Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 751

At the same time, they are very grateful to Lin Kai.

If it wasn't for Lin Kai, they wouldn't be so happy.

If it wasn't for Linkai, they might have died in a sandstorm on the fifth floor.

If it had not been for Lin Kai, they would have died of hunger and thirst.

But with Linkai, everything is different.

Polar bear glides very fast.

After about an hour or so later, they glided to the bottom of the third snow mountain.

And in front of us is the second barrier!

But before the barrier, there are extremely difficult challenges for Lin Kai and them to face.

In front of the barrier, there is an ice wall!

The ice wall is huge! 100 meters high!

Endless ice wall, the surface is very smooth!

When they saw the huge wall of ice, they were shocked.

Is this the work of nature?

It can't have been built by man!

After all, the land of the Middle East is no man's land!

Even the polar bear did not move on after encountering this huge wall.

Even they can't get through this huge wall of ice!

Linkai jumped from the polar bear, came to the front of the ice wall, and gently touched the surface of the ice wall.

The surface of the ice wall is very smooth and very hard!

After all, the temperature here is very low, and the ice wall is even stiffer than the real wall.

Lin Kai tried, using a dagger, can be very difficult to mark the ice wall, but want to stab the dagger into, it is too difficult!

This wall of ice blocks Lin Kai and others from entering the second floor!

The blacks are starting to worry.

How to enter such a huge wall of ice?

Before long, the five men from the front fighting team came.

They were all the way down in a sleigh, so the speed was almost the same as that of Lin Kai and others.

They were also shocked to see such a high wall of ice.

How to climb a hundred meter high ice wall?

The ice wall is so smooth that it's difficult to make a hole in it, let alone climb it.

At this time, Lei Zhan stood up and saw him take out his rifle and hit the ice wall with a shot.

Bang a gunshot, saw the bullet into the ice wall about 10 cm, only 10 cm, can not go deep.

No one knows how thick this ice wall is, but it's wishful thinking to rely on bullets to pierce it!

There are not so many bullets at all!

"If only there were grenades. Maybe we could use them to blow through the ice wall."

At this point, ye Cunxin said.

Zhuang Yan shook his head, he said: "even if there is a grenade, it may not be able to break the ice wall."

"This wall of ice is too strong. If there are hundreds of grenades, there may be hope."

Yes, if you want to break this ice wall, you have to have heavy weapons!

And they have no grenades, in the bombing of wolves, grenades have been used up.

At this time, all the people of the special team for robbing the front seem to have thought of something, and they all looked at Lin Kai together.

Rocket launcher!

With a rocket launcher, you can blow through this ice wall!

But everyone's face was red, especially thunder war.

He was the last one to help the black team on the fifth floor!

But now, it's time to use them!

What's more, Lin Kai, who has always been an eyesore to Lei Zhan, is now the leader of the black team. After people broke the ice wall, did you really like Lei Zhan?

At this time, Lin Kai is also playing with a smile.

He waved and signaled to use a rocket launcher to blow up the ice wall.

At that time, the black team moved away from the ice wall and began to pack rockets.

After that, we've got eight rocket launchers.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Eight blasts were heard and eight rockets were fired directly.

Boom! Boom!

A series of loud noises came, and the rocket launcher exploded on the ice wall!

All the people were staring at the past to see if the ice wall had been broken.

But the hardness of the ice wall is beyond people's imagination. This ice wall is really too strong!

Even if it was eight rockets, they didn't break the ice wall!

The ice wall is just a little broken!

According to this method, at least hundreds of rockets are needed!

If you look at the black team, there's only one rocket left.

Seeing this scene, Lei Zhan breathed a sigh of relief. If he was really blown up by them, his face would not hang."Cut! I thought it was no use carrying such a heavy thing on my back. After a long time of fighting, I couldn't even burst a wall. "

Lei Zhan looked scornful.

At this time, Lin Kai looks at Lei Zhan with a funny smile on his lips.

"Oh? You don't look up to their rocket launcher any more? "

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Nalei Zhan rolled his eyes and said, "with so many rockets, there is only one rocket left. What's the use of this rocket launcher?"

"It's just weapons for backward nations."

There was only one rocket left, so mine was not afraid of the black team.

What can a rocket do?

Zhuang Yan and others heard thunder war and began to accept Lin opened, are also a frown.

However, according to the situation, Lin Kai did not seem to be able to get through the ice wall, so they did not open their mouth to stop the thunder war.

Lin opened his hands in his pockets and said, "since you look down on our rocket launcher so much, when we blow up the ice wall, you don't want to go through here!"

"Otherwise, I'll look down on you!"

Hearing this, Lei Zhan laughed: "ha ha! With that rocket? "

"If you can blow it up, I will never get through it!"

"If I've been there, I'll read the word Lei Zhan backwards!"


Hearing the speech, Lin Kai agreed directly.

As soon as he reached out his hand, the Negro readily understood and handed over a rocket.

The magic scene happened, only a rocket to Lin Kai's hands, immediately turned into two!

Linkay began to deliver rockets to the black hands.

One, two, three

Lin Kai seems to be able to Magic general, that rocket can be infinitely copied!

Soon after, eight rockets were loaded with rockets again!


As soon as Lin Kai gave an order, he immediately heard the sound of emission.

Boom! Boom!

The ice wall was once again blasted by rockets!

And Lei Zhan, they are stupid.

Is that ok?

Is Lin Kai's hand a magic hand?

Is this the ancient way? No way! Although the ancient warriors are powerful, they are not gods either!

It's not magic, it's magic!

The rest of the frontline squad are dumbfounded.

Can the black team led by Lin Kai really blow this wall through?

Lei Zhan and Lin Kai have already made a bet. If Lin Kai really blew up the wall, would they get the light of Linkai and go through the ice wall, or give Lei Zhan face and not enter the second floor from this hole?

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