Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 800

It seems to have heard the roar of Lin Kai. At this time, the man running in front of him stopped at this time.

The man in black takes a look at Lin Kai. In his eyes, he is playful.

At this time, Lin Kai and the man in black have rushed out of Jiangbei City.

At this time, they were at the foot of a big mountain.

This mountain is not a mountain for tourism. There are no people under it.

"Oh, you think I'm running? Wrong, it's just that you can't let go of the city. In this place, I can kill you without fear

The man in black sneered.

He is wearing a mask. Lin Kai can't see his face clearly, but Lin Kai always feels that this man is laughing!

And he's laughing at Linkai.

The smile in his eyes is too strong!

"Jiulongshan sent you to kill me alone?" Lin Kai asked with a frown.

Jiulongshan is supposed to know his real strength. After all, he killed a master last time.

Jiulongshan will not only send a master to kill himself, will he?

Oh! My own damned hunch!

At this time, from behind the man in black, two people came out again!

the two men as like as two peas in the black dress are the same, and they are all wrapped up in a tight, solid eye, leaving only a pair of eyes.

Two masters again!

Damn it!

Is the master so worthless now?

Three of them sprang out at once!

At this time, Lin Kai's heart was beating. A master was confident to kill him, but what about the two masters?

Even Lin Kai has no confidence to win!

Don't say it's a victory. Even if it's to run away, Lin Kai is also very hard!

Moreover, the master of Jiulongshan must be more powerful than the general master! Because Jiulongshan is a regular army!

"Jiulong Mountain really looks up to me Lin Kai's helpless voice came.

"You just know." At this time, the man in black sneered.

"So, are you ready to accept death?"

At this time, the three men in black kept approaching Lin Kai, and the sword appeared in their hands.

This long sword is not an ordinary sword. It's three pieces of silver!

Jiulong Mountain is worthy of Jiulong Mountain. Even weapons are rare silver wares in the world.

Lin Kai gnawed his teeth and said angrily, "come on! Let's go for it

After that, Lin Kai roared and rushed straight up!

Seeing this, the corners of the mouth of the men in black showed a funny smile.

"Oh, die!"

After that, the three men in black rushed to Lin Kai, and their swords flashed with cold light!

Without saying a word, the sword in their hands directly cleaved to the forest!

At this time, the construction of forest foundation period also broke out! A golden light burst out from Lin Kai's body!

A strong momentum burst out from Lin Kai!

Lin Kai hit the three of them with one blow, and all three of them also chopped at Lin Kai!


Lin opened his fist and took the sword of the three of them!

At this time, from the center of the fist and sword, a dazzling light broke out!


A strong atmospheric wave blew out!

The surrounding trees began to be blown down by this powerful air wave!

The whole scene can be described as flying sand and walking stones!


Three men stepped back three steps.

Look at Lin Kai. Lin Kai has been forced back more than ten steps!

His fist began to tremble slightly.

The master is worthy of being a master. He is really powerful!

The eyes of the three masters were full of horror.

Even a great master, the three of them will be seriously injured if they go down this sword!

But Lin Kai just stepped back a dozen steps. This man, it seems, is so young, his defense and attack power are so strong!

If the three of them take on Lin Kai alone, they are definitely not Lin Kai's opponent!

"Good boy! Great strength

At this time, a trace of admiration flashed through the eyes of the man in black.

"If you don't do anything wrong, the ninth mountain master will be yours sooner or later! It's a pity that heaven envies talents

The man in black shook his head regretfully.

At this time, three people looked at each other, they know, can not be merciful.

At this time, I saw three men throwing their swords into the air at the same time!

The three swords didn't fall down. Instead, they floated in the air!

Then, a strong genuine Qi came out of the three men's bodies!Three powerful true Qi, directly poured into the three long swords!

The three swords, however, began to change.

The surface of the three swords is frosting!

Soon after, the three swords began to freeze!

These three long swords have become three ice swords!

These three ice swords, they look very lethal!

This is the great strength of the master. It's really gas condensing! And can resist things! Compared with the immortal cultivator!


The three men had a big drink at the same time.

At this time, I saw that the three long swords were shooting directly at Lin Kai!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, Lin Kai's hair all over his body exploded!

Because he knew that even if he was himself, he could not bear the attack of these three swords!

This is a powerful way to attack!

You can't fight hard. If you fight hard, you can only hurt yourself!

At this time, Lin Kai roared: "gold suit!"

After a roar, the gold suit appeared on Lin Kai's body!

Golden boots!

Gold dress!

Gold armor!

Gold arm guard!

Gold helmet!

Golden Gloves!

Golden sword!

As soon as the seven gold wares appeared, Lin Kai's momentum became different.

At this time, Linkai is the real one!

At this time, the three long swords had already shot towards Lin Kai. At this time, Lin Kai directly waved the golden sword in his hand.

"Open it for me!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three clear sound sounded, only the three flying swords were directly cut into two by the golden sword!

Three silver wares were damaged at that time!

At this time, the three masters were dumbfounded.

This is silver!

Even Jiulong Mountain does not have many silver wares.

At this time, all are gone!

Look at Lin Kai in front of him. The expression on their faces becomes more wonderful.

Damn it! Gold ware!

Gold ware is extremely rare in the world!

This boy, he has a body! a suit!

No wonder, no wonder he was able to cut off their silver wares.

You know, those three flying swords, but they are so powerful!

But even so, it was cut off by Lin Kai!

At this time, three people's hearts, that is a shock, this boy's strength and financial resources, is also too damn terrible?

"Hehe, is this your way? You let me down a little! "

Lin Kai held the gold class and looked at the three of them.

The three masters looked at each other and nodded. They knew that they could not despise Lin Kai now.

"You forced me

"Combination skill!"

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