Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1108

After Lan Zhengfeng was injured in the siege by Zhu Zhenren and Shang Xia, he knew that he had to return to the Lingfu world as quickly as possible.

For this reason, he didn\'t even have time to find a place to stabilize his injury first.

It wasn\'t for the message, in fact, when he escaped from the siege of Zhu and Shang, he had already sent the news back to the Lingfu world through the void message, and I believe it will be handed over to Yan Huayi soon.

In the face of the split of the internal Ascension faction and the intervention of external forces from the Lingfeng Realm, Lan Zhengfeng wanted to protect himself as much as possible, so he had no choice but to return to the Spirit Fu Realm as soon as possible; to suppress internal divisions and external invasions, he had no choice but to Return to Lingfu Realm as soon as possible.

Only under the blessing of the original will of the spirit world, can he exert his greatest strength to the maximum extent.

At the same time, only on the premise that he returns to the Lingfu world as soon as possible, will it be possible to suppress the internal division of the Feisheng faction as much as possible before the Lingfeng world intervenes, so that more forces can be mobilized to deal with external attacks invasion.

Not only Lan Zhengfeng could think of this, Zhu Zhenren could also think of it.

Therefore, when Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue used the excuse of stabilizing the void channel and attracting their own forces to come, Zhu Zhenren had no choice but to chase Lan Zhengfeng alone with all his strength.

Fortunately, Lan Zhengfeng was already injured at this time, and his combat power would inevitably be damaged. Zhu Zhenren was not afraid of chasing and killing this person alone in the void.

Zhu Zhenren even expected that when Lan Zhengfeng realized that he was alone behind him and felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, he would stop returning to the spirit world and try to kill him.

In this way, Zhu Zhenren had the opportunity to drag Lan Zhengfeng into the void, thus buying more time for the Feisheng faction!

It\'s a pity that Lan Zhengfeng obviously won\'t give Zhu Zhenren this chance.

Even in the case of injury, this third-rank spiritual world real person fled to the spirit world in a state of not hesitating to lose his original power.

When his escaping light broke into the outer monitoring range of Lingfu\'s Three Realms, all the real people, whether they were from the local faction or the Ascension faction, underwent drastic changes.

Everyone understands what it means once Lan Zhengfeng officially returns and joins the battle!

Originally under the siege of Hong Miao and Master Luo of the Ascension School, the first-rank real person of the local faction, Luan Wuji, who was on the left and the right, unexpectedly ignored the offensive of the opponent\'s tacit cooperation at this time, and blatantly attacked the opponent with his own strength. Then the two launched a counterattack.

If it was said that he could survive the siege of the two of them for an hour before when he was fighting with all his strength, then his blind counterattack at this time may only be crazy for a moment at most.

However, Luan Wuji\'s seemingly reckless counterattack actually dragged down the two real people of the same rank in front of him in a real sense, at least making them unable to retreat from his offensive for a while.

and a quarter of an hour

, it was enough for Lan Zhengfeng to break into the Lingfu Realm directly, and with the constant blessing of the source of heaven and earth, he joined the current battle situation.

Originally, in the battle between the two sides, the only ones who could free up their hands to send two first-rank real people from Ascension were actually entangled at this time.

But in fact, even if one of Hong Miao and Luo Zhenren could spare his hands, facing Lan Zhengfeng, a third-rank real person, would be nothing more than a mantis\' arm.

Lan Zhengfeng is already closer to the Lingfu world, and even he can already feel the kindness of the spirit world\'s original will for his timely return.

He even saw Yan Huayi, who was supposed to exist like a Dinghai magic needle, but at this moment was unexpectedly entangled by Yunhu and Menghan for no reason.

This third-rank real person in the Lingfu world made a decisive decision, and directly threw the meteor hammer in his hand, and the target of the attack was the real person Yunhu.

It has to be said that Lan Zhengfeng has sharp eyesight, and he can see the crux of the stalemate in just one glance.

At this time, Master Yunhu was fighting with all his strength against Yan Huayi, who was gradually recovering his strength, how could he be free to deal with Lan Zhengfeng\'s attack?

At a critical juncture, Master Menghan had no choice but to give up his assistance to Master Yunhu, and turned around to intercept the meteor hammer.

