Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 670

Li Xin does not know Lin Kai's true identity.

She only knows that Lin Kai is the big man behind Du Jinhu, but the entertainment industry is full of good and bad people, and this Tianzhu girl's contacts can not be underestimated.

What's more, Lin Kai won't get any benefits if he continues to stay here.

"Don't worry, I'm everything." Lin Kai took a look at Lixin and said.

Li Xin stamped her feet anxiously.

Chairman, why don't you listen?

Lin Kai looked at a min again: "if you have the ability, you can call the security guard!"

Joke, He Lin kaitang practicing Qi period immortal, afraid of security?

Amin snorted. The fat assistant just wanted to call the security guard, but he heard a majestic man's voice.

"Who's making trouble here?"

Not far away, a group of more than ten people came.

The first man, in his forties, was dressed in a suit, with a dignified face and no anger.

Behind him were ten bodyguards of different sizes.

They all have the momentum of ancient warriors.

After seeing the visitor, Amin's eyes lit up and welcomed the past with the girl combination of Tianzhu.

"Chairman Zhao, you are here." A bright smile appeared on a min's face.

That fat assistant is flattering way: "Chairman Zhao, we Tianzhu girl combination, can wait for you for a long time!"

Chairman Zhao?

Lin opened his eyebrows and frowned. Who is sacred?

One side, Li Xin's face changed.

She quietly pulled Lin to open the door, a serious expression: "bad, chairman, that one is the chairman of Zhao's group!"

"Zhao's group is a famous entertainment company in Beijing, with a market value of over 10 billion yuan, and has won popularity among many first-line stars."

"Let's go."

Li Xin's face is anxious and panic.

But Lin Kai hears the speech and laughs, ha ha, how about the first-line entertainment company? I am as fearless as Linkai.

"What's the matter? I see people bullying you? " Zhao Zhengtian frowned and asked.

At this time, the Amin glanced at Lin Kai, rolled a white eye and said scornfully, "yes, chairman Zhao."

"The chairman of the gale entertainment company blocked us from leaving. He had to force us to sign a contract with him."

"You are going to make the decision for us."

The fat assistant was even more gloating and said with a smile: "Oh, boy, you are finished! Chairman Zhao's words are enough to block your company! "

Zhao Zhengtian's eyes narrowed as he heard the speech.

All of them are good-looking, and he has some ideas about them.

Now, it's time to act in front of them.

See Zhao Zhengtian stride toward Lin Kai: "you are the chairman of gale entertainment company?"

Lin Kai took a look at Zhao Zhengtian and nodded: "it's me. What can I do for you?"

"Can I help you?" Zhao Zhengtian sneered: "Oh, do you know who I am?"

Lin Kai frowned and replied, "yes, chairman of the Zhao group."

"You don't want to apologize to them if you know who I am?"

"Today, if you get their forgiveness, I'll forgive you. If they don't forgive you, I'll make your company yellow!"

After that, Zhao Zhengtian put his hands in his pockets, with a confident smile on his face.

He believed that Lin Kai would definitely choose to compromise!

This gale entertainment company, he also knows, is just a small company that is going to close down.

As long as their own words, enough to block this company!

Not far away, Amin is also holding her arms and looking at Lin Kai from above.

They are waiting for Lin to apologize!

And Lin Kai took a look at Zhao Zhengtian and also laughed: "ha ha, let me apologize, how old are you?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Zhengtian's smile disappeared.

His eyes narrowed and his voice became angry: "what do you say?"

"I said, let me apologize, what are you?"

As soon as Lin Kai's voice fell, the fat assistant pointed at Lin Kai with his hips and yelled at him!

"How the hell do you talk to Chairman Zhao?"

"Do you know who chairman Zhao is? Chairman Zhao is the boss of Zhao group! Zhao's group is a listed company with a market value of over 10 billion! "

"A word from Chairman Zhao can make your company go bankrupt!"

The five girls from Tianzhu girl group all looked at Lin Kai as if they were mentally retarded.

"Oh, I'm still young. I don't know the height of the earth." Amin, like an elder, sighed.

It seems to hate that iron is not steel.

Another beautiful girl hugged her arm and said, "ha ha, he's finished. Chairman Zhao has brought ten ancient warriors here!"Zhao Zhengtian also laughed: "Oh, dare to talk to me like this? You are crazy

After Zhao Zhengtian finished this sentence, ten ancient warriors behind him surrounded Lin Kai!

It can be seen that Zhao Zhengtian is rich in financial resources, otherwise he would not have invited ten ancient warriors of martial arts level to be his bodyguards.

Ten ancient warriors, each with a murderous eye, rub their hands.

Ten to one, Lin Kai is still an ordinary person, they don't pay attention to it at all!

At this time, that a min once again stood out, holding his arm and said: "Bunny, do you know who this is?"

"These people are all ancient warriors! Do you know what kind of ancient warriors existed? "

"You can cut stones and cut trees! Each one can fight ten with one

"If you are wise, please kneel down and apologize to Chairman Zhao now!"

"Otherwise, you may be responsible for your life in a moment!"

A min looks proud and proud. She seems to know the existence of ancient warriors. She is very proud.

Chairman Zhao waved his hand even more: "Oh, what kind of ancient warrior do you want to tell him? He knows the existence of ancient warriors? "

"Chairman Zhao is right. It is estimated that he has never seen the appearance of an ancient warrior in his life." Amin said with a smile.

Chairman Zhao raised a finger at this time and said haughtily, "I'll give you a chance to kneel down and kowtow three times. That's the matter."

"Otherwise, I will let your company go bankrupt, my wife will run with others, and people will cripple you!"

Zhao Zhengtian's tone is extremely overbearing.

As the boss of a first-line entertainment company, he is so tough!

Lin Kai was upright, and he was not afraid at all.

But he is not afraid, Li Xin is terrible.

She doesn't know how powerful Lin Kai is, but she knows how powerful Zhao Zhengtian is. If she continues to speak so hard, Lin Kai will surely die!

At that time, Li Xin stood up and said with a smile: "Chairman Zhao, it's all misunderstanding and misunderstanding."

"Shall we sit down and have a good talk?"

After that, Zhao Zhengtian also looked at Li Xin.

He has noticed Li Xin for a long time. Li Xin is beautiful and has a good figure.

Now as soon as Li Xin spoke, Zhao Zhengtian chuckled: "Oh, sit down and talk? All right! Get rid of your chairman! Let's go upstairs and have a good talk! It's OK to talk all night! Ha ha ha

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