Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 700

"Dare you use me?" Wang Zhentian raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai smiles and asks, "why don't I dare?"

Wang Zhentian put his hands back and said, "my Yahu company has been robbed. What's more, who dares to help me? Wang Zhentian is the enemy of Yahu company. Do you dare to use me?"

It is for this reason that Wang Zhentian now lives on the streets.

No one dares to help him, and he is in debt.

"I owe tens of billions of dollars. Dare you use me?"

"We only met for the first time, so you trust me?"

Lin Kai also laughed: "ha ha, life is short, bet, win you and me win-win. If you lose, I will admit it. I can afford to lose

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Wang Zhentian laughed: "ha ha ha ha! Good, true disposition, I like it

"Good! Since you believe me, I will not let you down, I promise you

After listening to Wang Zhentian's words, Lin Kai was very excited, and he held out his hand.

"Happy cooperation."

Wang Zhentian also reached out his dirty hand and shook hands with Lin Kai.

"Happy cooperation."

Next, Lin Kai sent a special car to take Wang Zhentian to a bathroom, and then bought new clothes for Wang Zhentian. Later, he sent people to take Wang Zhentian back to Fengfeng entertainment company to work.

Lin Kai, however, did not leave. He still had an important thing to do.

That is, investigation monitoring.

It's time to investigate the monitoring room of Kaihai forest.

Linkai found that just two hours ago, a man entered the sea entertainment city.

The man appeared to be 1.73 meters tall and was wearing a black hooded overcoat, which covered his face. He could only see his side face in a trance.

I saw him bearded and pale, and walked into the sea entertainment city.

Then, he walked into a KTV single room, and then disappeared out of thin air.

He never came out again, and there was no figure of him in the single room.

Lin Kai is very curious. Where can this man go?

At this time, all the guests of the sea entertainment city have been emptied, and Zhang Dahai's younger brothers have all left. The sea entertainment city has become a dead city.

Lin Kai came to the single room where the man in black had been.

I saw a single table, there are a few pinched cigarette butts, and a can of beer.

On the ground, there are still some traces of blood.

Suddenly, Lin Kai's eyes were attracted by a note on the table.

A few big characters were written in blood on the note. Lin Kai just looked at it and felt numb and got goose bumps all over his body!

See on the note, with blood to write six big characters: the next, is you!

After seeing these six blood words, Lin Kai looked around in a hurry. He didn't know why. He suddenly felt very gloomy around him.

Is it possible that he has already found out that he is sending someone to investigate him?

So, the next thing he wants to do is himself?

At this time, Lin Kai was completely flustered.

That's a great master! If he wants to kill himself, is it easy?

Lin Kai quickly left the single room, out of the sea entertainment city.

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a phone call to Kui. After all, the man has been staring at himself. If he doesn't inform Kui, he will soon become a corpse!

Just took out the mobile phone, Lin Kai suddenly found that there was no signal around!

The surrounding signals seem to have been blocked!

Already hunting?

Lin Kai suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Subconsciously a look up, only see a dark shadow, from the top of the sea entertainment city.

Wrong? Lin Kai rubbed his eyes.

No way!

Golden pupil! Lin Kai recited silently, and the perspective function was turned on directly. At that time, he saw through the wall of the fifth floor of the ocean entertainment city. Behind the wall, there was no one!

However, on the ground, there is a cigarette end that has not been pinched off!

He has been here, never left, he is deliberately let the people of Xianmen find him, he is leading the snake out of the cave!

At this time, Lin Kai knew that he was being watched!


This is Lin Kai's only thought.

At that time, he ran away and ran fast!

Along the way, no one followed Lin Kai.

After running for several kilometers, Lin Kai stopped a taxi on the side of the road. After getting on the taxi, Lin Kai finally felt relieved.


"Fortunately, there was no danger."

Lin Kai sighed that he was lucky.

"Where to, sir?" Asked the taxi driver.Lin happy not in Yan's reply: "Green Lake Garden, near water Pavilion."


The driver agreed and started the taxi.

Along the way, Lin Kai gradually relaxed his vigilance. In his opinion, he should not be able to catch up with the master if he ran so far away.

Inadvertently, Lin opened the rearview mirror and glanced at the taxi driver.

At that time, the sweat forest exploded!

as like as two peas in a monitor, he has a bearded chin.

Moreover, looking at the scenery outside the window, this is not the way to Cuihu garden at all. He has already pulled himself to a deserted place!

"Master, stop, I want to get off!" Lin Kai said a little flustered.

The taxi driver replied faintly: "what's the rush? Not yet. "

"I'm not going, I'm going to get out of the car!" Lin Kai said again.

Taxi driver, at this time very strange smile: "ha ha, and so on, immediately to the Naihe bridge."

After hearing this, Lin Kai understood that he was him! He's going to kill himself! It's better to start first!

Lin Kai roared and hit him with a fist!

And he, however, just stretched out his hand, easily caught Lin Kai's fist.

"Start with the taxi driver, I can report you!" He amused himself with a smile.

"Don't put on the damn thing! Stop for me

Lin Kai roared.

At this time, a burst of brake sound, the taxi has stopped on the road.

Lin opened the door quickly and jumped down.

He knew that he couldn't run away. Now he can only fight with him!

The man also stepped down from the car, and by this time, Lin Kai had seen his face clearly.

Plain looking, small eyes, is placed in the crowd, will never see one more.

But at this time, he put on his black gloves and walked to Linkai with a smile.

"Don't blame me. I can only blame you for your meddling too much. When you get to the Lord Yan, please say hello for me."

Said, the man quickly rushed up, a punch to Lin Kai!

Whether it is speed or explosive force, it is very strong!

Lin Kai didn't react. He hit Lin Kai's chest!

At this time, Lin Kai's hair is blowing up, he subconsciously uses his own spiritual power to stop this man!


As soon as Lin Kai's aura shield was released, it was broken. The man hit Lin Kai's chest with a fist!

And Lin Kai's chest, also visible to the naked eye concave in! His eyes widened, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body flew upside down!

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