Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 685

After Huang Mao finished this sentence, he laughed wildly.

And Pan Feng, their faces, are not very good-looking.

They are gnashing their teeth at the yellow hair, yellow hair can be said to hate to the extreme!

Huang Mao beat them and peed on them, which is the stain of their life.

They'll never forget yellow hair! They will hate Huang Mao forever!

At the same time, Huang Mao called hundreds of people, laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha! Brother Huang Mao, you are still so crazy! It is worthy of being our boss

"Brother Huang Mao is powerful! Brother Huang Mao is domineering! Ha ha ha

"Brother Huang Mao, the girl in your arms is so sexy!"

"Brother Huang Mao, we want to take a bath for them later. What should we do? Ha ha ha


A lot of people cheered with the sound of cheering.

Lin Kai and others are just a joke in their eyes.

Rescue? A 20-year-old boy has become the salvation of the penalty hall? This penalty hall is just like this!

Huang Mao chuckled and came to Lin Kai. He squinted and said, "are you afraid?"

"This is my strength!"

"Laozi, half of the people in the immortal sect can transfer over! You little son of a bitch, you want to stand out for them

"What a hell of a penalty hall, it's ridiculous!"

Huang Mao chuckled.

And Lin Kai's eyes, has flashed a trace of cold.

He wants to kill the yellow hair in front of him now, but he can't do that, because he wants to make an example!

He wants to kill this yellow hair in front of all the disciples of the immortal sect!


Lin started.

Lin Kai slapped him hard and slapped him on his face.

Lin Kai's strength is many times more than that of Huang Mao.

Huang Mao couldn't dodge at all. Lin Kai slapped him in the face.

At that time, yellow hair's face was red, and even a trace of blood was shed from the corners of his mouth.

And the whole scene was immediately silent.

No one thought that Lin Kai dared to hit people, but he was yellow hair! But the overlord of Xianmen!

And yellow hair covered his face, eyes instantly cold down.

"Do you dare to beat me Yellow hair's voice, incomparable anger.

In Xianmen, who dares to touch his yellow hair? No one dares to touch his yellow hair! But today, Lin Kai did.

In his heart, he was extremely angry. If he could not find the place in front of the disciples of Xianmen today, who would respect him?

But Lin Kai sneered: "it's light to hit you. I tell you, today I'm not only going to hit you, but also to kill you!"

After that, Lin Kai kicked Huang Mao's stomach!

And yellow hair's body, immediately fly back out, hit the table, fell on the ground.

See yellow hair on the spot then vomited out a mouthful of blood, very embarrassed.

And all the people at the scene were dumbfounded. Was Lin Kai too presumptuous?

How dare you beat Huang Mao like this?

And yellow hair's eyes, also full of hate, he said angrily: "take this boy down for me! Hit him

When Huang Mao gave an order, there was a commotion in the corridor.

Hundreds of people, all shouting to rush up and beat Lin Kai.

Now it's a great opportunity to perform in front of Huang Mao! If you please Huang Mao and stay in Xianmen, you will not worry about your future!

Lin Kai's eyes were cold. Although all the people in Xianmen were ancient martial artists, they were much weaker than the immortal cultivator Lin Kai.


Lin Kai roared and stomped his feet. A wave of air burst out of his body!

The bodies of the disciples of the immortal sect flew back and forth one after another!

At that time, a series of sad shouts sounded. The corridor was very narrow. Lin Kai was very powerful. At that time, countless disciples of the immortal sect all fell to the ground.

Just like harvesting wheat, the disciples of Xianmen had fallen to the ground without touching the corner of Lin Kai's coat.

Lin Kai showed his hand, and the faces of the disciples of the immortal sect also showed a look of fear.

It seems that Lin Kai is not an ordinary person! I can't afford it!

Huang Mao's eyes are also narrowed. In his opinion, Lin Kai can defeat so many warriors. He is just a martial arts master.

"I said how can you have such a strong foundation and dare to look for my yellow hair's business? It turns out that you are a martial arts master!"

Huang Mao stood up from the ground and slapped the dust on his body.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes.

He sneered: "ha ha, but what about the martial arts master? Do you know who my brother-in-law is? My brother-in-law is the elder of Xianmen! Li LaodaoThe tone of yellow hair is extremely rampant.

If Xu points to Lao Tzu, he will be happy to let him go

"Otherwise, when my brother-in-law comes, my brother-in-law will kill you. Do you believe that?"

Yellow hair is rampant.

And in the corridor of the immortal disciples, although dare not close to Lin Kai, but also one after another shouting.

"Boy, don't think you are a martial arts master, you can be reckless in the immortal gate!"

"Our brother-in-law of the eldest brother-in-law of Huangmao is a master at the martial Saint level! One hand can crush you to death

"Get down on your knees now, boss!"

"Kneel down and apologize!"

There were shouts and shouts.

Lin Kai's eyes are more chilly.

Good, you old Li Dao! No wonder the yellow hair is so rampant. He is your brother-in-law!

At that time, Lin Kai snorted: "hum! Call me Lao Dao Li now

Lin Kai's attitude is very tough, and there is no sign to admit his mistake.

And that yellow hair is also a squint eyes, he nodded, sneering: "ha ha ha, good! How dare you

"When my brother-in-law comes, I promise you won't leave a whole body!"

After that, Huang Mao took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

Soon after, the phone was dialed.

"Hello?" On the other side of the phone, there was a lazy voice. When Lin Kai heard it, he said that his mother was Lao Dao Li!

And Huang Mao cried: "brother in law! Come on! A martial arts teacher died of arrogance and beat me in the dormitory

"Brother in law, you must do something for me."

Li Laodao on the other side of the phone was furious: "what? Do you dare to beat my brother-in-law of Lao Dao Li? "

"Didn't you say I was your brother-in-law?"

Huang Mao's face was aggrieved and cried, "brother-in-law, I said it! But people say that Lao Dao Li is a fart! And let you have the ability to come here! "

"Damn it! How dare you! You wait, I'll come here now! "

"Dudu Dudu..."

The phone was hung up.

But after the phone hung up, Huang Mao sneered and looked at Lin Kai with schadenfreude.

He pointed to Lin Kai and sneered, "ha ha, you're finished! Boy, my brother-in-law will be here soon! When my brother-in-law comes over, even if you kneel down and beg me, you will not survive! "

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