Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 798

Eight ye and a dozen other people directly surrounded Linkai!

And the surrounding peddlers see this, also quickly away from the public.

They directly put away the antiques nearby, for fear that they would be destroyed if they were fighting for a while!

On the little girl's face, there was also a look of worry.

This big brother is a good man, she can see, but this big brother, seems to be about to be beaten!

Lin Kai also laughed with jade in his hand.

"Hehe, you want to move me?"

"If you have the ability, try it!"

It's just a dozen ordinary people. Lin Kai doesn't pay attention to it at all!

He is now a base Builder! These ten ordinary people, his fart can kill them!

Eight Ye smell speech, in the eye appeared the angry look.

"Give it to me!" he said angrily

"Take care of this boy who doesn't know what the sky is like!"

Smell speech, more than a dozen people all drink a loud, brandish a fist then hit to Lin Kai!

And Lin Kai's eyes flashed a trace of anger.

With a big wave of his hand, a burst of air came out!


These ten people have not met Lin Kai, they were all lifted out!

At that time, the whole antique street was full of birds and dogs!

These more than ten people were directly lifted out of the distance of more than ten meters!

Plop! Plop!

More than a dozen people fell to the ground, and more than half of them spewed blood, and some even fainted directly in the past.

At that time, the scene was silent.

People in Antique Street are ordinary people. Where have you seen this kind of magic power?

At that time, everyone panicked!

If you look at eight ye, he is a fool.

He didn't think of ordinary people, but he didn't attract them!

This eight Ye is also a famous figure in the antique street.

He knew that some people could not be provoked, for example, the ancient warrior!

Is the man in front of you the ancient warrior?

His face changed.

Plop a, direct eight Ye knelt down directly, legs are shaking.

"Grandfather, Rao Forgive me

Eight Ye's voice trembled.

Lin Kai looks into his eyes without emotion.

"You're cheating on kids? Are you still a person? " Lin Kai's voice cooled down.

Eight Ye hears speech, whole body trembles.

I saw that he began to slap himself in the face, very loud!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Grandfather is right!"

"I'm not a man!"

"I'll shoot myself!"

"Grandfather forgive me!"

The eight masters, who are usually famous in Antique Street, kneel in front of others and slap themselves in the face, just like a grandson.

Smell speech, Lin Kai impatiently waved a hand, way: "roll!"

Eight Ye hears speech, overjoyed, hastily kowtow.

"Thank you, Grandpa! Good grandfather! Goodbye, grandpa

After that, eight Ye ran away from the scene.

After the eighth master left, Lin Kai looked at the little girl.

At this time, I saw the little girl staring at Lin Kai, her eyes were full of surprise, even with a trace of fear.

"Don't be afraid." Lin Kai smiles.

"I'm not a bad man."

"What's your name?"

Lin Kai asked, trying to be as gentle as possible.

The little girl stepped back and said timidly, "my name is My name is Li Yingying. "

Li Yingying?

Lin Kai nodded: "good name."

At this time, Lin Kai took out the gold Lingyu in his hand.

Jin Lingyu, this is a good thing.

Lin Kai has already obtained two of the five elements jade, one is fire spirit jade, the other is water spirit jade, plus this piece of gold spirit jade, Lin Kai already has three pieces of five element jade.

It's really hard to find a place to go. It takes no effort to get here!

The system once said, this thing is a treasure that can't be asked for. I didn't expect to get three pieces by myself!

Lin kaigang wanted to speak, but the little girl was very timid and said, "no money, give it to my big brother..."

Her eyes were filled with fear.

She seems to think she's a bad person.

Lin Kai couldn't laugh or cry.

Helpless, he took out the bank card from his pocket and gave it to the little girl.

"Take this bank card. There are ten million yuan in it. This piece of jade can be regarded as your brother's purchase."

After that, Lin Kai touched her head.After that, Lin Kai took Li Yingying to a place where there was no one.

After making sure no one was following her, Lin Kai touched Li Yingying's head: "go home."

Li Yingying doesn't look like a bad guy. At this time, she finally relaxes.

"Big brother, is this bank card really worth 10 million yuan?" She asked expectantly.

Lin said with a smile, "ha ha! It's true, of course. Big brother won't cheat you

Hearing this, Li Yingying was very happy: "great! With this 10 million, my family can finally improve my life! "

After listening to her words, Lin Kai is very confused.

Logically speaking, there should be no poor people in Jiangbei City in this era!

But looking at the dress of the little girl, her family seems to be very poor. They are so poor that they can sell their heirloom.

"What happened to your family?" Lin Kai asked curiously.

Hearing this, Li Ying Ying lowered her head and sighed: "Alas..."

"My dad is a gambler..."

"In recent years, I have lost all my family property."

"My father regretted that he went out to work and asked me to sell my heirloom to support my family

After listening to her, Lin Kai touched her head and said, "with this money, your family's living conditions will be better."

After that, Lin Kai wanted to say something else, but suddenly, his eyes changed.

"My brother has something to do. I have to go first."

After that, Lin Kai left in a hurry.

Because, he just felt the killing!

Strong killing machine!

Someone's following themselves!

Lin Kai quickly left the little girl and got into the alley nearest to him.

At this time, a figure quietly followed Lin Kai.

Lin Kai starts running in the alley!

The speed of Lin Kai, very fast! Ordinary people can't catch up with him!

But the shadow behind him is also very fast!

Master level strong!

Lin Kai's heart, a thump.

I haven't provoked a strong master! Why do strong masters track themselves?

In a hurry, Lin Kai looked back.

With such a glance, Lin Kai's hair all over his body exploded!

Because the man was dressed in black!

What's more, nine mountains are embroidered on the chest!

People from Jiulong Mountain!

He covered his face and quickly followed Lin Kai with a dagger in his hand!

When the cold light came on, he suddenly moved to Lin Kai's face, and the dagger in his hand was pressing Lin Kai's throat!

"Linkai, don't resist!"

"By Jiulong Mountain! Kill the troublemaker

"If you make such a big mistake, if you don't die, it's hard to calm the resentment of hundreds of families!"

"Die! Don't struggle, my knife, soon

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