Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 693

At this time, I saw that Liu Tianfang frowned and turned his head.

Lin Kai, who just came out of the bathroom, is smiling at Liu Tianfang. In his eyes, he is killing.

"Who the hell are you?" Liu Tianfang scolded angrily.

He slapped Lin Kai's hand and said, "get out of here! Don't mind your own business

After that, Liu Tianfang wants to continue to force Zhang Yutong.

But at this time, Zhang Yutong, if he grasped the straw, had already hidden behind Lin Kai.

Although she doesn't know Lin Kai, Lin Kai is obviously more reliable than Liu Tianfang.

Liu Tianfang was angry when he saw this scene.

"You bitch! Get the hell out of here

Liu Tianfang said that he wanted to catch Zhang Yutong.

But when Lin Kai pushed back, Liu Tianfang stepped back several steps.

"You a big man, force a woman, how do you mean?"

Lin Kai asked with a smile.

At this time, Liu Tianfang was really angry. He pointed to Lin Kai: "do you know who I am? Do you mind my own business? "

"Laozi is the chairman of Jinqiao entertainment company! She is an artist under my banner. It's my family business. You don't have to worry about it! Get out of here

After Liu Tianfang roared, four strong bodyguards standing in the distance also trotted over.

As soon as the bodyguard came, Liu Tianfang was more confident.

He pointed to Lin Kai's nose and cursed, "I'll give you ten seconds to disappear in front of my eyes, or I'll be rude to you!"

Hearing this, Lin Kaisi was not afraid. He laughed: "ha ha, that's good. I'll give you ten seconds to kneel in front of me, or I'll let you pee!"

Liu Tianfang laughed at Lin Kai's words.

"Ha ha! What a bullshit! Is it up to you? "

Liu Tianfang looks disdainful. There are four powerful bodyguards behind him. Will he be afraid of a mere Lin Kai?

What's more, Lin Kai looks so thin and weak that the four bodyguards behind him can hammer Lin Kai into a pool of mud!

Zhang Yutong, hiding behind Lin Kai, is also biting her silver teeth. Although Lin Kai is her only hope now, she knows that Lin Kai is not their opponent, and that Lin Kai's staying here is just a drag on her.

At that time, Zhang Yutong stood up from the back of Lin Kai and said, "you go quickly! You are not their opponent. Liu Tianfang's background is very tough! "

Zhang Yutong said with tears in her eyes that even though she knew it was cruel to her, she didn't want to see someone who was beaten and paraplegic because of herself.

Lin Kai also laughed. He protected Zhang Yutong behind him and said with a smile, "don't worry, chairman of a small entertainment company, I haven't paid attention to it yet."

After hearing Lin Kai's words, Liu Tianfang laughed: "ha ha! What a goddamn madness! Good! Boy, since you have said this today, I will satisfy you! "

After that, Liu Tianfang pointed to Lin Kai and said angrily, "fight me!"

At Liu Tianfang's command, four strong bodyguards stood up at that time.

I saw them rubbing their hands in front of Lin Kai. Their eyes were full of fun.

They did not regard Lin Kai as their opponent at all. After all, Lin Kai was just a thin young man standing in front of them.

"Boy, squat on the ground and hold your head in case I kill you."

A bodyguard clenched his fist and sneered.

Lin Kai glanced at the bodyguard and laughed.


Lin Kai suddenly kicked out a foot, this foot, directly kicked in the chest of the bodyguard!

The bodyguard's eyes widened. At this time, he only felt that a train had hit his chest.

Everybody's flying upside down!

It flew out more than ten meters, and then glided on the ground for more than ten meters.

Then, he Whoa, vomited out a big mouthful of blood, the whole person, directly fainted in the past.

This move, at that time let those three bodyguards stare big eyes.

Damn it! Kick an adult man out ten meters away? Is this power that human beings can possess?


A bodyguard yelled, and all three of them rushed to Lin Kai.

But Lin Kai laughs. His actions are too fast to be seen clearly.

He grabbed a bodyguard's collar with one hand and hit him in the face with a fist!

Then, he kicked another bodyguard's lifeblood!

In the end, Lin opened a knee and hit the head of the last bodyguard.

The three bodyguards, before they got close to Lin Kai, were all put down.

It took Lin Kai only three seconds to solve the three bodyguards.

Three seconds later, plop-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p.Liu Tianfang is a fool in this scene.

Liu Tianfang is stupid. Can human beings have this skill? Even if they are special forces, they can't fight like that, right?

My three bodyguards are retired special forces! Tens of thousands of wages a month!

Met this person, actually did not even hold up for three seconds, was killed by seconds?

Zhang Yutong also stopped sobbing at this time, she looked at Lin Kai stupidly.

How can this man fight?

No wonder he dares to save himself. His skill is so strong!

For a while, Zhang Yutong also has a good feeling for Lin Kai. This man is so strong!

After solving the four bodyguards, Lin Kai looks at Liu Tianfang.

And Liu Tianfang is so stupid that his bodyguards have been solved. What should he do?

Lin Kai looked at him with a smile and said, "I gave you a chance, but you don't treasure it yourself!"

Even though his bodyguards were knocked down, Liu Tianfang was not afraid of Lin Kai.

He said, "dare you move me? I'm the chairman of skybridge entertainment company! In one word, I can... "

Before Liu Tianfang's words were finished, Lin Kai directly raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

With a crack, Liu Tianfang's face was crooked, a trace of blood had been shed from the corner of his mouth, and a tooth was beaten and flew out!

Liu Tianfang was beaten silly, he looked at Lin Kai, an incredible face: "you dare to hit me?"

Lin Kai looked at Liu Tianfang with a smile and said, "you are the one to fight!"

After that, Lin Kai slapped him again!

With a slap, Liu Tianfang's pride was broken.

As the chairman of skybridge entertainment company, no one dares to fight him.

But today, he Leng is to meet a person who is not afraid of things, hit his bodyguard not to say, actually hit him!

At this time, Liu Tianfang was finally afraid.

His voice trembled: "don't fight, don't you want money? I'll give it to you! I'll give you as much as you want! "

At this time, Liu Tianfang thought that Lin Kai wanted money. His voice trembled and begged for mercy.

He took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to Lin Kai.

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