Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 648

Lin Kai picks up a brush. The brush looks very old. The brush is smooth and smooth. He holds it in his hand and loves it.

Wang Zixi said with a smile, "I bought this brush from an antique shop and spent 20000 yuan."

"Qing Dynasty things are not worth money. If you like them, I will give them to you."

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai put the brush back in place and shook his head.

"It's a good pen, but it's not what I want." Lin explained with a smile.

"Oh? What do you want? " Wang Zixi asked with interest.

Lin Kai thought for a while and said, "I want an old brush. It looks different and can give people inspiration."

Lin Kai is talking about the spirit pen.

But Lin Kai didn't say the word "Lingbi" because Wang Zixi could not understand it.

"Ha ha! Little brother, you are so knowledgeable! I really have a few pens here! "


Wang Zixi laughed and took Lin Kai to a corner of the room.

In the corner, Lin Kai saw a unique brush.

This kind of brush is bigger than ordinary brush, and the brush holder is made of wood.

This brush is made of bronze.

The pen holder is smooth and smooth.

The dragon is lifelike, but the eyes are gray.

The hair of the brush is very rough to the touch, like animal hair.

On the top of the brush, there are also three characters, Yulong pen!

Lin Kai picked up the brush and looked at it. After starting with the Yulong brush, it was very heavy.

This brush is very suitable for the requirements of the spirit pen. However, Lin Kai doesn't feel a trace of the spirit of the spirit pen in his body.

"It's a spirit pen." At this time, Lin Kai's ear came the sound of the system.

Lin Kai was overjoyed at his speech! So, with this pen, you can use God level extraction ability?

"But it's a dead spirit pen." The system said in Linkai's ear.

What? The dead spirit pen?

Can a pen die? Lin Kai is at a loss.

In Lin Kai's ear, the system explained, "the reason why Lingbi is called Lingbi is that there is spirit in Lingbi."

"This imperial dragon pen is originally a good spirit pen. The brush holder is made of tianwai meteoric copper, and the brush hair is made of dragon whiskers or by the master."

"If you put it back 10000 years ago, there must be the spirit of the dragon in this spirit pen."

"The so-called spirit of the dragon is that someone with great ability takes out the soul of the dragon and injects it into the brush. Then it becomes a spirit and becomes a spirit pen."

"However, after tens of thousands of years, the spirit in this spirit pen has dissipated."

On hearing this, Lin Kai was rather disappointed. He thought he had found the spirit pen, but he didn't expect to find an expired one.

Thinking about it, Lin Kai wants to put the spirit pen back in place.

However, his ear sounded a systematic voice: "however, in this world, no one can make a spirit pen, the pen in front of you may be the last one in the world."

Hearing this, Lin Kai's hand shaking with a pen.

"This pen is of great use to you. Maybe you can meet a spirit willing to be your pen spirit in the future?"

Hearing this, Lin Kai would like to strangle the system.

If you didn't give me the ability to extract such rubbish, could I look for the spirit pen all over the world?

Although he thought so, Lin Kai still took the Yulong pen in his hand and looked at Wang Zixi.

"Master Wang, I like this pen very much. Can you give me a price?" Lin Kai Dao.

Wang Zixi laughed: "ha ha! If my pen can be bought with money, I will not be prince Xi! "

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai was stunned.

In retrospect, indeed, Wang Zixi did not seem to love money.

"My pen, only for those I like! Young man, you are young, but you write well, and you are not impetuous. I like it very much

"I'll give you this pen!"

Wang Zixi was very happy.

Wang Zixi was so cheerful that Lin Kai was embarrassed.

At that time, Lin Kai said, "I don't accept your spirit pen in vain. It's too vulgar to raise money."

"Master Wang, from now on, if you can find a place to open in the forest, you can open your mouth."

"I promise you that if you encounter difficulties, I will try my best to solve one of your difficulties at the meeting."

When Wang Zixi heard the speech, he didn't put Lin Kai's words in his heart. He laughed: "ha ha ha! GoodWang Zixi would not have thought of it because Lin Kai's promise saved his family's life soon after!

Lin Kai and Wang Zixi talked a lot at the calligraphy conference.

In the evening, Lin Kai, Zhang Xiaoqian and Liu Yan left the calligraphy meeting.

After returning home, Lin Kai took a shower and had a rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Kai and others were ready to go.

Today is the beginning of the contest for hegemony. In the courtyard, rhubarb and Li Laodao have all been prepared.

And Du Jinhu, whose face has recovered a lot.

At the gate, there is a black Mercedes Benz business car.

This car was brought by Li Laodao.

"Let's go, let's go." Lin stretched out and went straight into the car.

Wang Gang drove, and a party of five plus a dog set out to the place where the contest was held.

The place where the contest was held was in a huge stadium.

The stadium has been contracted by the big forces of the Fifth Ring Road.

People without power can't get into the stadium at all.

Half an hour later, the Mercedes Benz drove to the gate of the stadium.

At the gate of the stadium, luxury cars have been parked.

There is only one entrance to the stadium, and everyone is queuing up to enter the stadium.

People who can enter the stadium are either rich or expensive. There are five rings and various forces competing for hegemony. There are also many who want to see the excitement. The gate of the stadium is very lively.

And Lin Kai with Du Jinhu and others, slowly line up to enter the stadium.

Soon, Lin Kai and others came to the gate of the stadium.

At the gate of the stadium, there were two strong men in their thirties, dressed in Tang clothes, with sharp eyes and proud looks.

From their bodies, Lin Kai felt the breath of ancient warriors.

Good guys, two warriors!

It seems that this time, the people of all forces have laid down their blood for hegemony! Even the people in charge of the examination are ancient warriors.

The two warriors glanced at Lin Kai and others and asked, "do you have an invitation?"

Lin Kai and others were stunned, shook their heads and said, "No."

"No? No, no entry. Let's go The warrior waved impatiently.

Go? It's not easy to come here. How can I go?

Du Jinhu stood out bravely at this time. In previous years, he came to participate in the contest for hegemony on behalf of the golden tiger Association.

"I'm Du Jinhu. Can I go in?"

"Du Jinhu?" Hearing the speech, the warrior glanced at Du Jinhu.

"Black tiger, you are not qualified to go

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