Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 767

Seal commando, gale special team, Bushido special combat team, all came to the castle where Linkai is located.

These three teams are extremely miserable.

The clothes were ragged and ragged. The guns in my hands were not as useful as the firecrackers. They were pale and obviously hungry.

Twenty people, all came to the castle, looking at the Castle above.

Lin Kai and others looked downstairs and laughed.

The fat man held his arm and said with a smile, "Oh, this is to join us! Ha ha ha

A burst of laughter rang out, and everyone laughed.

If we look at the white team leaders, they are all ashamed. If they were not desperate, how could they come to Lin Kai?

They know that after the boa constrictor goes out this evening, their life and death are in the hands of Lin Kai.

If Linkai is willing to save them, they will be safe.

But if Lin Kai doesn't want to save them, they will die tonight!

The white captain looked at Lin Kai on the castle and prayed with great difficulty: "Linkai, I We're here to turn to you. "

Ninja captain also looked at Lin Kai and said, "on behalf of our Bushido special combat team, I apologize to Lin sang!"

Of the 20 people, only these two can speak Chinese.

Lin Kai smelled the speech, eyebrows a pick, a playful smile: "ha ha, one of you want to assassinate me, the other want to poison me. If apology is useful, what do you want the police to do?"

"Don't think about it. Get out of here!"

Lin Kai didn't give them any respect.

Ninja captain and white captain listen to Lin Kai's words, are a change of face.

Lin Kai refused to be so heartless, which really let them not think of it!

"Lin sang, how can you take us in Ninja captain asked with his fist clasped.

Lin opened a smile: "to tell the truth, I will not kill you, is to give you face!"

All the people who want to let Lin Kai die have no good end. If Linkai doesn't kill them, it's really enough for the people of this archipelago!

"Mr. Lin, do you really want to be so heartless?" Asked the white captain indignantly.

Lin laughed: "if you think I'm heartless, then I'm heartless."

"Good!" The white captain slapped his thigh and said, "then we won't go."

After that, the white captain waved his hand, and a group of twenty people huddled under the castle.

Seeing this, Lin Kai couldn't laugh or cry.

These three special forces are not stupid enough to know that under their old castle, they are relatively safe places.

After all, there is a forest above the castle to cover their firepower, this pedestrian, it is estimated that they will not be attacked by boa constrictors.

At this time, the fat man brought a few packets of compressed biscuits, just like feeding the dog, and threw them down directly.

"Eat, eat! Ha ha ha! Eat well and go on the road

As soon as the fat man's several packs of compressed biscuits were thrown down, twenty people were like mad dogs at that time, and they started to rob them!

Less than three seconds after the biscuit fell, there was only the bag left.

These people are really like wolves!

Lin Kai also shook his head with a smile. Poor? It's really pitiful. That's the price you paid for provoking me!

All the people were laughing in the castle, and they didn't take the three special forces downstairs seriously.

He didn't take the boa constrictor that appeared at night seriously.

In their opinion, with their firepower, they can suppress the boa constrictors!

Now everyone is waiting for a chance to get to the first floor!

At this moment, the thundering sound of thunder suddenly sounded!

It's 12 o'clock at noon, but the sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning!

The speed of God's face changing is faster than opening a book!

Everyone looked at the sky, and the weather suddenly became so bad that everyone's heart was cluttered.

In Lin Kai's heart, an ominous premonition rose.

The weather in the Middle East is never changeable! If changeable, there must be something strange!

Crash! Crash!

Soon after, the downpour and the cold wind blew, and the whole castle group became very gloomy.

Linkai and they are better. They won't be drenched by heavy rain in the castle.

But the white captain and them, more miserable, one by one is not to leave, not to continue to stay.

At this time, a brush sound sounded.

Lin Kai immediately looked around the castle group.

From around the castle group, countless purple boa constrictors broke the ground!

The monstrous boa constrictor wriggles the body, quickly drilling into the castle group!

This time, it was noon!

Lin Kai immediately roared: "the snake is coming! Prepare to fightLin Kai's words, everyone is a spirit, picked up the howitzer, then came to the roof outside.

If you look around, there are snakes in the whole castle group!

Moreover, this time, the number is much more than before! Looking around, the whole castle group was occupied by boa constrictors!

And, this time, the Python's speed of action, very fast!

As agreed, they all crawled to the castle where Linkai was located!

God is helping them!

It's raining hard, the sight is not very good, and the plane can't be used! People can only guard in the castle!

The white captain, with nineteen men, was shivering downstairs.

"Fire!" Lin Kai roared.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

A series of clear spray sounds, 15 people with 15 howitzers, direct fire!

Boom! Boom!

The shell explodes directly among the boa constrictors!

Every shell can take away a group of boa constrictors!

But this time, the group of boa constrictors seemed to be crazy. Although their companions died in front of them, they still did not shrink back and charged towards the direction of the castle!

In the air, filled with the smell of blood, the group of boa constrictors, also issued a piercing scream.

Pressure, seems to be a little bit big!

Lin Kai frowned.

Although his teammates are well armed, they can't resist this group of boa constrictors using snake sea tactics!

A boa constrictor followed by a boa constrictor never stops. This time, it seems that they will not stop taking Lin Kai and others down!

The white captain and they are almost scared to urinate. They have no sense of security downstairs. Now countless boa constrictors have died in front of them. They can only pray in their hearts that their firepower is strong enough to defeat this group of boa constrictors.

Otherwise, they will die!

At this time, a small mound appeared on the ground of the street. It seemed that the mound would move in general and moved directly from the distance.

In front of the castle, only heard a bang, the small mound suddenly exploded!

A huge boa constrictor came out of the small mound!

After seeing the boa constrictor, everyone was dumbfounded.

It's so fuckin 'big!

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