Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 777

The voice of Jinyu immortal master suddenly rings in Linkai's ear, which is really a shock to Linkai.

"Damn it, you golden feather immortal master, you are really surprised! It's frightening and frightening to death! " Lin Kai scolded and patted his frightened little heart.

Jinyu immortal master's naughty voice sounded again: "if you want to know what this key is for, go to the back of the Dragon chair and you will know."

After listening to the master's words, Lin Kai held the key and walked cautiously to the Dragon chair.

In the empty hall, the Dragon chair is shining, which is really eye-catching.

But behind the Dragon chair, Lin Kai found that there was a door!

A very small door, can only accommodate one person through, the door is locked, and the keyhole and the key in one's hand are very consistent.

Is the key in your hand used to open the door?

Linkai looked at the gold key in his hand and looked at the keyhole. At that time, Linkai directly inserted the gold key into the keyhole and twisted it.

At that time, only a click was heard and the door opened!

It's really used to open this door!

At that time, Lin Kai was nervous and excited.

Behind this gate, it may be the real inheritance of Jinyu immortal master!

Even the key to open the door is a demigod. The things behind the door must be invaluable!

Full of excitement, Lin Kai opened the door in front of him. Then, a burst of dazzling light came out! The light is so dazzling that even the golden pupil of Lin Kai can't look directly at it!

Lin Kai protected his eyes, but fortunately, although the light was dazzling, it was harmless to people.

After a long time, the light dissipated, and Lin Kai saw everything in front of him.

I saw Lin Kai standing in the sky!

"Well?" Lin Kai looked at his feet in disbelief.

In the room, there is another world?

Lin Kai is surrounded by clouds, and Lin Kai stands on the clouds, proud of the world.

Strong wind blowing, look up, the sun seems to be very close to their own, here, seems to be closer to the universe.

Look down, everything in the world is under your feet!

At that time, Lin Kai was shocked!

Is this the feeling of flying?

Where is this?

After a closer look, Lin Kai found something wrong, because the scenery under his feet is very familiar!

Ring after ring, a barrier straight to the sky, under their feet, is not the Middle East?

The first layer, the fifth layer of the barren mountains, and the fifth layer of the barren mountains.

Under your feet, it's the Middle East!

"Shocked?" Jinyu immortal master's voice suddenly sounded, and Lin Kai was scared and shivered again.

"The eastern land is the most satisfactory work of this immortal master in his life."

"In this place, I have arranged tens of thousands of arrays! It took hundreds of years to create such a world

"He who has the key controls the whole world!"

"You can do whatever you want in this world!"

"Fly if you want! If you want the snow mountain to melt, the snow mountain will melt! If you want all animals to die out, all animals will die out! "

"If you don't want to let the ancient warriors break in, they will lose all their spiritual power! You can even open the barrier and refuse to let anyone in! "

"Here you are the master

"The tens of thousands of arrays I've arranged are all ordered by you!"

"This is the inheritance of this immortal master, the eastern land!"

The words of Jinyu immortal master fell, and Lin Kai was shocked!

Jinyu immortal master did his best to create such a world and arranged tens of thousands of arrays in this world!

The master is the master of the world!

This is the inheritance of Jinyu immortal master!

Lin opened and closed his eyes to feel. Sure enough, he could feel the existence of any life in the world.

He can control everything here.

He can restore the ancient warrior's true Qi, also can let the pressure increase, kills everybody here.

Here, Linkai is God!

Lin Kai looked at the key in his hand and was shocked.

At the same time, he also learned that among the several treasure boxes that Linkai missed, there were several that were the supreme inheritance of Jinyu immortal master!

Inside the golden treasure chest is what Jinyu immortal master has learned all his life!

Inside the silver treasure chest is the array teaching of Jinyu immortal master!

Damn it! I missed so many good things!

What's more, those good things are already owned! He Chenguang got the skill secret book in the golden treasure box, and Leng Feng got the array teaching of Jinyu immortal master.

Even rhubarb has gained profound accomplishments.Only oneself, got this key, obtained this piece of world.

At that time, Lin Kai couldn't laugh or cry. Did he make money? Is it still a loss?

In fact, Lin Kai can kill he Chenguang and Lengfeng and get their inheritance. But Lin Kai doesn't do that and disdains to do so.

Since they got it by strength, Lin Kai naturally won't rob.

Moreover, Lin Kai learned that there are hundreds of thousands of lives in the Middle East!

There are even human beings, and their life and death are all in the hands of Lin Kai.

In this place, Lin Kai is the absolute overlord!

At this time, the corner of Lin's mouth showed a trace of playful smile.

He reached out and snapped his finger. After that, rhubarb appeared directly in front of him.

And rhubarb looks around with a face of muddled force. After seeing Lin Kai, he is stunned for a moment, and then runs over with his tail wagging.

The rhubarb, whose foundation period is perfect, is very strong.

But in front of Linkai, he was still the loyal local dog.

"The eastern land has not been ruled for many years."

"Now the eastern land is in a mess. Although it is a holy land for cultivating immortals, there is no one who cultivates immortals."

"Rhubarb, you are very intelligent. Now it's time to build a foundation and complete your accomplishments. I want to keep you here."

Linkai touched the head of rhubarb.

Lin Kai won't stay here all the time. It's the best choice to leave rhubarb here.

Because the eastern land is a world of animals, not a world of human beings.

Linkai wants to let rhubarb lead the animals of the whole eastern land to practice, and strive to reproduce the prosperous times thousands of years ago again!

And rhubarb also understood Lin Kai's words.

Although let it leave Linkai, it is very reluctant, but it is very sensible.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

These three shouts represent that rhubarb has agreed to Lin Kai.

"Well, I'll give you the status of administrator of the eastern land."

Lin Kai touched the head of rhubarb and gave him the status of an administrator.

Administrator settings, very interesting, this is the settings left by the master Jinyu.

As the overlord of the eastern land, Lin Kai has the right to let three people or three animals have administrator status.

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