Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 757

After seeing the coffin, Linkai was dumbfounded.

There's a coffin?

After more than half a day, after confirming that there was no danger, Lin Kai carefully stepped out from behind the Dragon chair.

Later, Lin Kai sneaked up to the huge coffin.

In the coffin lies the man in armor!

And gold armor! The whole set of armor is made of gold!

Although thousands of years have passed, the golden armor is still majestic, spotless, shining and eye-catching.

After seeing the gold armor, Lin Kai was breathless.

In addition to gold armor, the man is wearing a sword!

A golden sword!

Scabbard and handle are made of gold!

The most important thing is that the gold armour and the golden sword are gold level magic weapons!

After seeing this scene, Lin Kai was crazy about it!

Gold suit! Priceless treasure!

The hurricane in Linkai's hands is very serious, but it is only a silver weapon.

But in front of me, it's a gold suit!

At that time, Lin grabbed the coffin with both hands, trying to open the coffin.

But this golden coffin is extremely strong. How hard Linkai tried, he couldn't open it!

In a fury, Lin Kai took out his M4 rifle and fired directly!

Dada! Dada!

The sound of gunfire rang out in the empty hall, but the bullet hit the golden coffin, and there was no way to leave a hole.

I'll go. So strong?

Lin Kai touched the golden coffin. Although it was made of gold, it was much harder than gold!

No matter how hard Linkai tried, there was no way to open the coffin.

After half a day, Lin Kai breathlessly looked at the coffin in front of him. He was helpless.

Damn it, seeing that the golden suit is in front of you, but you can't get it. In Lin Kai's heart, it's a stranglehold!

"Damn it, you forced me!"

We're calling out of the bag!

However, there was no one else in this place, so Linkai didn't need to cover up and drove directly to unimok.

Boom! Unimok starts to speed up! Stay away from the coffin!

Back, a step on the gas pedal, Linkai driving unimok, directly hit the golden coffin!


With a loud noise, the coffin was directly knocked over by Lin Kai. This time, the coffin could not be carried.

The dead in the coffin, fly out directly!

After rolling on the ground for several times, there was no movement.

But his hand, however, opened toward the forest and put up a middle finger.

Lin was also shocked in the car. After getting off the car, Linkai picked up unimok and went to check the condition of the dead man.

Yes, the dead are flying out perfectly.

Lin Kai quickly clasped his hands and apologized.

"No offense, no offense."

"Master, anyway, you've driven the crane to the West. It's useless for you. It's better to give it to the younger generation. It's of great use to me!"

With that, Lin Kai went to pick up the gold suit from the dead.

But no matter how he did it, he couldn't pick it off!

Suits are like dead people!

At this time, Lin Kai's eyes were attracted by a gold token on his waist.


The gold token glitters with a golden dragon carved on it.

Lin Kai gently picked up the token. At the moment when the token was taken down, the gold suit disappeared, and all of it got into the gold token!

At this time, Lin Kai suddenly realized!

I see!

This token is the key to control the gold suit!

Thousands of years later, gold suits are already ownerless, waiting for new owners to use them.

Lin Kai can't wait to bite his fingertip, dripping a drop of blood on the gold token.

Then, the gold token quickly absorbed the drop of blood.

There is also a subtle connection between Lin Kai and the gold suit.

With an idea, Lin Kai can use the gold suit!


In a moment, a few golden light spots come out of the gold token!

Gold boots appeared on Lin Kai's feet, followed by a pair of golden knee pads! Golden dress!

Gold armor! Golden Gloves! Gold helmet!

Finally, the golden sword!

The seven piece set appeared on Lin Kai's body!

At that time, Linkai was a shining one!

I'll go! very impressive!

Lin Kai waved the golden sword twice, and immediately felt that the power of this thing was infinite!It's just a pity that Lin Kai doesn't have a little spiritual power, so he can't give full play to the real power of the golden suit!

In a moment, the gold suit was taken back from the token.

Then Lin Kai looked at the dead man.

Lin Kai took the dead man back into the coffin again, covered the coffin cover for him, and went to look for the exit.

At last, Lin Kai in a corner, finally found a ladder to go up!

The steps are long! It took Linkai a long time to reach the end.

At the end is a stone slab, which blocks the entrance, and there is a faint light shining through the gap.

Lin Kai pushed. The stone slab was heavy, but with the strength of Lin Kai's 500 points, it could still be pushed away.

Pushing the slate away, Linkai dragged his body full of scars and walked onto the ground.

Lin Kai is still in the dead city.

"Where are the people?" There was a roar.

But no one paid any attention to Linkai.

It shouldn't be! Is that the last day? Are they all gone? The blacks are following?

According to his memory, Lin Kai came to the place where the stone tablet exploded.

As soon as he returned to this place, Lin opened his eyes and felt an ominous premonition.

Blood! Blood on the ground!

Except for the blood, only bullet shells were left on the ground!

The smell of smoke, there was a very fierce battle here!

Can't it be that after falling into the hole, the black army and the special front snatcher fight?

It doesn't make sense! Thunder battle is dead!

"Anybody?" Lin Kai called out again.


A dark shadow passed by Linkai.

Lin Kai's eyes narrowed immediately. He held a rifle and looked around with great vigilance.

Brush, brush!

Several black shadows passed by Linkai again.

Kill the machine!

Lin Kai feels the opportunity to kill!

At this time, only eight people quietly appeared in front of Lin Kai.

They don't pretend at this time.

In front of Lin Kai, it was the Bushido special combat team of the island country!

They're still in formation! And, judging from their clothes, they didn't seem to have experienced any fierce fighting.

Eight men, dressed in black special combat uniforms and type 96 submachine guns in their hands, looked coldly at Lin Kai with black masks.

"Where are the men of the front Raiders?" Lin Kai asked coldly.

a ninja * * looked at Lin Kai coldly, and said, "the Chinaman, turn the black bag out!"

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