Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 640

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Huang Shaohui swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


Lin Kai raised another finger and said, "you take so many people, occupy my seat, drink my wine and eat my fruit plate. I don't care. You still target us everywhere. Are you wrong with me?"

Huang Shaohui shook his head again, his eyes were flustered.


"You scold my brother and want to hit us. My people have to fight back. Are we wrong?"

Huang Shaohui's legs trembled. He wanted to cry without tears: "brother, you are all right. It's our fault..."

The more Lin Kaiyue asked, the more flustered Huang Shaohui felt.

Because he didn't know what kind of things Lin would do at the meeting next second.

And Lin Kai at this time to Huang Shaohui evil spirit smile: "you have done so many wrong things, still can't give me an account, I killed you, not too much?"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Huang Shaohui's legs trembled and quickly shook his head: "not too much, not too much!"

"No! Too much! "


"Brother, spare your life!"

At this time, Huang Shaohui finally knew that he was afraid. With a plop, Huang Shaohui knelt down in front of Lin Kai and kept kowtowing for mercy.

The people under Lin Kai are more ruthless than others!

He said he killed himself, not to frighten himself!

Huang Shaohui admits, and the little sister is also a dull look, looking at Lin Kai, silly.

But Lin Kai looked at the little sister and said with a smile, "do you think I tease you? Did I tease you? "

Little sister is overwhelmed by the momentum of Lin Kai, she subconsciously back two steps, a buttock sat on the sofa.

"No, it's I started with you first... " Little sister too afraid, directly told the truth.

As soon as the little sister said this, Huang Shaohui looked at the past bitterly.

Good! When my wife still dares to collude with others, but also provokes this big man! You Whore!

"Miss Lin, you are not as dirty as me. Please don't touch me, Miss Lin

Lin Kai's words made the little sister blush. She didn't even dare to fart.

At this time, Lin Kai waves his hand, and master Lixin is pleased to see that Master Xin hands his Zen stick to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai glanced at Huang Shaohui and raised his Zen stick.

"Be a good man to see me off."

After that, Lin Kai will swing his Zen stick! Huang Shaohui's legs trembled and a piece of yellow liquid flowed from his crotch!


"Big brother! I was wrong! Don't kill me

Huang Shaohui's screams echoed in the bar.

The music in the bar has already stopped, and countless people are looking at the scene.

Huang Shaohui is still famous in the neighborhood. Seeing Huang Shaohui scared, his pants were wet with urine. At that time, many people took out their mobile phones and took photos for Huang Shaohui.

Huang Shaohui, in order to live, dignity and other things, also do not want.

Lin Kai, holding a Zen stick in his hand, asked with a smile, "no? Give me a reason not to kill you. "

Huang Shaohui's eyes turned, trying to make up a reason to prevaricate Lin Kai.

But at this time, Huang Shaohui's eyes narrowed, he saw a person he was very familiar with!

A man came in from the gate of the bar!

The man was 1.8 meters tall, wearing a black suit, big bald head, no eyebrows, a face of ferocity.

On his arm, there's a leopard tattoo.

Li Heibao is here!

At that time, Huang Shaohui was overjoyed. He looked at Lin Kai bitterly and exclaimed, "why not kill me? Give me a damn move! I'll lend you ten courage

Huang Shaohui's tone suddenly hardened. He stood up and looked at Lin Kai arrogantly, regardless of the urine in his crotch.

At this time, Li black leopard with countless people rushed into the bar!

Li Heibao brought 30 or 40 people, each of whom had muscles swelling and a fierce look.

They are all professional thugs.

In their hands, they carry steel bars and other weapons.

Li Heibao with these 30 or 40 people, directly ran to Lin Kai.

"Who dares to make trouble in my black tiger bar?" Li black leopard roared.

Thirty or forty people directly surrounded Lin Kai and five others.

Around a burst of noise, Li Heibao's arrival, this matter is lively!

"Li Heibao! what the hell! Isn't that Li Heihu's younger brother? "

"Yes! I heard that Li Heibao and Li Heihu are famous cruel men in our capital"Yes! Even Du Jinhu was killed by them

But, that's the black leopard


All the people felt that Lin Kai was finished.

Because Li Heibao brought so many people! Thirty or forty professional thugs!

The thirty or forty professional thugs looked at Lin Kai and others rubbing their hands with arrogance.

Li Heibao even coldly looks at Lin Kai and others.

Huang Shaohui, as if he had found a backer, hurriedly came to Li Heibao's side.

Show a face aggrieved expression: "big brother, you want to help younger brother come out big brother!"

Li black leopard glanced at Huang Shaohui and showed a look of disgust: "what's going on?"

Looking at the bar, Shaohui said, "you're very insulting! Big brother

"He said you were a fart

"What's more, the boy brought Du Jinhu to the bar, and he didn't pay any attention to you!"

"I couldn't look down, so I spoke out to warn a few of them, but they couldn't help but beat me and my friends!"

"He also said that if you have the ability to call Li Heibao, he will beat you to kneel on the ground and call Dad!"

"Brother, don't blame me for this! I dare not make trouble in the black tiger bar

Huang Shaohui's words directly pointed at Lin Kai.

Put yourself completely out of the business as if he were the victim.

Lin Kai and others are all kinds of villains.

Huang Shaohui looked at Lin Kai with pride and ruthlessness, and said with a sneer, "boy, you just said you'd kill me, didn't you?"

"You try to move me!"

"My elder brother is Li Heibao! It's a loser like you who can move

"Take a monk, a Taoist, and lead a damn dog. Do you think you are the Tang monk in the journey to the west? Make a fool of yourself

"Kneel down to me now, maybe I can leave you a whole body!"

At this time, the little sister who was taught by Lin Kai just now also stood up with her arms in her arms.

She came to Linkai and glanced at him from above.

"Oh, I'm not old, but I have a lot of beautiful women around me? I'm not as good as a lady? "

"Didn't you just play for a while and drink two bottles of wine? Look, you are mean. "

"People like you who are mean and have no quality will never find a daughter-in-law in the future! Even if you find your daughter-in-law, you are a fool! deaf person! Blind man

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