Spiritual Furnace

Chatper 44


Chu Yan\'s heart was full of doubts. He could see that Liu Yueying\'s gratitude came from the bottom of her heart, but why should she thank herself? Thank you for saving her life?

Absolutely not. Chu Yan immediately rejected the idea. If you want to thank you already, why do you need to wait until now? Then what is it? Could it be the one who thanked him for hitting her? No way!

Of course, Chu Yan could not have imagined that, because his words yesterday and his extremely rude actions completely changed Liu Yueying\'s fate. Liu Yueying has been loved by thousands since she was a child. In addition, the special cultivation method she has cultivated has made her suffer from this. I didn\'t think that Chu Yan\'s mishaps helped her. She broke through the realm that was difficult to achieve in her life. .

“The food tastes good!”

When Chu Yan regained his senses, he only saw Liu Yueying\'s back, and then saw that more than half of the dishes on the table had been eaten.

After a moment:

"Boss, we have everything ready!"

The drop of blood in Chu Yan\'s sea of ​​​​knowledge trembled, and a voice entered Chu Yan\'s ears.

Chu Yan walked out of the wooden house, and Zhang Jia, Zhou Yi, and Wang Qi were already standing respectfully outside the door.

"Boss, these are the clothes you want. The styles are all the latest styles from Tianyiyi Shop. At your request, they are all white."

Zhang Jai handed a thick bundle to Chu Yan with a strange expression on his face.

"I said, can you stop looking at me with this expression, I bought it for others!"

Chu Yan was a little depressed when he looked at these three guys with a thief look.

"Boss, we understand, don\'t worry, the three of us are tight-lipped about this!"

I voted for Chu Yan on Monday with an expression that you understand. After a few days of getting along, the three of them found out that Chu Yan was not difficult to approach, and although there was a blood oath contract, Chu Yan did not squeeze the three of them. Every cent, this made the three of them have a good impression of Chu Yan. Although the contract was still unhappy, they were not as nervous as they were at the beginning.

"Also, this "Flame Art" is an ancestral practice of my Wang family. It contains all the cultivation art from the first to thirteenth floors of the Qi training period."

Wang Qi handed a book of fire attribute exercises to Chu Yan.

"These are fifty spirit stones, you can take them..."

"Boss, those clothes are not worth a few spirit stones!"

"That exercise is my own, boss, you can just look at it, what kind of spirit stone do you still mention!"

The three of them didn\'t allow Chu Yan to say more, they didn\'t want the spirit stone at all, they turned around and left with the sword.

Chu Yan smiled slightly, turned around and entered the room...

"Miss Liu, I bought the clothes you want!"

Chu Yan stood outside the door, and the wooden door was gently opened for a moment.

"It\'s work!"

Liu Yueying took the clothes from Chu Yan\'s hands, and didn\'t mean to let Chu Yan enter the room at all.

"And this bottle of Qi Gathering Pill, it must be helpful for the girl to speed up her practice!"


Liu Yueying took the jade bottle in Chu Yan\'s hand and closed the door and walked into her room.

This time, Chu Yan won the first place in the small competition in the peak. The reward was five hundred spirit stones, a high-grade magic weapon, and a bottle of Qi Gathering Pill. Qi Gathering Pill was very popular among cultivators during the Qi training period. Because he can strengthen the cultivator\'s absorption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Chu Yan\'s spiritual liquid in his body naturally becomes a tasteless thing, and he makes a personal favor by the way.

When Chu Yan returned to his room, he couldn\'t wait to take out the "Flame Art". Chu Yan knew that greed can\'t chew too much, so he chose the fire attribute method to start practicing.

"Condensation of fire, comprehend the essence of fire between heaven and earth, take thousands of strands and condense them in the body, and gather them in the dantian..."

Chu Yan recited the formula in his mouth, and started to run the Qigong method according to the "Flame Mantra".

After a moment.

More than ten fiery red light spots surrounded Chu Yan.

"It turned out to be like this!"

Chu Yan opened his eyes with a look of ecstasy on his face. He didn\'t expect that the speed of his own practice of the flame art was five or six times faster than that of the "Mysterious Heavy Water Art".

At this speed, within a month, Chu Yan is confident that he will be able to condense the first ray of fire attribute spiritual energy.

"What is the actual cause?"

Chu Yan was a little puzzled. Although he had five spiritual roots, he was not equal to the five elements. Except for the water spiritual root, which accounted for six layers, the other four spiritual roots had only one layer. The speed should be extremely slow, it is impossible to be so fast.


A painful voice interrupted Chu Yan\'s thoughts.

Chu Yan was shocked and hurriedly ran towards Liu Yueying\'s room.

"Miss Liu, what\'s wrong with you?"


"I\'m in!"

Chu Yan pushed open the door and his face changed drastically.

Liu Yueying fell to the ground in a white shirt, dozens of dark cyan poisonous lines appeared on her face, and her hands were covering her throat, her face was in excruciating pain.

Chu Yan lifted Liu Yueying up and said anxiously, "Miss Liu, why is this happening?"


Liu Yueying barely made this sound, her face even more painful.

Chu Yan looked at the Qi Gathering Pills scattered all over the ground, and his face changed greatly.

ps: Xiaoqian still got up at six in the morning to code words, but I was a little disappointed when I saw the number of hits yesterday. Your support is the driving force of Xiaoqian\'s code words, please collect, recommend, thank you all!