Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 764

Soon, the plane flew right over the castle group.

Then the plane dropped a huge airdrop box and left the sky.

At this time, the white captain led the nineteen soldiers to the direction of airdrop material box!

They have to be quick! They have to be in front of Linkai!

I don't know if God is helping them. The airdrop landing place is very close to their castle!

The airdrop just dropped. They just got to the scene!

At this time, the white captain couldn't help laughing: "ha ha ha! Linkai, this time I'll see how you rob my supplies

"Hurry up! Take the things with me

Yelled the white captain in English.

Then, a group of people in a hurry to carry away the airdrop material box!

But at this time, a whoosh sound sounded, only a rocket directly from their side explosion!


At that time, everyone stopped their bodies and did not move.

White captain's face, also instantly become incomparably ugly.

Is it hard to do it again?

No way! They are a long way from here. Even if they drive, there is no reason why they are so fast!

Then, they all looked up, just one look, and then they were dumbfounded.

In the sky, fifteen people were floating there!

They were wearing advanced military aircrafts with light M4 rifles in their hands, and several black people were carrying rocket launchers.

At this time, Lin Kai is looking at the white captain in the sky.

After seeing the plane, the gale team roared: "this is our country's aircraft! Linkai, you scumbag

He scolded him in the language of Bangzi country, and Lin Kai didn't understand him. Of course, even if Lin Kai understood, he would not take his words to heart.

At this time, the white captain's heart, as if there were ten thousand grass mud horses galloping past.

In his heart, it was a stranglehold!

Why is Linkai everywhere?

Is it hard for him to drive himself crazy? Don't you leave any way to live?

The white captain is really going to crash!

Look at the team led by Lin Kai. The clothes are clean, and they are warm military coats!

Look at other people's guns, automatic rifle M4, and rocket launcher! And big pineapples!

Look at other people's travel tools, two Mercedes Benz unimoks! And there are 15 more planes!

Look at other people's supplies, food and water can not be used up!

Where do people come to take refuge? They are here on holiday!

If you look at them, they are miserable. Their clothes are ragged, bullets are gone, food and water are gone. As long as the boa constrictor appears this evening, they will surely die!

Send them back to the third floor? The end is still a death!

The third layer is extremely cold. When you go back to the third layer, they can only be frozen to death!

The white captain really broke down.

At this time, he has already regretted, why did he provoke the evil star of Linkai?

If you don't offend him, can you drink wine and eat barbecue like Lin Kai?

"Linkai! I beg you, let us go

At this time, the white captain said with gnashing teeth in Chinese.

Lin Kai smiles and says, "ha ha, let you go? What do you say? Aren't you the first special forces in the world? How can I ask this little Chinese soldier to let you go

"What an international joke

After that, Lin Kai waved his hand directly and said, "somebody, bring me the airdrop material box!"

"If anyone dares to move my box, I will kill him directly!"


Everyone agreed, and their expressions were very excited.

It's very nice to see these American soldiers so angry and angry.

That's what happens when you bully us!

At that time, the fat man opened up unimok and took two people to pull away the airdrop material box in front of the American soldiers.

At this time, the Ninja captain of the island couldn't help it. He said angrily in Chinese: "Lin Kai!"

"We didn't rob your airdrop box. Why did you take our airdrop as well?"

Hearing this, Lin Kai took a cold look at the ninja and said, "ha ha, you didn't rob our airdrop material box, but you want to kill me!"

Having said that, Lin Kai took the crowd and left directly.

The islands are cruel!

That is, they attacked Lin Kai. If it was someone else, they would have died!How did they treat Lin Kai? Lin Kai remembers it in his heart!

Lin Kai swaggered to come and walk, and soon after, he took people back to the castle.

When they got back to the castle, all the people gathered around the airdrop box. They all wanted to see what kind of airdrop supplies the island Parliament had sent them.

At that time, Lin Kai opened the airdrop box. After opening the airdrop box, all the people took a breath of cold air.

Good guy, one is more generous than the other!

The first thing you can see is a very large howitzer!

And it is the most advanced automatic howitzer in the island! The one with the magazine!

A repeatable howitzer!

After seeing the howitzer, the black people's eyes lit up.

It's much better than their rocket launcher!

At that time, the fat man praised: "this island devil is really generous! Even the automatic howitzer has been sent over! Unfortunately, only one. "

"There are only ten magazines for bullets. If this thing is put in the ninja of the island, it will be of no great use."

It's true that if you put it in someone else's place, the bullets of this thing are limited. It's of no great use at all.

But it's different here in Linkai. Linkai is of great use!

At that time, Lin Kai rubbed his hands and began to display his ability to copy!

Brush! One howitzer turned into two!

Brush! Three!

Brush! Four!

Soon after, 15 fully automatic howitzers appeared in front of you!

A fully automatic howitzer!

In addition, Lin Kai also copied hundreds of grenade magazines!

This thing, want to use as many as you want!

At this time, Lin Kai picked up the fully automatic howitzer, came to the balcony, directly opened the continuous mode, pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A series of crisp sounds sounded, only to see a grenade shot out.

Boom, boom, boom!

At that time, the grenade exploded in the street! The fire is flying, the firepower is very fierce!

Although this thing is not as powerful as a rocket, it can be fired repeatedly! The fire is very strong! Suitable for group attack! With this thing, python can't attack at all!

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