Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 659

At this time, Wang Lao finally revealed his true face.

He laughed, triumphantly.

On the surface, he is a respected Wang Lao, a respected Wang Lao, an amiable old man in the minds of countless people.

But he was not as honest as his name.

Although his name is Wang Tiezhu, he is not a fool in the village.

He's been using Linkai!

Although Lin Kai is strong, he is still too young and tender in his eyes!

At this time, Lin Kai also found something wrong. He said angrily, "old man Wang! What the hell do you mean

"What do I mean?" Old Wang snorted.

"Hum, master, I can give it to outsiders at a low price?"

"Which fool do you think will give the master's inheritance to outsiders for nothing?"

Lin Kai's face changed. He asked, "is it difficult? There is no Master inheritance here?"

"You lied to me? You're just trying to kill me? "

"Hehe, still young."

Wang Lao shook his head and laughed triumphantly: "I took such a big risk just to kill you?"

"Can you use your brain to think, please?"

"Master inheritance is true! The reason why I became a martial arts teacher was that I learned the skills in this immortal cave. "

"But I lied to you about this layer of real gas wall!"

"It's not a real wall at all! It's the key to the master's inheritance! "

"After studying for so many years, I finally understand that a mere martial arts master can't satisfy this wall at all."

"There must be a martial saint who is willing to be drained by it before I can go in and get the master's inheritance!"

"But after all these years, I haven't found the right person."

Mr. Wang said, and laughed ferociously.

The face was terrible.

Lin Kai suddenly realized that he didn't allow himself to bring Li Laodao and others.

It turned out that he was just a chess piece that he used.

"Now I've finally found the right person!"

"It's you!"

"I don't have to worry about who will retaliate against me if you have no backing."

"Two, you are too young! What a lie

"Three, kill you, I can also become famous! After getting the master's inheritance, I will open the door to establish a school! Become the overlord of the five rings

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

With that, Mr. Wang burst out laughing.

It's rampant.

Lin Kai's face turned red with anger. He was brilliant and confused for a while!

The true Qi value of Lin Kai is falling rapidly!

Six hundred!

Three hundred!

One hundred!

Fifty o'clock!

You know, if Lin Kai's true Qi value drops, it can't rise!

In only ten minutes, Lin Kai's accomplishments have been completely exhausted! His true Qi value has successfully dropped to zero!

At this time, I only heard a crack, and the real gas wall in front of me broke directly!

Lin Kai was also free.

But now Lin Kai is not even a warrior.

Lin Kai looked at his hands and was shaking with anger.

The seven hundred points of true Qi that I had managed to point up were all gone now!


I'm not a warrior anymore!

But old Wang was overjoyed to see the wall disappear!

"Ha ha ha ha! Master inheritance, I can finally get you! "

Old Wang laughed.

Lin is not open to the eyes at all.

Because Lin Kai is just a weak chicken in his eyes!

Not really angry, Lin Kai is a fart?

At this time, Mr. Wang also stretched out his hand, a group of genuine Qi solidified in the palm.

"Ha ha, you are useless. Now, you can die."

Now Lin Kai is an ordinary man without real spirit in Wang Lao's eyes. It's easy to kill Lin Kai.

But Lin Kai also looked up at Wang Lao, showing a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Ha ha, do you really think that you can kill me after exhausting my true Qi?

I am young, but the strength of my Linkai is not what you a bad old man can imagine!

"Flathead brother extraction ability!"

Lin Kai roared, then his various attributes doubled instantly!

Although the true Qi value is also zero after doubling, all his other attributes have doubled to 1000 points!

A thousand points of power! A thousand defense points! A thousand points! It's all a thousand!When Mr. Wang wanted to know about Lin Kai's life, he only heard a whoosh. The Lin Kai lying on the ground had disappeared!

Wang laoyileng, when he reacts again, he sees a bright Tang Dao has been put on his neck.

Behind him, came Lin Kai's cold voice: "next life, be a good man."


Wang Lao's words have not yet been said, he just felt a cold neck, Tang Dao has already crossed his neck, blood can not help but gush down.

Old Wang could only make a vague voice. He covered his neck and turned slowly to look at Lin Kai.

His eyes were full of wonder.

He didn't understand. He didn't understand why Lin Kai didn't have his real spirit. He was still so fast!

That Tang Dao cut his throat very easily!

Old Wang with doubt, plopped down on the ground.

After a few minutes, Mr. Wang was dead.

Wang's eyes open in the cold forest.

He didn't want to kill people, but the king always bullied people and even wanted to kill Lin Kai.

If it wasn't for him, Lin Kai's various attributes were beyond ordinary people's, he might be Lin Kai's now lying on the ground!

Even after killing Wang Lao, Lin Kai's heart is still very angry.

My true Qi has become zero!

It's the old king who did it!

However, if you look at the cave in front of you, the wall of true Qi has disappeared.

It seems that Mr. Wang is right. This wall of true Qi will not be opened unless it absorbs enough Qi.

I just hope that the so-called Master inheritance will not disappoint me. Otherwise, the 700 points of true Qi value will really feed the dog.

Continue to go into the cave, and the cave stone wall also changed.

From the original stone wall, it has become a polished stone wall, smooth and bright.

And in the stone wall, emerged a variety of ancient characters, these words Lin Kai did not know.

Soon, the dark cave became bright, because the stone wall began to appear green night pearl.

The night pearl will have one every ten meters, and each night pearl is the size of a fist, emitting a faint green light, illuminating the whole cave.

At that time, Lin Kai's eyes widened.

Just these night pearls, they are priceless!

Moreover, after tens of thousands of years of time, the night pearl is still shining, these night pearl, each is priceless treasure!

Continue to walk in, Lin Kai suddenly saw four big characters on the wall.

The land of Fusheng! Beside these four characters, there is also a symbol.

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