Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 690

When Lin Kai heard the speech, he was also angry and laughed.

"Oh? Then tell me, who is your patron Lin Kai asked, narrowing his eyes.

Seeing that Lin Kai doesn't leave, the fat security guard is angry.

"I said you didn't see the coffin, didn't you? I tell you! The vice president of the company is my uncle

"Boy, just like you, I can get you out of the company with one call. Do you believe it?"

Fat security guard's attitude is arrogant.

The thin security guard and the short security guard are also holding their arms and staring at Lin Kai with a face of insolence.

Vice President? Lin opened his eyes and immediately thought of the fat middle-aged man.

No wonder! No wonder it's so inflated. It turned out to be the nephew of the vice president.

Lin Kai hated these related households to the bone. The yellow hair of the Xianmen family relied on himself to be a relational household and did whatever he wanted.

I didn't expect that in my company, there were also relevant departments.

"It turned out to be the nephew of the vice president." Lin Kai suddenly realized and nodded.

Seeing Lin Kai nodding, three security guards thought Lin Kai was afraid.

Fat security guard looks proud: "you know you're afraid? Boy, since you are a new comer, you don't ask. Although I'm just a security guard, who dares to make me unhappy in this company

"Don't think I'm just a security guard. My monthly salary is your one-year salary!"

Fat security guard's expression, that is an expansion.

Hearing this, Lin Kai was also quite curious. He asked, "how much do you earn a month?"

At this time, the thin security guard hissed: "our captain a month salary of 100000!"

"Boy, are you stupid?"


After hearing this number, Lin Kai's heart was burning with anger.

A small security captain, a month's salary is actually 100000!

Needless to say, it must be his uncle who opened the back door for him!

If the security guard has real material, Lin Kai won't care about him.

But these three security guards, like Uncle, are sitting in the parking lot gambling. Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't!

"It's ridiculous!"

"The company has raised all of you

"No wonder this company has been facing bankruptcy several times. It's strange that the company will not go bankrupt if you have such a group of rice buckets in it."

Lin Kai was very angry, he said angrily.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the three security guards immediately look at Lin Kai, and their eyes are not good.

"Boy, try one more damn word!"

The security captain looks at Lin Kai angrily.

The three men surrounded Lin Kai and rubbed their hands with fierce eyes.

It seems that they want to beat up Linkai!

But linkaisi was not afraid. He asked, "what? Do you still want to hit people? "

The fat security guard's eyes had a trace of ruthless color: "hit people? What can I do if I beat you today? "

After that, the fat security guard took out the walkie talkie directly and said, "turn off the monitoring of the underground parking lot! Everyone, all of you, come to the underground parking lot! "

Soon after, a voice came from the walkie talkie: "copy it!"

After a while, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded, only a dozen security guards ran over quickly!

Fat security guard a word, then in the company all is on the post security guard, all called over.

A dozen security guards directly surrounded Lin Kai.

The fat security guard held his arm, raised his head, and looked at Lin Kai with his nostrils: "boy, dare to offend me in the company. I think you are tired of being crooked!"

"I tell you, now that the surveillance is off, no one knows if I beat you!"

"Brothers, did you see me hitting people?"

Fat security words, a dozen security guards face with a funny smile.

They yelled, "no!"

Fat security guard smell speech, also be proud of a smile, saw him pinch his fist, issued a crackling sound.

"Boy, you can get down on your knees and apologize. It's too late!"

Arrogant! It's too arrogant!

Lin Kai has never seen such an arrogant security guard!

Turn off the surveillance. Hit people?

It's a total lawlessness!

At that time, Lin Kai nodded, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes. He took out his mobile phone directly and prepared to call Li Xin.

But the mobile phone just took out, that security captain slapped Lin Kai's mobile phone to the ground.

With a crack, the mobile phone fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

"You still want to call the police?" The fat security guard's eyes have a fierce color.

"No way!"

"Now kneel down, kowtow and apologize! Hurry upFat security guard points to Lin Kai, arrogant way.

Linkai was also thoroughly infuriated.

He didn't want to do it, but the security guards challenged his bottom line again and again.

"Do you have to die?"

"Oh! It's quite rampant! I will die! What's the matter? "

Fat security guard looks arrogant.

And Lin Kai also laughed, and as soon as he reached out, Bai Longyin appeared in his hands.

As soon as the long knife came out, Lin Kai held the handle in one hand and the scabbard in the other.

The fat security guard saw Lin Kai take out his knife, not only was he not afraid, but also showed a funny smile on his face.

He put on a look of fear.

"Ouch, ouch! Where did this come from? "

"Are you a gangster? Are you trying to scare me to death? "

"You can kill me

After that, the fat security guard deliberately stretched his neck and put it in front of Lin Kai.

He looked at Lin Kai with disdain: "you have the ability to kill me! Dare you? It's against the law to kill people! "

"I beg you, kill me! "I'll tell you

Around is a burst of laughter, more than a dozen security guards laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha! You can kill our captain! Who are you scaring here with a broken knife

"You can do it! Ha ha ha

"A fool! What age is it? And bluffing with a knife? "

"If you have the ability, do it!"

Fat security guard a face provocative smile.

He craned his neck and laughed, "dare you? "I'll tell you

Lin Kai also laughed. He said solemnly, "you are now threatening the life and safety of members of Jiulong Mountain. The crime is more serious than attacking the police. Have you considered it clearly?"

After hearing Lin Kai's words, the security guard shrank his neck in fear.

"Ouch, you scared me to death."

"Jiulong Mountain, do you know what kind of mountain I am? I'm from Huaguo Mountain

After that, the security guards around burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The security captain once again stretched his neck and looked at Lin Kai provocatively.

"That's the same sentence. If you have the ability, you can pull out the knife

"Kill me! One of them

"You bastard, you killed me! Dare you? If you don't dare, don't walk around in front of Laozi with a broken knife


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