Amidst the loud bang, the deep coldness in the void outside the sky suddenly increased a bit, Meng Han was knocked out by the volley, but the meteor hammer was still blocked by her.

However, before Lan Zhengfeng could make another move, a cry of pain suddenly came from the distant sky. It turned out that it was Luan Wuji, a real person of the first rank who brazenly entangled two warriors of the same level with a counterattack technique, and was bombarded by the real person Luo After shattering the original domain, he was hit by Hong Miao\'s volley in the air immediately, and was severely injured in one fell swoop.

At this time, Luan Wuji\'s delay was far from fifteen minutes, but when it was really fifteen minutes, Luan Wuji himself might die first.

Lan Zhengfeng only hesitated a little in the void, then headed towards Master Yunhu again, but did not save Luan Wuji who was on the verge of death.

Because he knew very well that the opponents of the native faction real people were not only the Ascension faction, but also those from outside the Lingfeng world.

The real crisis facing the Lingfu world is not division, but the collapse of the world that is very likely to be triggered by the invasion of foreign domains!

Daoist Menghan is trying his best to come here, and continue to block Lan Zhengfeng with all his strength.

However, at this time, even without Lan Zhengfeng\'s help, Master Yunhu has already reached the critical edge of what he can bear under Yan Huayi\'s suppression.

In the midst of another loud bang, Meng Han was sent flying hundreds of miles away again. Under the shock of his internal organs, a mouthful of blood spurted out and turned into bright red ice slag.

After that blow just now, Master Menghan had obviously been injured to the origin of the Void Realm.

However, Daoist Menghan still can\'t retreat, even if she knows that the level of original hedging just now, she may only be able to accept it.

Received once!


The crisp sound was originally not loud, but at this moment, it was clearly transmitted to the ears of every sixth-layer heavenly being above the sky.

Although Lan Zhengfeng\'s two attacks were blocked by Daoist Menghan desperately, but Daoist Yunhu finally exceeded his own carrying limit under Yan Huayi\'s suppression. Embarrassed, a crack appeared on the surface of the body.

Under such circumstances, even if Lan Zhengfeng didn\'t make any further moves, Master Yunhu himself would collapse first.

But at this moment, there was another dull loud noise, and even the sky of the Lingfu Realm shook violently, as if the barrier protecting the entire surface world was about to burst in the next moment.

Almost at the same time, every sixth-layer heavenly person who was fighting for the front on the sky could not help slowing down the offensive and defensive momentum in their hands. Every moment, there is an inexplicable sense of dullness and stagnation descending on the true bodies of their respective deities through the original true spirit.

In the plane world of Lingfu Realm, the borders between the nine states in the west and northwest of the state suddenly began to collapse, and deep ravines and ravines began to appear, and the distance was constantly opened, and then they were quickly removed. Filled with seawater gushing from the ground.

The land of Kyushu in the west and northwest of Lingfu Realm and the main road began to separate.

Although the land of Kyushu still belongs to the Lingfu Realm at present, this is only the first step. However, this move shows the real purpose of the real people of the Feisheng faction. They want to reverse the two realms of Cangyou and Canghui. Annex this land of Kyushu!

But regardless of whether the Feisheng faction\'s plan can be successful in the end, when the western Kyushu is separated from the main continent, the original will of the spirit world has been weakened, and what has been consumed is also the accumulation of the soul world itself.

"You guys are really damned!"

Amidst Yan Huayi\'s rage, the remaining origin of heaven and earth and the will of the world in the spiritual world finally collapsed, and at the same time, the sacred teapot in the hands of Daoist Yunhu also collapsed.

Although Yan Huayi was also weakened due to the split of the main road of the original plane, but at this time he is still much stronger than the real Yunhu.

The giant pen in the rafters flew into the air again, and Master Yunhu trembled as if he had been hit hard. His originally pale face suddenly became extremely dark, and he looked as if he had aged twenty or thirty years old, and looked like he was dying.

Lan Zhengfeng shot again, knocking Meng Han away for the third time, at least making him unable to fight again in a short period of time!

The situation was reversed in an instant, and the advantage that the Feisheng faction had gained from pre-emptive strikes was completely lost because of Yan Huayi and Lan Zhengfeng\'s full-scale counterattack. ending.