Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 759

"Don't do it!" The man exclaimed.

At this time, Lin Kai finally saw the comer. He was the fat man who had not seen for a long time!

"Fat man?" Lin Kai immediately put down his long knife and exclaimed in surprise.

After seeing Lin Kai, the fat man is also very excited.

He looked up and down at Lin Kai and said happily, "it's great to see you're OK!"

"What about Tianguo? What about rhubarb? " Lin Kai asked quickly.

The fat man looked around and put his arm around Lin Kai's shoulder and said, "it's not convenient to say here. Come with me."

With that, he went to the right side of the city.

Soon after, the fat man took Linkai to an old castle.

Among the many ancient castles, this ancient castle is relatively well preserved.

The most important thing is that there are few windows in this castle. Even if there are windows, they have been nailed to death with boards.

The fat man knocked on the door, and immediately came the voice of Tian Guo from inside: "who is it?"

"It's me."

After hearing the fat man's voice, soon Tianguo came to open the door.

After opening the door, Tian Guo also saw Lin Kai.

"Brother Linkai!" Tian Guo gave a joyful cry.

Tianguo and the fat man are obviously thin. It can be seen that they have suffered a lot during this period.

Behind, rhubarb also wags the tail to run over, but at this time rhubarb, a pair of listless appearance, is obviously hungry.

"Come in and say it." Said the fat man.

Three people entered the castle, the fat man immediately closed the gate of the castle and locked the gate with wood.

"What are you doing?" Lin Kai looks puzzled.

The fat man was silent and took Lin Kai upstairs. Lin Kai saw that there were some spare clothes in the fat man's backpack on the ground.

Looks like the fat guy slept here.

"It's a long story! Captain, I heard about you. I thought I don't think I'll see you again. "

"It seems that you're still the captain, you're lucky!"

The fat man sighed.

"How did you get through the third wall of ice?" Lin Kai asked curiously.

It doesn't make sense to walk through the ice wall!

As soon as he said this, the fat man sighed and said, "don't mention it."

"I finally went down the snow mountain and met a few Han batch of polar bears. Some polar bears still had iron sticks in their hands, and they chased us for a run."

"Running and running, we met a hole, and Tian Guo and I came over with a big yellow diamond."

"The polar bear is too big to get through, so he won't chase him."

When Lin Kai heard the speech, he couldn't laugh or cry.

The polar bears mentioned by the fat man should be those who carry themselves down the snow mountain.

They thought that the fat man also had delicious mutton kebabs, so they ran after him all the way.

This is a big scare to the fat man.

That hole, it should be the hole that the terrorist team bombed out with rocket launchers.

"What about the front Snatchers? What about the blacks? Do you see them? " Asked Linkai.

The fat man pointed out the window: "all in the city, now five special teams are gathered in the city."

"Why?" Lin asked, frowning.

The relationship between the five special teams is very tense! Why do you gather in the city?

The fat man replied, "because there are snakes."


"Yes, by 12 o'clock in the evening, there will be snakes. If they don't get together, they will be killed by snakes!"

After listening to the fat man's words, Lin Kai thought of the blood he saw all the way.

It seems that there are many bodies of snakes.

Here, snake disaster?

"That snake, not a common snake, is a boa constrictor! The skin is rough and the meat is thick. It's hard to beat! It's a death to be followed by this thing

At this point, the fat man's face showed a look of fear.

"Then why aren't you in town?" Asked Linkai.

"The city has big goals. I'm safer here. Besides, I don't like to be with them." The fat man rolled his eyes and said.

Speaking of this, Lin Kai was also moved.

He knew that the fat man left the team because of himself.

"Hard work, brother."

After that, Lin Kai took out the bag of heaven and earth.

Then, Lin Kai took out a pile of food from the bag of heaven and earth!

Beef jerky, ham sausage, mineral water

After seeing the food, the fat man's eyes lit up. He picked up a ham, tore open the package and began to eat it.

Rhubarb and Tianguo are also hungry, two people and a dog to eat up."Damn it, I'm starving to death!" The fat man swearing at the fire leg.

"Yes." While eating, the fat man said, "the first floor can't go in temporarily."

"Why?" Lin asked, frowning.

"I don't know. The barrier is dead and can't be crossed. We are investigating the cause. We are all standing by."

"There are not many supplies. Calculate the time. The airdrop should arrive."

The fat man looked at his watch and muttered.

Airdrop? Supplies?

"Airdrop?" Lin opened his eyes wide.

"Now the supplies of the five special teams are almost consumed, and now there is no way to enter the first layer. If we do not replenish the supplies, everyone will die here!"

"As for what kind of airdrop will be added, it depends on the financial resources of each country."

As soon as the fat man's words were said, a clattering sound rang out.

Lin Kai's eyes lit up and ran to the roof and looked at the sky.

In the air, an armed helicopter flew over.

Helicopter dare not fly too low, because there will be unknown biological attack, the plane has red five-star red flag, this is China's airdrop plane!

The plane flew right over the castle group and dropped a huge airdrop box.

Under the parachute, the material box slowly falls towards the castle group.

After seeing this scene, the fat man said, "it's another bloody battle!"

"How do you say that?" Lin opened his eyebrows and asked.

"All troops are short of materials. No matter which country's airdrop falls, it's open robbery."

After listening to the fat man's words, Lin said with a smile: "Oh, if they don't rob the airdrop of China, it's all right. If they do, I'll definitely let them regret it!"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the fat man has a rather unexpected look at Lin Kai.

"What do you want?"


"Airdrop! The airdrop of China

In the city, he Chenguang, a pale face, shook Huang Zhuang Yan's shoulder and said with great joy.

There is no blood on Zhuang Yan's face.

There's no food or water in the castle, not even a damn caterpillar!

After seeing the airdrop, Zhuang Yan's eyes flashed with light.

"Go! Get the airdrop now


A line of four people, toward the airdrop position, gallop away!

It's not just the four of them.

The four teams of terror team, gale special team, Bushido special combat team and seal team set out at this time.

They are in great need of supplies to replenish the team!

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