Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 675

After listening to Zhao Zhengtian's words, Lin Kai hesitated for a moment.

Now Xianmen needs money very much, if Zhao Zheng naively can give his satisfaction compensation, this matter is not impossible to consider.

Zhao Zhengtian saw that Lin Kai hesitated and knew that there was a play. He quickly said, "I will compensate you with one billion yuan."

"And all the resources of Zhao's group can be used by Dafeng entertainment company. Do you think it's ok?"

Lin Kai smelled the speech and felt his chin for a moment.

Gale entertainment company is in great need of resources now. If it has the support of Zhao group, it will surely rise in the near future.

Lin Kai glanced at Zhao Zhengtian and held out his finger: "I want 5 billion."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Zhao Zhengtian's face was tangled.

Five billion is not a small amount for him.

See Zhao Zhengtian does not speak, Lin Kai a wave: "that forget it, still want your life."

"No, no, no! I give it! I'll give it to you Zhao Zhengtian said quickly.

Compared with 5 billion, it's still important for your own life!

Soon after, 5 billion yuan was transferred to Lin Kai's bank account.

Lin Kai nodded his head with satisfaction and glanced at Zhao Zhengtian: "get out of here and do some personnel work in the future."

"Yes, yes, thank you, boss Lin, thank you very much..."

Zhao Zhengtian, like a grandson, escaped from the Grand Hyatt Hotel with ten ancient warriors.

After Zhao Zhengtian left, he only left Tianzhu girl group and fat assistant in the hotel.

At this time, Tianzhu girl group and the fat assistant were silent and flushed.

They were still in front of Lin Kai just now, but now they are just like grandsons.

After seeing the powerful power behind Lin Kai, they dare not look down upon Lin Kai.

Behind Lin Kai, it's the immortal gate!

Fengfeng entertainment company is behind Xianmen! With the support of Xianmen, gale entertainment company is expected to rise soon!

At this time, Lin opened his hands, narrowed his eyes, looked at the group of girls in front of him, and asked with a smile: "Oh, who was going to block my company just now?"

"Stand up and let me see!"

"I don't know if my company will be blocked. But I know that if I say a word, I can kill you! "

Lin Kai's words made several girls tremble.

They are all afraid, they are in their youth, they are not easy to get angry, they do not want to be banned!

At that time, a min's face reluctantly showed a smile, she stepped on the catwalk quickly came over: "boss Lin, this is a misunderstanding."

After that, ah min's sexy and hot figure has been closely attached to Lin Kai.

She breathed a breath in Lin Kai's ear and said: "as long as boss Lin is willing, we will serve you together tonight."

When Amin said this, Lin kaigu was a little crisp.

After all, he is also a man. The five girls of Tianzhu girl group, each of them, has a unique appearance.

The five of them serve themselves together. The picture can't be imagined. Even Lin Kai can't control it.

But Lin Kai pushed Amin away.

"Ha ha, joke! I need it

Indeed, with Lin Kai's present identity, beckoning, I don't know how many women will climb onto his bed!

Amin is also a little confused, Lin Kai actually refused her refusal so decisively?

You know, every man look at their eyes, are full of desire!

And Lin Kai can refuse? This man is not simple!

At this time, the fat assistant had a flattering smile on his face: "boss Lin, we can sit down and talk about it in detail. Tianzhu girls can cooperate with your company."

"Go away!" Lin Kai only said one word to the fat assistant.

This fat assistant is very disgusting to Linkai.

Lin opened a roll, let that fat assistant black face, obediently rolled out.

Ah min's eyes turned, and she could see the situation clearly.

If Lin Kai is not happy, the five of them are about to be banned.

There is only one way to make Linkai satisfied. Join his company and work for him!

Although gale entertainment company is only a small company, but there are Xianmen behind the company. I believe that in a short time, gale entertainment company will become one of the largest companies in the industry.

In a flash, Amin has analyzed the situation clearly.

At that time, she looked at Lin Kai and said in a soft voice, "boss Lin, I'll apologize to you instead of Tianzhu girl."

"We are willing to sign a contract with Dafeng entertainment company, and we will hand over all the performance fees we have earned this year."

"Are you satisfied with this?"

Ah min is a woman with strong business ability. It seems that Tianzhu girl has suffered a lot, but it is not.Gale entertainment company has just started. There must be no top resources for them this year.

And they won't make much money in this year, but a year later, with the rise of gale entertainment, they will also follow suit.

As soon as Amin opened his mouth, the other girls began to speak softly: "boss Lin, I'm wrong."

"Boss Lin, if someone is wrong, you can forgive them!"

"Brother Lin..."

For a moment, the five girls in Tianzhu were all pasted up.

At that time, Lin Kai was surrounded by fragrance, as if falling into the gentle country.

The conditions they put forward are really attractive. After all, the combination of Indian girls is very popular.

After thinking for a while, Lin Kai nodded and agreed.

"Well, well, I promise you, but you stay away from me!" Lin Kai agreed to the request of Tianzhu girl group.

Li Xin on one side is staring at.

How many big companies can not squeeze their heads to sign, so take the initiative to throw themselves in the arms?

Is this the power of Xianmen?

My new boss is really mysterious!

For a moment, Li Xin felt more and more curious about Lin Kai.

Next, Li Xin was responsible for the reception of Tianzhu girls and signed a contract with them.

After Lin Kai finished his task, he asked Wang Gang to take his disciples back to Cuihu garden.

All the way, Lin Kai has been thinking about one thing.

That is, Xianmen looks very strong, rich and powerful, but in fact, the interior of Xianmen is mixed.

Everyone has it.

Although they are powerful now, they are only novices in management.

The priority is not to make money, but to find someone who can manage them.

And such talents are very scarce.

If you want to find such talents, you must go to the army.

In the army, discipline is strict, and the management ability of patients who step by step to senior officials is absolutely strong!

However, it is not easy to find such a person?

Lin sighed, such a thing, can not be forced, can only follow the fate.

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