayi sneered and said, "So what? Do you think that with just the two of you and those three trash from Feisheng Sect, you can win this old man?"

Shang Xia smiled, glanced at Kou Chongxue beside him, and saw that the other party nodded slightly, so he responded: "If the two of Shang and Zhenren Zhu join forces, can you drag Zhenren Yan above the sky? Let the other two real people harass the Heavenly Feather Sect\'s secret cave, how does Yan Zhenren think this plan can be broken?"

Yan Huayi\'s face changed slightly. He had lost the good chance to kill Master Yunhu because of the harassment of the cave.

At this time, the other party directly pointed out his weakness again, and while feeling resentful in his heart, he said: "Then you three must be able to stop this old man!"

As a fourth-rank Taoist, Yan Huayi never wanted to be a spiritual master as much as she is now, or even if there is still a sixth-level Taoist left in the Tianyu Sect. , he will not be so targeted by the other party!

The Tianyu Sect originally had three sixth-level masters, Yan Huayi, Yan Wujiu, and Luan Wuji. However, Yan Wujiu and Luan Wuji died one after another. There is no doubt that the other party has deliberately dealt with him from the beginning.

"Whether we can stop your Excellency, we will know if we try it?"

After Shang Xia finished speaking, he took the lead.

Although there are only two moves in the "Liuhe stick method" he created, these two moves can be interpreted in different ways in his hands.

Just like the second move of "Liuhe Cudgel Method", Hezhou can include all the martial arts supernatural powers he has practiced in different realms in the process of performing the moves.

You must know that the power of martial arts supernatural powers has never been fixed, but will continue to increase with the improvement of the martial artist\'s own cultivation level.

Even if it is the martial arts supernatural power "Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand" that Shang Xia first comprehended when he was in the Unity Realm, in actual combat in his hands at this time, it is enough to cause damage to real people of the same level.

At this time, Shang Xia integrated the five martial arts supernatural powers into one, and drove it with the mighty source power, which not only made the power of this move far beyond expectations, but also made the source power changeable inside. People are irresistible.

Although Yan Huayi was not afraid, but having just had a confrontation experience, he also understood that the young warrior from a foreign land in front of him had extraordinary combat power, so he never underestimated the enemy.

Use the void to seal Shangxia\'s original power.

However, when the two sides clashed offensively and the original force collided again, Yan Huayi suddenly found that he was unable to block the opponent\'s original force.

It\'s not that Shang Xia\'s moves are so fierce and inflexible, but that the changes in his internal origin make him unable to cope with the power to seal the town.

Of course, if Ruoyan Huayi\'s method is strong enough to subdue ten meetings with one force, no matter how the power of Shang Xia\'s stick changes, he can just block the town in one go.

However, this 4th Grade Cave Heaven Master had obviously not yet reached that state, and although he was far from being broken by the opponent, he seemed a little flustered for a while.

And at this moment, Kou Chongxue, who was already in tacit cooperation with Shang Xia, rushed out from beside him, and what You Xuejian pointed at directly tore a gap in Yan Huayi\'s original domain .

Yan Huayi was startled, he didn\'t care about getting entangled with Shang Xia\'s stick, and had to retreat a certain distance above the sky, but at this moment, Zhu Zhenren\'s thunderbolt struck again.

In the void outside the sky, although Kou Chongxue is still under the suppression of the original will of the spirit world, it is much lighter than a sixth-order real person who penetrates into the world of the other plane, not to mention the internal changes in the spirit world. The will has already been weakened a lot, so although Kou Chongxue\'s combat power is limited at this time, relying on the swordsman\'s strong outbreak, he is not bad at all for a while.

At this time, Shang Xia, Kou Chongxue, and Zhu Zhenren teamed up, with Shang Xia as the main attack, and Kou Chongxue and Zhu Zhenren assisted in the attack from the side. Entangled in the sky, at least in a short period of time will not lose the wind.

But where is the short time needed?

Hong Miao and Luo Zhenren saw that the three of them were really fighting back and forth with Yan Huayi, and immediately turned around and got under the sky. Of course, the destination, of course, is the resident of the Tianyu Sect and the There is no doubt that the secret realm of the cave.

Seeing this, Yan Huayi yelled again and again, but he also knew that it was not something that could be done in a short time to take down the three people in front of him.

In desperation, this veritable No. 1 master in the Lingfu world directly got rid of the entanglement of the three and plunged into the sky!

Seeing this, Zhu Zhenren wanted to chase again, but he saw Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue stop together. After a little hesitation, he didn\'t dare to chase under the sky alone, but the worry on his face was real.

Shang Xia smiled when he saw this, and said, "Don\'t worry, those two comrades are not stupid, so naturally they won\'t let themselves fall into danger!"

Almost as soon as Shang Xia\'s words fell, the sky was pierced one after another, and Hong Miao and Luo Zhenren returned to the sky.

At this time, Zhu Zhenren probably understood the intentions of Shang and Kou. They didn\'t really want to destroy the secret realm of Tianyuzong\'s cave and use it to kill Yan Huayi. Their purpose was just to make Yan Huayi fall into a trap That\'s all.

Zhu Zhenren opened his mouth, and was about to say something, but suddenly he heard Kou Chongxue lightly gasp, and said, "Why are you missing Lan Zhengfeng and Yunhu?"

Zhu Zhenren was startled when he heard the words, then Shang Xia chuckled and said: "The two pioneers are not light, they should have returned to the sect."

Zhu Zhenren\'s complexion changed slightly, and then he quickly cupped his hands towards Shang and Kou, and then nodded to Luo Zhenren, and the two real people from the Cangyou world disappeared under the sky.

Seeing this, Hong Miao, the only remaining real person, also returned to the western Kyushu land of Lingfu Realm, but when he left from the sky, he vaguely saw a large number of starship fleets in the depths of the void arrive.

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